Brides on a Mission: Week 7



  • dragonfarie
    dragonfarie Posts: 84 Member
    i'll actually reply on Thursday (my weigh-in), but I restarted C25K today. I know a couple of you have mentioned that you do it, how do you log your calories? For my own curiousity, i keep track of how many miles I went (gmap.pedometer) and how long, and I do figure out my average speed, but I don't know how accurate it is since there's bursts of jogging, but also walking mixed in.

    I break it down in the walking and jogging segments. So I log x min joging at x mph and then x min of walking at x mph. If that helps. But then since I run outside I am estimating my actual speed. So I always put slower than I actually think i ran so I don't over estimate calories. ( I really should invest in a HRM... )
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Every time I go to post we have moved! lol Thanks for always posting the link to the new thread. :flowerforyou:

    Brides on a Mission: week 7

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: not weighing in until next week.
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): had a nice dinner w/ my guy on Sat for V-day
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with):my eating has been horrible, my fault
    4. Week 7 challenge; continue healthy changes after marriage: oh yes, I have been doing this healthy living thing for a while now and don't plan on stopping. I hope to be at goal and work on maintaining.
    5. Any wedding news updates: I'm still looking for my perfect venue. I am quite proud of my excel skills today, I made a kick *kitten* spreadsheet to show all the offerings of each location. It's pretty bad *kitten*. :love: This new found skill will totally help me with my job also, lol
    6. What is your go to healthy fast food option: Well I try not to do fast food, but if I must I get a Burger King Jr whopper with a side salad. No fries, no soda, just water.
    7. How did you handle all the Valentine’s temptations: I asked my guy not to do any candy valentines, we went to dinner (without kids!:heart: Sat night) and had a nice time together. For the real V-day we made chocolate covered strawberries with the kiddos after dinner and all four of us had a blast with that! Chocolate got all over the kitchen! My 3 year old son said "mommy this is so romantic" funny little grub
    8. How did you do with the week 6 challenge (Just saying no!): not so good
    9. Weekly wrap up: I have been busy with figuring out how to plan a wedding and have not been working out much or eating right-Bad. But I noticed that my guy and I have not had one single fight or disagreement at ALL from the time I have gotten my ring!-Good. That is sooo weird, nice but weird. I wonder if I feel more secure and so I don't sweat the small stuff or if we are just so happy that we have been getting along better. Not sure, but I'll take it.
  • EaglesFan521
    EaglesFan521 Posts: 74 Member
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I finished C25K!!!!!

    Great job! I am about half way through and the thought of running for 20min straight next week is daunting.

    You will be shocked at what your body can do, I had to slow down my run pace, but I did it. and now I can run for 30 minutes!
  • jpsnickel
    i'll actually reply on Thursday (my weigh-in), but I restarted C25K today. I know a couple of you have mentioned that you do it, how do you log your calories? For my own curiousity, i keep track of how many miles I went (gmap.pedometer) and how long, and I do figure out my average speed, but I don't know how accurate it is since there's bursts of jogging, but also walking mixed in.

    I break it down in the walking and jogging segments. So I log x min joging at x mph and then x min of walking at x mph. If that helps. But then since I run outside I am estimating my actual speed. So I always put slower than I actually think i ran so I don't over estimate calories. ( I really should invest in a HRM... )

    thanks!! I actually underestimate too...i found that my actual speed was 4.2 mph but i logged as 4.0. But i'm still keeping track just so I can watch my progress
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I'm still catching up with people from the last thread. Hope the advice doesn't come too late!

    dezil –
    The damask as a color in your wedding is pretty cool. I’m using a brown and purple paisley as my theme. How are you planning on working the damask into your decorations? I’m curious!

    littletiger972000 –
    I saw that you were upset about not having a bachelorette party. If it’s something that you really want, can you ask one of the other girls? I’m the opposite of you… I DON’T want one. I think they’re embarrassing!*LOL* I’m having just a shower.

    wannabrn10 –
    What a great story about how something someone nice says about you, can really motivate you to keep going. Congrats on beating the battle of the M & M cookie!*LOL* I’m kind of in a motivational slump right now. I haven’t been to the gym in a week and I’ve been eating pretty crappy too. I’m really frustrated about my health… headaches, now I think I’m getting a cold. GRR! It seems like an excuse, but I just hate working out when I’m sick. Plus, I think it germs up everything for others too.

