How I burn SO many calories in fraction of the time!!!



  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
    Tried a 20 minute interval training set on our recumbent bike. Six intervals, and I was beat. It is a great way to work out. I'm sure I would burn more running, but this didn't do too bad all things considered. It certainly worked up a great sweat and got me breathing really hard.

    Just Keep it up! Man you will see the Change in no time.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,241 Member
    Tried a 20 minute interval training set on our recumbent bike. Six intervals, and I was beat. It is a great way to work out. I'm sure I would burn more running, but this didn't do too bad all things considered. It certainly worked up a great sweat and got me breathing really hard.

    Just Keep it up! Man you will see the Change in no time.

    I did it again today. It is a great way to workout.
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    Interval training works.

    On my anabolic / weight days My cardio is:
    Stairmaster max incline 3.5
    After warm up..
    I will use my hrm and jog (6.5+-) for a minute to get my HR elevated
    HRM recovery back bpm / fat burn zone.
    Panting cardio until end.. Incline stays at max till end

    If I use this on cardio days the routine is similar but after my bpm recover I go back to running speed..

    I like to call this exercise the incline of death :)
  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
    Interval training is something I have been looking into for a while. I cannot go running (I don't even like running in fact) right now because everything here is covered in snow. The idea of running not to mention sprinting in that slippery stuff is just a recipe for slipping and getting injured. I am looking at other options I could use to do the same thing since I don't have a treadmill available to me. For now cross-country skiing and Insanity will have to do. There is some good info of interval training here

    Insanity will definitely get the job done.

    It certainly kicks my behind. I still would like to incorporate Intervals. I have been looking at Turbulence Training as it has been recommended by a few people who I respect.

    Oh Yea! Turbulence training is just Interval training with superset! You basically do several set of multiple body weight excercises with recovery inbetween! It is a double sided coin to cardio interval training AND TO ADD INSANITY!.... Bro you will not only lose weight and be stronger. You will be RIPPED!
  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    how many calories do you burn on an average HIIT session?
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I do something similar on my elliptical at home. I do 1.5 minute intervals at a jog (elliptical can't take much faster) and then fast walk for 1.5 minutes. at the end I increase the resistance and repeat. I go up about 5 levels and work my way back down (good for a half hour workout). Doing a 1 hour workout the machine says I burned 1100 calories. I have also done interval running on the track, sprint 3/4 of the 1/8 mile track and fast walk the remaining. Averages out to an 8 minute run, but much more intense.

    Once you get used to your workout, one way to increase the difficulty is to start sprinting slightly longer (go for 1:10 and then rest 1:50), it doesn't seem like much difference, but it works!
  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
    I do something similar on my elliptical at home. I do 1.5 minute intervals at a jog (elliptical can't take much faster) and then fast walk for 1.5 minutes. at the end I increase the resistance and repeat. I go up about 5 levels and work my way back down (good for a half hour workout). Doing a 1 hour workout the machine says I burned 1100 calories. I have also done interval running on the track, sprint 3/4 of the 1/8 mile track and fast walk the remaining. Averages out to an 8 minute run, but much more intense.

    Once you get used to your workout, one way to increase the difficulty is to start sprinting slightly longer (go for 1:10 and then rest 1:50), it doesn't seem like much difference, but it works!

    That's awesome! Are you seen those results! You seem like you're killing it!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    quentien3 how many days per week to you do HIIT? I have been in a plateua and am familiar with the benefits. I normally run 5 days per week, and when I do intervals I usually do it inside on the treadmill and I will run regular pace 6.7mph, and then increase it to 7.5 to 8MPH for 30-45 seconds. Should I increase the Hight intesity time to 60 seconds? I usually only rest at 6.7 for 60sec...Also I usually like to get in at least 5 miles per day. what speeds would you recommend? How long do you warm up before you start? Thanks!!!
  • italy1677
    I got back into running recently and I'm getting bored of just a simple 3 miles, I'll incorporate this back in to try to get my mile time up and for the extra calories. Booyah! :drinker:
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 557 Member
    I guess Ive been doing the HIIT thing for the past month and didn't know it, I think? I just do cardio every other day. Bike 15mins, Elliptical 15mins, up hill walk 5mins and jog 10mins all as fast as I can go except the walk
  • misssuperstitious
    I also enjoy intervals, thanks!
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
  • jlmnk1313
    jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
    Thank you for the info! I love this site since I can get some really great info from other people and see what works for them!
  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
    quentien3 how many days per week to you do HIIT? I have been in a plateua and am familiar with the benefits. I normally run 5 days per week, and when I do intervals I usually do it inside on the treadmill and I will run regular pace 6.7mph, and then increase it to 7.5 to 8MPH for 30-45 seconds. Should I increase the Hight intesity time to 60 seconds? I usually only rest at 6.7 for 60sec...Also I usually like to get in at least 5 miles per day. what speeds would you recommend? How long do you warm up before you start? Thanks!!!

    Dawn! Running is great for calorie burn and Cardio (Cardiac/Heart health) the problem is Muscle memory. Although you are doing your thing, your muscles have adapted to that routine. I would strongly suggest incorporating some strength training to your routines. Limit your running to two days (Tues & Thus) for example and begin some strength training.