Dairy is bad?



  • Manda1987

    It's illegal to sell raw milk in most places for a reason. Disease can be transmitted very easily through raw milk. There's a reason pasteurization was invented!

    The Canadian government's statement on raw milk:


    I find it funny that people think dairy is bad for weight loss. There have been studies done that show that dairy is actually beneficial when trying to lose weight!

  • Manda1987
    More info on raw milk:


    Milk sold in grocery stores isn't "processed" in the way you might think. It's simply heated to kill organisms living in it. That's what pasteurization is. Lower fat milk simply has been allowed to stand, then the layer of fat that settles on the top is skimmed off.

    Just because something has been processed doesn't make it less healthy. Processed foods can be healthier than raw foods!
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    i have heard that dairy is GOOD for weightloss, infact alot of diets that docotors use include dairy. Calcium is important for weightloss and dairy is a good source... (so are sardines! infact sardines are a super duper source of calcium,just sayin..)
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I didn't say it was the only source of calcium as i know it isn't but it is the best source of calcium apart from gnawing on bones. green veggies have less than half the calcium of cheese and even something like tofu can't beat cheese for calcium.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member

    It's illegal to sell raw milk in most places for a reason. Disease can be transmitted very easily through raw milk. There's a reason pasteurization was invented!

    The Canadian government's statement on raw milk:


    I find it funny that people think dairy is bad for weight loss. There have been studies done that show that dairy is actually beneficial when trying to lose weight!


    Many people believe that the pasturization process damages nutrients in the milk, and many people drink raw milk without ever getting sick. If you get your milk from a local farmer who takes proper care of the animals and the equipment, properly bottles the milk, etc., I don't see why anyone should be any more concerned with consuming that versus the mass-commercial-farmed eggs, vegetables, etc., which all still have incidents of food-borne illnesses every year, despite rules/regulations/etc.


    Yes, there is a risk to drinking raw milk, but there's a risk to eating just about anything unless you grew/harvested/cleaned it yourself.
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    Um, lets see, does this look bad to you?

    Nutrition Facts

    1. Servings:

    Calories 150 Sodium 120 mg
    Total Fat 8 g Potassium 390 mg
    Saturated 5 g Total Carbs 12 g
    Polyunsaturated 0 g Dietary Fiber 0 g
    Monounsaturated 3 g Sugars 12 g
    Trans 0 g Protein 8 g
    Cholesterol 35 mg
    Vitamin A 6% Calcium 30%
    Vitamin C 4% Iron 0%

    If it looks good, then you approve of milk.

    If it looks good except for the fat content, you approve of skim or lo-fat milk.

    If it does not look good to you, perhaps you have allergies, or simply don't like the taste of milk.

    For most folks, milk is good stuff.

    Of course, I've heard it said that bacon grease in large quantity is good and that orange juice in any quantity is bad,

    IMHO, it's much better to stick with facts and to tune out the hype.

    (Fully agree on the raw milk; we pasteurize the stuff for a reason! People were dying of milk-borne diseases before Mr. Pasteur invented his process.)
  • caprica
    caprica Posts: 80 Member
    I found my weight loss improved when I stopped drinking grande lattes all day.

    Moderate amounts of milk - such as a coffee with a dash of milk, cheese every now and then, etc seems to work better for me.
  • Manda1987
    For those who don't feel like reading the article...

    You can get Salmonella from raw milk. You can get E.Coli from raw milk. You can get Listeria from raw milk.

    All of those can kill a healthy young person. Sure, you might not get sick, but you're playing Russian roulette for the sake of a few nutrients. Hey, power to you. I'm not saying all processed foods are better. Many are a lot worse. I'm saying THIS one is safer. A 1/1000 chance of getting seriously ill is still way too high for me, and for most people.

    I just wanted to raise the issue for those who might just take you at your word without doing the research. It's illegal in most places and not recommended by health professionals.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Hmm... All mammals that feed their young milk wean them off and then milk is never consumed again. Except for humans of course! What do you think? And if you really must, whole milks is the way to go. The calcium in milk is not needed for strong teeth and bones. Not leaching calcium out of your bones from poor diet and deficiencies in nutrition is.

    Where did you get your information?! Whole milk is worse for you than skim milk....it has fat and skim usually has added calcium, which your body DOES need!
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Pick any one of the following subjects:
    Sex in the shower

    Now, go Google it. You'll find just as many people denouncing them as you will find people touting their benefits. When you ask for advice of this nature in here, you will find the same division of pros and cons. You are getting people's personal opinions.