    Jennplus2 –
    I completely understand the tight budget thing. My fiancé and I are VERY money conscious, so we really didn’t make a decision without investigating the costs in-depth. We’re at about $10,000 grand total for the wedding. We can afford it, but the idea of spending that much is just killing us!:-P If you need ideas about things on a budget, just drop me a line or post in our Brides thread.
    I also understand your frustrations on working with vendors when you have a tight budget. If you tell them a low number, they lecture you on being unrealistic. I think whenever you say wedding, people just jack up the price to take advantage of the situation.:-(
    In terms of a cheaper venue. I chose my church. It’s free, since I’m a member and I’ll be able to use their table and chairs so that I won’t have to rent a ton of items. Some people choose to have it at a country club or a similar venue for the same reason… it saves on rentals and things like a bartender are sometimes included. Just keep an open mind about these things and get a LOT of prices. A lot of times you can go with an outdoor location like a park, but by the time you rent everything you need, the cost really skyrockets. Also, some outdoor places require you to have a permit and there are often stipulations on how late you can play loud music.

    ehockstad –
    I loved the comment on the new glasses. My fiancé is an eye doctor, so I’m used to hearing all sorts of comments from people about wearing glasses.:-) You should post a new picture of yourself!*LOL*

    ottawagirl613 –
    Welcome to the thread! It’s never too early to start losing weight. I know your wedding is a ways off, but this gives you lots of time to accomplish your goal. Losing weight slow and steady is always the healthiest way to do it and keep it off.

    agoessli –
    Your school is closing? Why? I’m curious because the state of PA is going through tough budget cuts and I was wondering if that was the reason??
    Good luck with your job interview (I wasn’t sure the day it actually was scheduled for)! I totally sympathize with teacher job interviews. I must have went to 15-10 before getting my job teaching high school English. It’s very nerve wracking. Mine ranged from an interrogation setting (I thought , where’s the spotlight?) to actually teaching lessons to adults (really weird, didn’t know HOW to handle disciplinary issues… where they being students or administrators). I also had to teach lessons to students in the second interview round…. I think I had up to three interview rounds for some positions. My fiance’s sister has been looking for an elementary position in MD FOREVER! You can do it! I always recommend going to the school’s website to find out a little about them before the interview. Also, I create a list of questions to ask THEM. After all, I wanted to make sure the school was a good fit for ME, so I was happy there, too.

    redruthie –
    I saw that you “ordered your bouquet a few weeks ago” in a previous post. Did you end up going with fake flowers or is this just a sample? I’m confused! I ended up going with fakes and am thrilled with mine! I’m going to spritz them with lilac essential oil on the morning of the wedding. I think it’s cool because they’ll keep forever. I bought mine from a seller on eBay.

    eaglesfan426 –
    I totally sympathize about the fiancé. Mine doesn’t workout, even when he has the time (which I admit isn’t often, since he works six days a week). He complains that I go on my downtime, rather than do housework. GRR! Like I want to be a housework slave…. Besides, workout out is good for both my mental and physical health. He complains he’s “fat and nasty” all of the time, but when I ask him to work out with me, he makes excuses after excuses. I agree that men can be such poopieheads about this. I mean, stop complaining and help yourself!:-P

  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    haha shannon, i freakin' love you...thanx for doing all your replies....
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    Yeah, we are cloing. We are an inner city private school and have just taken a huge hit with the economy so we are closing along with another private high school in Omaha. :-( I felt like the interview went was last Thursday so we will see. She said that I would know by the middle of this week one way or the other if I had made it to the next interview. (These were just screening interviews) I am crossing my fingers. :-) Thanks for the response!

