Skinny Friends



  • Mrs_McFadden
    I can understand your friends actually. Before I became pregnant and started meds that made me gain weight- I never ever ever gained weight. I was rail thin and a natural ectomorph shape. I remember distinctly being completely ignorant of how people gained weight. Yes, I'm for real. Since I could eat ---anything--- and not gain weight I really thought people must be shoving loads of food in their mouth to even gain weight. I had a very high metabolism and just took it for granted, obviously.
    I really don't have an answer for you that those above haven't already suggested, I just wanted you to know, they might be as ignorant as I was when I was in my early 20's about how bodies are different and what can cause weight gaine and metabolic changes.
  • tater8589
    Just tell them how you told us. Be truthful and upfront. If they are true friends they will be supportive. Some people just don't think about things until they are pointed out. Good luck :flowerforyou: