Lingerie Question......might be TMI



  • VolatileChocolate
    Hawkeye guy - has hit the nail on the head. It is so true.

    I only know that as I always ask the guys I meet what turns them on - and 90% of time they say just what Hawkeye has put.
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    The fact that you bought something and are going to wear it just for him - he's going to loooove that alone! Wear it confidently and he will melt! ;)
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    My wife says post pics and we'll let you know LOL jk, jk...

    LOL I almost put on and no I will not post pictures. LOL
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    He will love it...and if he doesn't, I will drive out an kick his *kitten*.
  • HawkeyeGuy
    The other 10% are lying then, or just don't realize it. Nothing substitutes for a sexy attitude...and don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean slutty. Some of the sexiest women I've ever known have been some of the sweetest, seemingly demure women I've ever met.
    Hawkeye guy - has hit the nail on the head. It is so true.

    I only know that as I always ask the guys I meet what turns them on - and 90% of time they say just what Hawkeye has put.

    Miss Amber,

    I'm a guy through and through, and let me share some insight from my perspective. I've been lucky enough in my life to date every size, shape and type of woman there is...and even luckier to see many of them, well, less than fully clothed. I can tell you one thing - lingerie, panties, etc are damn sexy BUT - NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING comes close to attitude to make someone sexier. Women can go from way less than model quality, to the sexiest you could imagine based on how they carry themselves, and their confidence levels. At the same time, some of the most gorgeous appealing women can drop off the scale when their attitudes let them.

    So, my advice is this...act sexy and think sexy - you'll be sexy. It may take a while to build that confidence...but you'll get there. The weight loss and getting in shape isn't what ultimately is going to make you's the attitude change in you that it will help bring out that is going to make you sexy. Same with lingerie...doesn't matter if it's tight or loose, if YOU feel sexier in it, you will be. Find something you're comfortable and feel hot in...your guy will pick up on it. And the more comfortable you feel in it, the less time you'll be wearing it anyway!!!

    My guess is you're already there in the sexy just don't know it, but you will. Keep at it.

  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Miss Amber,

    I'm a guy through and through, and let me share some insight from my perspective. I've been lucky enough in my life to date every size, shape and type of woman there is...and even luckier to see many of them, well, less than fully clothed. I can tell you one thing - lingerie, panties, etc are damn sexy BUT - NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING comes close to attitude to make someone sexier. Women can go from way less than model quality, to the sexiest you could imagine based on how they carry themselves, and their confidence levels. At the same time, some of the most gorgeous appealing women can drop off the scale when their attitudes let them.

    So, my advice is this...act sexy and think sexy - you'll be sexy. It may take a while to build that confidence...but you'll get there. The weight loss and getting in shape isn't what ultimately is going to make you's the attitude change in you that it will help bring out that is going to make you sexy. Same with lingerie...doesn't matter if it's tight or loose, if YOU feel sexier in it, you will be. Find something you're comfortable and feel hot in...your guy will pick up on it. And the more comfortable you feel in it, the less time you'll be wearing it anyway!!!

    My guess is you're already there in the sexy just don't know it, but you will. Keep at it.


    Damn good advice & can I just *that* is sexy!

    P.S. Oh, & to the OP: Sounds like it's supposed to fit that way & You are going to be A KNOCKOUT in it!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Most lace items with stretch are supposed to be form fitting.
    The fact that you are wearing something for your guy is sexy in itself.
    Like everyone else has said. Be confident. You will look HOTTTT! :flowerforyou:
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    He will love it...and if he doesn't, I will drive out an kick his *kitten*.

    Ok that is too sweet.
  • k8smama
    I have a similar one, and yes, it should be tight. Try candle light, shadows forgive many flaws, a little wine before hand, to help relax, and remember, he loves you and thinks you're a beautiful, sexy woman, no matter what! Have fun!!
  • outersoul
    Let me chime in with another guy's opinion. I think most men would agree with what I'm about to say. It's not what you wear or how it's how you wear it. Sexy for me has nothing to do with looks, clothes, hair, makeup or anything physical. It has everything to do with how you work it. Don't confuse pretty with attractive or sexy. They are completely different things.

    A woman can be pretty but I might not have any attraction to her whatsoever. Put a woman next to her who isn't quite as pretty and I could be very attracted to her and think she's sexy. Some of the sexiest women I've had the pleasure of knowing have not fit the the stereotypical, media look. Instead they had this confident air about them. Now that's sexy.

    If you're going to wear it, wear it like you KNOW you're the sexiest woman alive. If you feel it. He'll feel it.
  • buibear88
    buibear88 Posts: 23 Member
    Confidence is sexy. You could be wearing a burlap sack but if our attitude is right then your man will be into it!
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    Awww thanks guys!! I really appreciate it! I will have to keep this thread book marked and come back to it before I dare to expose myself. LOL Plus it is a good motivator to make it stretch a little less with my workouts!
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Again like some others had said if its lace and streachy is probably suppose to be fitted. And girl you will ROCK THIS THING!!!!

    RJ-your comment was sweet... awwww!
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    Miss Amber,

    I'm a guy through and through, and let me share some insight from my perspective. I've been lucky enough in my life to date every size, shape and type of woman there is...and even luckier to see many of them, well, less than fully clothed. I can tell you one thing - lingerie, panties, etc are damn sexy BUT - NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING comes close to attitude to make someone sexier. Women can go from way less than model quality, to the sexiest you could imagine based on how they carry themselves, and their confidence levels. At the same time, some of the most gorgeous appealing women can drop off the scale when their attitudes let them.

    So, my advice is this...act sexy and think sexy - you'll be sexy. It may take a while to build that confidence...but you'll get there. The weight loss and getting in shape isn't what ultimately is going to make you's the attitude change in you that it will help bring out that is going to make you sexy. Same with lingerie...doesn't matter if it's tight or loose, if YOU feel sexier in it, you will be. Find something you're comfortable and feel hot in...your guy will pick up on it. And the more comfortable you feel in it, the less time you'll be wearing it anyway!!!

    My guess is you're already there in the sexy just don't know it, but you will. Keep at it.


    i agree with this..
  • kalebsmama07
    he wouldnt think anything bad he'd be to busy being turned on hun.....just keep that in mind....if he loves u he wouldnt think bad ...he probley wants u to be like this...
  • MaryDreamer
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    Chances are if he's your fiancé he already thinks you're damn sexy. And every guy thinks his girl is sexier no matter how it fits. Strut your stuff with confidence.

    Oh and I 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th the suggestion about the high heels. And don't take them off until it's time to go to sleep!
  • sarahnicolexoxo
    It is ALL about the confidence that comes with wearing it. If you strut your stuff and rock some fishnets, heels or whatever makes you comfortable..he will love it. Don't worry about it!! He loves you!!
  • sarahnicolexoxo
    Confidence is sexy. You could be wearing a burlap sack but if our attitude is right then your man will be into it!

    Can it atleast be a cute burlap sack with sparkles or something? LOL :D