    agoessli –
    Your school is closing? Why? I’m curious because the state of PA is going through tough budget cuts and I was wondering if that was the reason??
    Good luck with your job interview (I wasn’t sure the day it actually was scheduled for)! I totally sympathize with teacher job interviews. I must have went to 15-10 before getting my job teaching high school English. It’s very nerve wracking. Mine ranged from an interrogation setting (I thought , where’s the spotlight?) to actually teaching lessons to adults (really weird, didn’t know HOW to handle disciplinary issues… where they being students or administrators). I also had to teach lessons to students in the second interview round…. I think I had up to three interview rounds for some positions. My fiance’s sister has been looking for an elementary position in MD FOREVER! You can do it! I always recommend going to the school’s website to find out a little about them before the interview. Also, I create a list of questions to ask THEM. After all, I wanted to make sure the school was a good fit for ME, so I was happy there, too.
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    okay i have to rant... who else is getting a mother-in-law from hell!? My future MIL has only caused issues in my relationship with my fiance since day 1. (I think I need to point out first that she is a "MILF" by many young guy's definitions and she dresses like a 16 year old girl and still shops at American Eagle and wears mini skirts and is constantly flaunting her fake boobs... okay with that picture in your mind read on!)

    First of all she is ACTUALLY CRAZY. About a year into our relationship I find out from my fiance that his mom has a brain tumor and is dying. It was all really scary and sad until the story kept unfolding and I realized she was LYING. How do you tell your boyfriend that his mom has been lying to him his entire life about being sick with a terminal illness (before the "brain tumor's" she had "breast cancer")? Well drunk of course! So I finally come out and say what I had been thinking about for months and of course he is furious with me. "Why would she lie about that?" and "How do you know she's lying... what if she isn't lying and she dies?" It was pretty awful and that lasted for about another year and a half where he knew I thought it was all a lie and she kept telling lies. Then last October it all came out. She finally got caught in one of her lies and she wrote an e-mail to everyone in the family telling them that she wasn't actually sick. Remember this was after YEARS of her claiming to be dying. So at that point I was just happy that she had come out and said it and all of her children were furious with her and I told my fiance that now was when she needed him most and she is obviously sick in a different way and he shouldn't shut her out (regretting that statement!).

    So now at least everyone knows she is a compulsive liar but this woman causes drama just to cause drama! So the reason for this rant would be that we've been discussing rehearsal dinner stuff and my fiance keeps trying to get me to let her be invovled more in the wedding planning so I invited her over for dinner to discuss what we've done so far and show her things we've bought, etc. Well one of the things we've bought already are the invitations. When we bought the invitiations she was in the middle of her FOURTH divorce (or so she said) so the name we put on them was my fiance's last name and her third husband's last name (the fourth marriage barely lasted a few months before she moved back into her old house and claimed she was getting a divorce. apparently he was an alcoholic and he abused her and she had to call the cops on him. i believe none of that by the way.) so a couple days after our dinner she sends me an e-mail with information about the rehearsal dinner location and the second to last line on it was "My last name is "Husband #4 last name" not "Husband #3 last name". Nothing else after that. I was ffuuurriioouuss. First of all I will NOT be changing the invitations. Secondly, you were SUPPOSED to be getting a divorce so logically it makes sense that you would want your name on the invites to be the name that you had for 10 years and the name that your kids have (my fiance was adopted by husband number 3 so he took his name instead of husband #1's name).

    And this is just the final kicker for me... she constantly does this type of stuff. Like when we bought our first house and she came over to see it on the day we moved in... she brought with her an invitation to her "housewarming" party in her huge new mansion house (main reason why she married husband #4 i think). I'm sorry but that was an exciting day for US and YOU bring over invites to your housewarming party? That couldn't have waited a day?

