Question for FT work-outside-the-home moms?



  • kfuller27
    kfuller27 Posts: 50 Member
    I am a single mother of a 3 yr old little girl and I work full time from 930 to 6 every day. I found a gym with a daycare and just m/ade it work. I pick her up from daycare at 615 and am at the gym by 630. I do this 5 times a week. It isn't easy and makes for a very stressful, busy week... but I know I have to do it!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    I have a home office but since my day is still not my own (IE. I have normal business hours for my job) I'll answer. :wink:

    During the week, I go at night after the boys go to sleep so generally around 8:30pm. The only exception is if I get out of work on time and hubby is home then I will hit a Zumba class at 7. Otherwise weekends I go in the mornings (around 9am) so I am home by Noon and the rest of the day is with the family.

    I also have NetFlix so if weather doesn't permit travel then I will pick a workout video and do that.
  • tlschlp
    I'm a single mom of 3 boys, 2 teenagers still at home. I've been working out (regularly) for the past year. I get up early to workout (4:30am) because I need to make sure they get up, get ready for school and I have to take them to school. I've found it's too busy at night, when they have activities or homework, or I have meetings.

    It is easier with teenagers, but I prefer not to workout when they are around ... just my thing.

    Also about walking ... I'm originally from Boston but live outside Chicago at the moment, so I understand about the walking weather. Still ... I have an iPod with some favorite/relaxing music on it. I take about 30 minutes of my lunch to walk around the neighborhood with "my ears on" -- and boots, and scarf, and ear muffs, etc. (Yes, I eat at my desk most days, too.) Just take a 15-minute walk around the block every day. You'll have to bundle up, but that's to be expected. You aren't running, so you won't sweat very much. Depending on where you are in the city, once the snow (finally) clears, if there's a park nearby your work, what better place to walk and clear your head?! Go there on a weekend and walk it and time it so you can plan out your 30-minute lunch/walk.

    As the others have said, you just need to commit to doing this for yourself. And, if you feel guilty, ask your husband how he "convinces" himself to go to the gym ... maybe you can adopt that thought.

    Best of luck!
  • k8smama
    I'm not a morning person, either. And mornings at my house are also difficult to fit in exercise due to space/time constraints. I bought a staionairy bike, which takes up minimal room, and use it in the evening after the kids are in bed. I keep it in my room and wheel it out to the living room and pedal away while watching some t.v. or a movie. Good Luck!!
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    Honestly, I hate to sound redundant, but you simply have to decide. For me, my old plan was this: up at 4:30, gym opens at 5. No classes, just running or elliptical. Home by 6:10. Dad has to wake the kids up, I start breakfast and lunches. Kids out the door by 7:15-7:30. My kids are much older (high school) now. The absolute greatest thing about this schedule was the fact that I had created time FOR ME. The best part was it energized me for the day, I felt great and it was all over by 7:00 am. In that way, there was no excuse. Yes, I had to go to bed early. It did cut out time wasted watching tv.

    I have had a schedule change at work. I got a promotion that included my working different hours. For most people, 4:30 is a crazy hour of the morning, but as it worked out, it prepared me for my new job. Unfortunately, unlike most people, I now start work at 3:00am. The good news about that is I am making more money and have more responsibility. However, it wiped out my workout schedule! It took me a year of adjustment. That is to say, I just did not work out any more. I was eating badly and lost all of my progress.

    Now, I have finally figured out a new plan. I am still active in my kids' school lives and I still have the time to volunteer to drive, work events, show up on field trips AND WORK, AND WORKOUT.

    The new plan is: after I leave work, (9:30 - 10am) I go DIRECTLY to the gym. This is sometimes a pain. I have to plan ahead everyday, pack my gym bag at night, decent snacks and water, etc. Now, I don't see the kids off in the morning at all. This was a big change in my relationship with my husband and kids. It required him to step up to the plate a little more, and Lord knows, I had to learn to bite my tongue, as we do things differently. But any way, it all gets done. I am back on track and have DECIDED that I have to do what I have to do. Once you get there, you will feel good. Everyone will benefit from you making yourself a priority.

