

  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    You do what you have to do. If you own a dog and can't control it, then the dog may hurt someone or another animal. It is the owner's fault either way.
    I hate to admit to this, but I was out with my dog the other day and the owner of this boxer mix lost control of the leash and the dog came charging my little 25 lbs dog and started biting him behind his head, on the neck. I screamed at the dog and was aggressive toward him, but he still wouldn't let go. The owner just stood their, petrified, and wouldn't come get her dog, so I hate to say it, but I had to kick the dog in the face. :ohwell:

    I love animals and am strongly against animal cruelty of any form, but when she did nothing and my dog was being attacked, I went into "parent" mode and protected my dog at all costs. I was pretty heated, needless to say, so I said a bunch of really not nice things to the owner for just standing there, lol, but I'm sure she'll get over it and hopefully learn that her dog is her responsibility, even when unexpected things happen, like the leash getting away from her.

    She did feel very bad about it. Anyway, I know I didn't really answer your question, lol, but I just felt I could add my frustration to yours. I pride myself on being a very responsible dog owner. I always have my dog on a leash and I always pick up after him and never let him near other passersby because he is territorial.
  • Pepper spray.

    And I say that as someone who cares more about his dogs than most people. I'm not trying to sound mean or cruel but it's not unreasonable to say that you should be able to be outside without being attacked by a dog. The owner saying "stand still and he won't bite you" is no consolation.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Standing still is the best thing. Dogs like to chase things - in fact, one suggestion if your dog is loose is to run the OTHER way and have him chase you, rather than run after him - and a dog with a high prey drive might attack a moving target.

    I've been approached, while walking my Pekingese, by stray dogs that made me nervous. I've worked with animals, so I'm not afraid of dogs, but I know what they're capable of. I try to make myself look bigger, and use a deep voice to tell them, "NO!" and "GO HOME." So far, it's worked every time.

    and yup. So glad someone knows dogs! Actually I love that a fitness forum is the first place I've seen good animal and pet sense from all the posters. I've never seen that anywhere else, even animal related places!!

    I absolutely love dogs and I always assume that a loose dog is friendly, but I don't ever ever ever reach down to pet them. As hard as that can be at times! :) I've seen too many people get snapped at. Loose dogs can also be really threatening to a dog on a leash. It's just a bad situation all around. With a few exceptions to the rule I generally think loose dogs are not a great idea. People do NOT train their dogs well enough and, seriously, if you dog does not have a 100% absolutely solid call back, he NEEDS to be on a leash. Period.

    Just the other day I was jogging on the flat section of a hiking trail and these people had a super hyper foxhound type off the leash and he was running all over the place -- seriously up and down the hills to and from his owners all. over. the. place. This genius lady decided it was a good idea to start running her horse on the same trail (which is BAD IDEA when there are PEOPLE walking in THE MIDDLE of it, she's dumb also). She almost got her *kitten* dumped when her horse basically almost tripped over this dog. The people then almost got mowed over when they tried to run up and get their dog to save it from being trampled. Just two examples of people being really stupid with their animals....
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Pepper spray.

    And I say that as someone who cares more about his dogs than most people. I'm not trying to sound mean or cruel but it's not unreasonable to say that you should be able to be outside without being attacked by a dog. The owner saying "stand still and he won't bite you" is no consolation.

    Yeah, that's what I mean. If your dog is running up to anyone, at all, and not listening when you try to call him back, WTF is he doing off a leash???? The whole "stand still" thing is such BS. I just feel bad that the poor dog has to get pepper sprayed because their owner is an idiot.

    eta: I'm not saying someone's an idiot for not having a dog that doesn't come back when called. I've known a lot of dogs who are really well trained otherwise but just get too excited and overstimulated when they're off the leash. The point is if that is the case, especially in an area with leash laws, they really need to be on a line and not running around all crazy. That's just asking for it IMO.
  • camelid2
    camelid2 Posts: 53 Member
    I've been harassed by a dog while walking and now it even shows up in MY yard on its own when I haven't been out all day. I'm seriously thinking about attaching a note to his collar letting the owners know their dog will be home in 2-3 days after he has been professionally neutered. ;-)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I hate dogs. I shouldn't have to stop running because someone's aggressive dog isn't fenced in or chained up. I'm entitled to run on my back roads without being chased down. I don't care how close I come to its property. If the dog isn't taught to stay on its property to protect it, it needs a fence.

    I threatened one woman that I would send in animal control if her doby charged me one more time. She put up a 6' deer fence.

    I have no problem punching a dog in the face if it gets right up to me. Haven't done it yet, but I totally would. If it's someone's prized pet, they should have it better controlled than to chase after an innocent runner.
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member
    I hate dogs. I shouldn't have to stop running because someone's aggressive dog isn't fenced in or chained up. I'm entitled to run on my back roads without being chased down. I don't care how close I come to its property. If the dog isn't taught to stay on its property to protect it, it needs a fence.

    I threatened one woman that I would send in animal control if her doby charged me one more time. She put up a 6' deer fence.

    I have no problem punching a dog in the face if it gets right up to me. Haven't done it yet, but I totally would. If it's someone's prized pet, they should have it better controlled than to chase after an innocent runner.

    That's not terribly compassionate thinking or behavior. Sometimes unavoidable things happen and a dog gets out and even the sweetest dog will chase anything that runs.
    I am extremely mindful of runners myself and always keep my dogs on a leash when they are around but I don't think it's nice to talk of hurting an innocent animal (unless it is snarling and baying at you!). It's the owners who are to blame for badly behaved dogs.. go punch them in the face...?
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I hate dogs. I shouldn't have to stop running because someone's aggressive dog isn't fenced in or chained up. I'm entitled to run on my back roads without being chased down. I don't care how close I come to its property. If the dog isn't taught to stay on its property to protect it, it needs a fence.

    I threatened one woman that I would send in animal control if her doby charged me one more time. She put up a 6' deer fence.

    I have no problem punching a dog in the face if it gets right up to me. Haven't done it yet, but I totally would. If it's someone's prized pet, they should have it better controlled than to chase after an innocent runner.

    That's not terribly compassionate thinking or behavior. Sometimes unavoidable things happen and a dog gets out and even the sweetest dog will chase anything that runs.
    I am extremely mindful of runners myself and always keep my dogs on a leash when they are around but I don't think it's nice to talk of hurting an innocent animal (unless it is snarling and baying at you!). It's the owners who are to blame for badly behaved dogs.. go punch them in the face...?

    The dogs that have charged me and threatened me are big dogs. Doberman, Rottweiler, Pit Bull. I have NO idea if they wanted to play or to hurt me. If one comes within striking distance i.e. 1 foot of my body while barking and snarling, you bet I'll protect myself. It's not an innocent animal if it is threatening me by its behavior. I am the innocent one minding my own business on a public road.
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