    So yes.. please someone tell me that they have an equally awful future mother in law because I mean there are movies about this stuff so it can't just be me!?
  • kalebsmama07
    weigh in day is wensday ....ill be back then hope that everyone is having a great week.... =)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    OH gain that sounds brutal. My MIL is a crazy, self centered *kitten* (constantly with multiple, married men), but nothing compared to that. She keeps out of my business, and I keep out of hers. She is more wrapped up with my SIL's life and how psycho she is than she is with Dave's (fiance).
  • DancingPixie
    DancingPixie Posts: 101 Member
    1. Name: Rachel
    2. Age: 19 (20 in July)
    3. City: Suffolk
    4. Occupation: Mummy and SalesRep for
    5. Wedding date: 20.08.11
    6. Fiancés name: Rob
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 4 years known each other for 8!
    8. Heaviest weight: 14st 10lbs
    9. Goal weight and date: 9st 7lbs
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Zumba and walking.
    11. Favorite healthy food: Erm.......... Turkey?
  • EaglesFan521
    EaglesFan521 Posts: 74 Member
    okay i have to rant... who else is getting a mother-in-law from hell!? My future MIL has only caused issues in my relationship with my fiance since day 1. (I think I need to point out first that she is a "MILF" by many young guy's definitions and she dresses like a 16 year old girl and still shops at American Eagle and wears mini skirts and is constantly flaunting her fake boobs... okay with that picture in your mind read on!)

    First of all she is ACTUALLY CRAZY. About a year into our relationship I find out from my fiance that his mom has a brain tumor and is dying. It was all really scary and sad until the story kept unfolding and I realized she was LYING. How do you tell your boyfriend that his mom has been lying to him his entire life about being sick with a terminal illness (before the "brain tumor's" she had "breast cancer")? Well drunk of course! So I finally come out and say what I had been thinking about for months and of course he is furious with me. "Why would she lie about that?" and "How do you know she's lying... what if she isn't lying and she dies?" It was pretty awful and that lasted for about another year and a half where he knew I thought it was all a lie and she kept telling lies. Then last October it all came out. She finally got caught in one of her lies and she wrote an e-mail to everyone in the family telling them that she wasn't actually sick. Remember this was after YEARS of her claiming to be dying. So at that point I was just happy that she had come out and said it and all of her children were furious with her and I told my fiance that now was when she needed him most and she is obviously sick in a different way and he shouldn't shut her out (regretting that statement!).

    So now at least everyone knows she is a compulsive liar but this woman causes drama just to cause drama! So the reason for this rant would be that we've been discussing rehearsal dinner stuff and my fiance keeps trying to get me to let her be invovled more in the wedding planning so I invited her over for dinner to discuss what we've done so far and show her things we've bought, etc. Well one of the things we've bought already are the invitations. When we bought the invitiations she was in the middle of her FOURTH divorce (or so she said) so the name we put on them was my fiance's last name and her third husband's last name (the fourth marriage barely lasted a few months before she moved back into her old house and claimed she was getting a divorce. apparently he was an alcoholic and he abused her and she had to call the cops on him. i believe none of that by the way.) so a couple days after our dinner she sends me an e-mail with information about the rehearsal dinner location and the second to last line on it was "My last name is "Husband #4 last name" not "Husband #3 last name". Nothing else after that. I was ffuuurriioouuss. First of all I will NOT be changing the invitations. Secondly, you were SUPPOSED to be getting a divorce so logically it makes sense that you would want your name on the invites to be the name that you had for 10 years and the name that your kids have (my fiance was adopted by husband number 3 so he took his name instead of husband #1's name).

    And this is just the final kicker for me... she constantly does this type of stuff. Like when we bought our first house and she came over to see it on the day we moved in... she brought with her an invitation to her "housewarming" party in her huge new mansion house (main reason why she married husband #4 i think). I'm sorry but that was an exciting day for US and YOU bring over invites to your housewarming party? That couldn't have waited a day?