    Wishing you good luck!
  • jennygib
    jennygib Posts: 6 Member
    I am a single mom of 2 boys (6 and 9). I work full time and also make the time to work out. My gym has a wonderful daycare in it. I pick the boys up after work, we come home, have a snack and head to the gym. I've explained to my boys that I have to do this and even though they may not like being there for and hour to an hour and a half its a sacrafice they have to make for me. When we get home, I cook dinner and do the nightly routine. We go early in the mornings on Saturdays and I go Sunday when they go to their dad's house. I dont always want to go, but I make sure I get there 4-5 times/week.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    It sounds like taking it one day at a time would work best for you. Seeing how good you feel that you accomplished that workout tomorrow morning should motivate you.

    For me, I write in my planner the next week or two of working out. I will write "run," "walk," "30 day shred" at the top of the day in my planner. I don't go to bed until I completed that workout that day and it gives me time to plan things around that "ME TIME." I am sure to write in days off to keep myself motivated.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Well, I got up & did it (30 Day Shred #1). I hated it though. Especially the cardio moves. All I could think was how uncomfortable & gross it is that my abs jiggle like a bowl of jello. But I did it.

    It was also very discouraging that I can barely do "girl" pushups. I didn't expect to be able to do military ones, but even with a mat, it hurts to put my weight on my knees on a hard floor like that.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Glad you did it Karen. but again choose. stay the same or change the way you think. You cant keep telling yourself, I hated it, I cant do this, this hurts. If you really want change in your life you have to change you and yourself talk. "Good for me I got up and did it. I'm so proud of me, I'm moving forward, I struggled with those push ups but cant wait untill the knee kind are easy because than i will know I'm stronger". Yes it sounds funny, yes it's a bit of a game and a bit of a lie but we play games and lie to yourself all day (this is to hard, I can't do this, I have no time) why not lie about something that can be positive and come true instead of the negative. Keep telling yourself today how proud you are of you and see if that doesnt make you want to do it again tomorrow. Good luck girl.... You are the only one who can change you.
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    Okay so my kids are 8 (special needs) and 2. I work full time and travel 50% of the time. the 50% of the time I am at a hotel is a bit easier because I only have to deal with me but I have to fight the earge to go have drinks and what not with co workers. At home, I find that on days I have not had a good chance to get the full 60 minutes in, I just get what I can (no less than 20 minutes) on my gazelle. Calorie burn calculator has it just below the elliptical. From there, I spend commercials getting bursts of movement. One set I will jump rope and my kids try to help count jumps. the next I will do wall sits, teh next push ups, etc. This way I am getting time with my kids and they think it fun to count how many what evers mommy can do. Seems to work for me when I can't get my full intended 60 minutes. Good luck. I know it is not easy!
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    Does your husband's gym have a daycare service? If so, you could join the gym and go together. I like working out with my boyfriend :) You could always look into classes. I'm aiming for three days a week for exercise. Certainly not the best but it is achievable with my work and school. (I'm not a mother but I wanted to comment and show you my support).

    How about going for a walk / play in the park on the weekends? A bit difficult I know due to the snow in your part of the world. Ice-skating? Sledding? I second the idea about walking during your lunch-break. Even if it's just a ten minute turn around the block, it makes all the difference. Don't forget that MFP considers cleaning as exercise! Are there games you can play with your children that involve running / jumping? Could you modify Simon Says?

    Think outside the box :)
    Also, why does your husband get to go the gym and you don't? I don't think that's very fair! Perhaps he can look after the kids one night while you go to a personal training session? A trainer can draw up a program for you that will help you see results. You could even request for some "at home" moves.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member

    Also, why does your husband get to go the gym and you don't? I don't think that's very fair!

    His gym does have daycare, but not for all the hours that they're open. He "gets" to go because he likes it. He's suggested that I join and go with him (use the daycare) on weekends, but it doesn't seem worth the money to only go once or twice a week.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Glad you did it Karen. but again choose. stay the same or change the way you think. You cant keep telling yourself, I hated it, I cant do this, this hurts. If you really want change in your life you have to change you and yourself talk. "Good for me I got up and did it. I'm so proud of me, I'm moving forward, I struggled with those push ups but cant wait untill the knee kind are easy because than i will know I'm stronger". Yes it sounds funny, yes it's a bit of a game and a bit of a lie but we play games and lie to yourself all day (this is to hard, I can't do this, I have no time) why not lie about something that can be positive and come true instead of the negative. Keep telling yourself today how proud you are of you and see if that doesnt make you want to do it again tomorrow. Good luck girl.... You are the only one who can change you.

    Thank you. Your words of encouragement are more helpful than you can know.