How do you feel about coffee?



  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    LOVE IT!!

    Got uber hooked when I was 19 and a manager treated us to Starbucks, the first time I had ever gone. Yea, I have been a Starbucks-aholic for 4 years now, even worked there for 9 months.

    I have a grande cup of coffee of the day, two splendas and a little non fat milk. Or their new double shot on ice with non-fat milk.....or! the iced coffee!!

    I have yet to be able to make my coffee half as good as theirs. And I have tried!!!!
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    I feel like the only coffee hater here. My husband thinks I'm an alien lol!!!
    I am also a coffee hater!! I've never liked the taste or smell of coffee. Ick!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    The coffee at work is bad, so I have one cup with half-and-half and sugar - I decided I didn't want to use Splenda anymore, so I just budget the calories for it.

    On the weekend, I get or make GOOD coffee and either have it black or just with a little half-and-half.
  • maestrachistosa
    maestrachistosa Posts: 202 Member
    I LOVE COFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It really is the only reason I get out of bed in the morning...I am NOT a morning person...but being a teacher, I am forced to be up at the crack of dawn!!!'s really in everyone's best interest that I have my daily coffee...that way no one gets hurt! And...I try to stick to 2 cups in the AM with some low/nonfat milk or creamer.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Ok, I have to admit that I am a coffee addict!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:noway: I am drinking it right now!!! I usually have at least 4 cups a day, sometimes 6 or 7 YIKES!!!! Is that bad??? :laugh: I just don't know how to stop!!!! I have set out some goals to cut back but I have not been successful. I only put one teaspoon of non dairy creamer per cup or two so it is basically black. I have been putting a little bit of sugar free vanilla flavor in it lately, very little. So it really does not affect my calorie intake but that much coffee might be affecting another part of the body....I need to cut back!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • nytoaz
    nytoaz Posts: 143
    I'm a coffee lover too :smile: I have 2 to 3 cups per day with 2% milk. :drinker: I've been drinking coffee since I was a teenager except for when I was expecting (during both pregnancies, I couldn't even stand the smell of coffee :sick: !).