    So yes.. please someone tell me that they have an equally awful future mother in law because I mean there are movies about this stuff so it can't just be me!?

    OMG this sounds like my soon to be MIL. Shes horrible, she texted me the other day and told me she hated me and that my fiancees last girlfriend was a 10 and I am a 0. She keeps saying that i am trying to take her son away from her, when really its her pushing him away because she wants to constantly talk crap about me. Like she constantly wants to argue about stupid ****. Like she is a Dallas Cowboys fan, and i can't really use the word Fan to describe her because she doesn't know **** about football. Well needless to say my Fiancee and I are HUGE philadelphia eagles fans, like hard core and she wants to start constant drama over it. OVER FOOTBALL!!! I love football but I am not about to start a heated argument cause I see it like religion and politics, you don't talk about it. She also continues to put down my religion, and she is just so full of drama.

    So the other night when she texted she hated me, I asked her why, cause I hadn't done anything wrong. well she starts with one reason and then when i show her how that was over and done with and that doesn't matter anymore she tries to come up with another reason, and after i countered all her stupid bull**** reasons why she hates me she refused to text me back. I need a list for the wedding so I know how many people and I don't even want to ask her to send me it. Needless to say my fiancee still won't talk to her because of all the nasty things she said about me and she blames ME for that.... so I totally 100% understand what you are going through. if you ever need to chat let me know because I can totally understand.
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    eaglesfan - She does sound pretty awful! Luckily I manage to avoid dealing with his mom for the most part but he still brings up the fact that we never see her every couple of weeks. We see my family all the time (they live a mile away and my mom is pretty much my best friend despite all of our wedding planning fights.. lol) At least you have your man's support! Today I told my fiance that when we have kids I don't intend on leaving them with her alone ever and I will not be making any effort for her to get to be a part of their life. I just don't understand why he would want someone who made his childhood so awful being a part of our kids lives. Plus I already have that motherly nature of "why would i want my kids with someone that I'm pretttyy sure talks about me behind my back". Kids are awhile off for us but I just wanted to start the conversation now before we are married so he can't say he didn't know how I felt!

    Why is it always the mother in law that has to be awful? My family is AMAZING to him. She's just so fake around me and I suppose it's because I'm "stealing" her son from her but I've made his life so much better! Shoot he graduated college because of MY support... definitely NOT hers. And his self-confidence has gone up significantly because I believe in him and give him credit for being smart and amazing (he's one of those jeopardy watchers who knows all of the freaking answers! so much random nonsense in his head...)

    Your MIL sounds a bit worse though.. starting **** all the time over nothing. Mine's relatively easy to just cut out of everything and she's more fake nice than anything else. I hope she eventually accepts the fact that her son has found someone he loves and is starting a family of his own and then maybe she'll at least stop being down right mean!
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Only .4 lbs lost this week but I keep seeing 143 on the scale so I know I'm going to hit the 20 lbs lost mark soon!! I also love seeing the "In 5 weeks you'll weigh" saying something in the 130's!!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I got my dreesssss!!! After it coming in wrong the first time I was SUPER anxious but it is perfect... Picture below is from Saturday! It's kind of a mess on the bottom because it's been in a bag and hasn't been steamed AND the sides of the dress have boning in them and it wasn't even touching my sides!! Definitely need to bring it in :-)


    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Hahaha see my previous rant from earlier today... That and my complete fall apart on Sunday night at his dad's house for dinner!

    4. Week 7 challenge; continue healthy changes after marriage: Super important to me! I want to be a pro at eating healthy and staying active before I have kids so that they have the benefit of growing up in a healthy house. I honestly don't think I'll stop using MFP after the wedding... it's eye opening! As soon as I don't think about the calories in something I'm eating a ridiculous amount!