    Try a balanced diet and don't go to far off one way or the other.
  • Manda1987
    Oh, and I don't care if your cow sleeps on a silk pillow, is hand-fed nothing but the best grass and is massaged daily, it is still a cow. You can't keep bacteria out of a living organism! Especially if you don't give your animal antibiotics.

    How do you avoid those bacteria? By cooking things... milk included! Raw hot dogs, raw meat, raw eggs, raw vegetables... those are all ways you can get food poisoning.

    Just because some people don't get sick doesn't mean that others won't. It's fantastic that you're not sick, but tell that to the person dying of listeriosis.
  • LisaLN
    LisaLN Posts: 54
    "If loving cheese is wrong. I don't want to be right!" LOL! Amen, Sister!
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member

    Sex in the shower

    Very dangerous my friend, very very dangerous.
  • shannon_stallone
    If loving cheese is wrong, I don't want to be right.

    Haha! I agree!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    For those who don't feel like reading the article...

    You can get Salmonella from raw milk. You can get E.Coli from raw milk. You can get Listeria from raw milk.

    All of those can kill a healthy young person. Sure, you might not get sick, but you're playing Russian roulette for the sake of a few nutrients. Hey, power to you. I'm not saying all processed foods are better. Many are a lot worse. I'm saying THIS one is safer. A 1/1000 chance of getting seriously ill is still way too high for me, and for most people.

    I just wanted to raise the issue for those who might just take you at your word without doing the research. It's illegal in most places and not recommended by health professionals.

    You can get all of those from a trip to the grocery store.
  • larousse_37
    Actually I've read a number of studies that suggest that dairy leaches calcium from your bones, and that osteoporosis is most common in societies that eat dairy *shrugs*

    For me, the fact that such a huge amount of people have allergies suggest it wasnt designed to be put in our bodies. Do some research. Me, personally am off dairy.
  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
    Because it's a fad.
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    lots of dairy these days are filled with hormones and antibiotics. a lot of people find that their pimples clear after reducing or eliminating dairy from their diets. my skin problems FLARED up during the period when i consumed lots of products with dairy in them.

    if you want to include dairy, i think some is definitely ok, but don't over do it. like many others have said before, moderation is key. also some people did mention that this milk is meant for a small baby calf to grow into a huge cow.. so i am not so sure i would consume this product to lose weight. i still ingest some dairy if it's in the food, but i don't buy or drink dairy milk. i have been reducing it in my diet, and hopefully one day i will be completely dairy free!

    also true about dairy leeching calcium from bones, at least from the studies that i have come across. you can get calcium from lots of other food sources!
  • soysos
    soysos Posts: 187 Member
    Oh, and I don't care if your cow sleeps on a silk pillow, is hand-fed nothing but the best grass and is massaged daily, it is still a cow. You can't keep bacteria out of a living organism! Especially if you don't give your animal antibiotics.

    How do you avoid those bacteria? By cooking things... milk included! Raw hot dogs, raw meat, raw eggs, raw vegetables... those are all ways you can get food poisoning.

    Just because some people don't get sick doesn't mean that others won't. It's fantastic that you're not sick, but tell that to the person dying of listeriosis.

    its not an issue of bacteria in the cow, the bacteria that naturally occurs in milk are highly beneficial digestive aids and have also been shown to improve the immune system. the real issue is bacteria getting in the milk between the cow and the carton. the smaller the scale (fewer cows pooling there milk) the less likely this is to happen especially since raw milk isn't skimmed or homogenized. if I had the money I would defiantly do a herd share, if not cows maybe goats. unfortunately I'm a broke college student that lives on $9 an hour.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member

    It's illegal to sell raw milk in most places for a reason. Disease can be transmitted very easily through raw milk. There's a reason pasteurization was invented!

    The Canadian government's statement on raw milk:


    I find it funny that people think dairy is bad for weight loss. There have been studies done that show that dairy is actually beneficial when trying to lose weight!


    WOW it's a wonder anyone survived before pasteurization. If you do not want to investigate where your milk comes from, then DO NOT DRINK RAW MILK, if however you don't mind getting off your duff and actually meet the farmer you get your milk from and make sure they run a clean opperation, well raw IS BETTER, educate yourself, I for one would not take something posted on a government web site as the end all for my personal health.