    5. Any wedding news updates: LOL this would be my high of the week!

    6. What is your go to healthy fast food option: Hahah okay so I have three that I'm addicted to. 1) Chipotle Chicken Burrito Bowl - the food is just so FRESH and delicious! Lllooovveee! 2) Panera Broccoli and Cheddar soup and half of a napa almond chicken salad sandwich - again just so fresh and delish! and then my real fast food love ... 3)Chick Fil A Grilled Chicken sandwich (which comes on a whole wheat bun with tomato and lettuce), a fruit cup instead of fries and a diet lemonaide... MMMM

    7. How did you handle all the Valentine’s temptations: Hahahahha not well and I'm still not handling them. I specifically told my fiance no chocolate and then on Sunday night his sister gives us a whole bag of dove chocolate's... Dove is my favvoorritee!

    8. How did you do with the week 6 challenge (Just saying no!): I think I did okay - I've always been pretty good about saying no at work but its at family gatherings I fall apart.

    9. Weekly wrap up: Overall it was a good week. I love how exercising has made me feel so much happier :-) And getting my dress in and it being perfect was awesome too!
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    Meganne1982 – Go out and start trying them on!! But whatever you do don’t buy on your first trip out!! I ended up buying two dresses because I bought one on my first time out and it was just so much pressure and everyone was there but then afterward it just didn’t feel right! I went again with just my mom and the experience was just so much better and calmer. Not to mention it’s tons of fun so going more than once it’s always good ☺

    Eaglesfan426 – How long did C25K take you? And what is it really? I’ve read about it and considered doing it but just haven’t actually gotten around to it. I figure it will be a good thing to start when it gets warmer out and I’m done with the JM Slimdown. And your fiancé not doing anything and complaining he is fat… I made a comment today to my fiancé because he said he wanted to steal back a shirt of his that I’ve adopted (its his old lacrosse shirt and says “I am relentless” on the back) and I told him he couldn’t have it because it’s thin material and it would show all of his fat rolls. He looked appalled and I said “well you’re not doing anything to change it!”… and congrats on 2 lbs lost! That’s amazing!

    Wannabrn – You are my workout role model! You do such an awesome job at sticking with it!

    lilRicki – I love the shoes idea! You have to show pics when you get them!
  • EaglesFan521
    EaglesFan521 Posts: 74 Member
    Meganne1982 – Go out and start trying them on!! But whatever you do don’t buy on your first trip out!! I ended up buying two dresses because I bought one on my first time out and it was just so much pressure and everyone was there but then afterward it just didn’t feel right! I went again with just my mom and the experience was just so much better and calmer. Not to mention it’s tons of fun so going more than once it’s always good ☺

    Eaglesfan426 – How long did C25K take you? And what is it really? I’ve read about it and considered doing it but just haven’t actually gotten around to it. I figure it will be a good thing to start when it gets warmer out and I’m done with the JM Slimdown. And your fiancé not doing anything and complaining he is fat… I made a comment today to my fiancé because he said he wanted to steal back a shirt of his that I’ve adopted (its his old lacrosse shirt and says “I am relentless” on the back) and I told him he couldn’t have it because it’s thin material and it would show all of his fat rolls. He looked appalled and I said “well you’re not doing anything to change it!”… and congrats on 2 lbs lost! That’s amazing!

    Wannabrn – You are my workout role model! You do such an awesome job at sticking with it!

    lilRicki – I love the shoes idea! You have to show pics when you get them!

    Well I started around the middle of December, and its a 9 week program that starts you out with alternating a little running with a lot of walking and then slowly more running and less walking, and when I finished I can run for 30 minutes. It is alot easier to do outside, and I am looking forward to being able to get back outside and running again once the weather gets nicer. If you have an IPod Touch or an IPhone they have a really awesome app that tells you exactly when to walk and when to run, so you don't have to look at a watch the whole time. You can google it and it will give you more information about it too. I loved it I used to hate running but now that I can actually do it I am so much more comfortable running!
  • NurseNatalie2011
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Only .4 lbs lost this week but I keep seeing 143 on the scale so I know I'm going to hit the 20 lbs lost mark soon!! I also love seeing the "In 5 weeks you'll weigh" saying something in the 130's!!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I got my dreesssss!!! After it coming in wrong the first time I was SUPER anxious but it is perfect... Picture below is from Saturday! It's kind of a mess on the bottom because it's been in a bag and hasn't been steamed AND the sides of the dress have boning in them and it wasn't even touching my sides!! Definitely need to bring it in :-)


    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Hahaha see my previous rant from earlier today... That and my complete fall apart on Sunday night at his dad's house for dinner!

    4. Week 7 challenge; continue healthy changes after marriage: Super important to me! I want to be a pro at eating healthy and staying active before I have kids so that they have the benefit of growing up in a healthy house. I honestly don't think I'll stop using MFP after the wedding... it's eye opening! As soon as I don't think about the calories in something I'm eating a ridiculous amount!

    5. Any wedding news updates: LOL this would be my high of the week!

    6. What is your go to healthy fast food option: Hahah okay so I have three that I'm addicted to. 1) Chipotle Chicken Burrito Bowl - the food is just so FRESH and delicious! Lllooovveee! 2) Panera Broccoli and Cheddar soup and half of a napa almond chicken salad sandwich - again just so fresh and delish! and then my real fast food love ... 3)Chick Fil A Grilled Chicken sandwich (which comes on a whole wheat bun with tomato and lettuce), a fruit cup instead of fries and a diet lemonaide... MMMM

    7. How did you handle all the Valentine’s temptations: Hahahahha not well and I'm still not handling them. I specifically told my fiance no chocolate and then on Sunday night his sister gives us a whole bag of dove chocolate's... Dove is my favvoorritee!

    8. How did you do with the week 6 challenge (Just saying no!): I think I did okay - I've always been pretty good about saying no at work but its at family gatherings I fall apart.

    9. Weekly wrap up: Overall it was a good week. I love how exercising has made me feel so much happier :-) And getting my dress in and it being perfect was awesome too!

    I love, love, love your dress! I haven't gone looking for anyting yet (too soon) but I think that might be the style I am looking for. I love how simple but ellegant it is. The little brouche (lol spelling?) is what makes it! You look beautiful and super skinny!! Keep up your hard work.

    That sucks about your FMIL. I think venting on here is a great way to get your stress out. It is so much better then eating it!!

    Thanks for the exercise complement! I have noticed that if I dont exercise I get so jittery and anxious. Sometimes I dont want to do it but then I usually feel better after so I just make myself do it.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    misseswalton –
    Were you ever able to find a photographer? I actually found a lot of my vendors online, through websites like,, etc. I live in a rural area, so it was quite a challenge for me as well, especially because we are on a tight budget. We didn’t want to be too cheap and sacrifice quality, either.

    Jennplus2 –
    Not sure how you’ve made out with the cheaper venue request, but I was just thinking that our high school graduation was held at the VFW and they catered it for really cheap. I didn’t’ think the food was all that bad. I think for 50 guests, it ended up being around $250 (granted, that was 10 years ago). You can also get nice and cheap decorations at party outlet stores or even Walmart to spruce a place like that up. The one we used actually had a beautiful stone fireplace. Check around, though. There’s usually several in the area.

    wannabrn10 –
    In response to your “what is everyone doing for Valentine’s Day post…” My fiancé and I had a bunch of gift cards for Perkins, so we decided to go there. We were surprised that they actually had a Valentine’s Day special for couples. I ordered the pot roast with mashed potatoes, gravy, and a side salad. My fiancé ordered the chicken breast with swiss cheese and mushrooms with herb rice and a side of veggies. I thought we were doing pretty good. I figured the calorie count would be higher, since we weren’t eating at home. I was shocked and pissed that my dish alone was over 3,000 calories (according to the Perkins website). How can meals like that be served? GRRR! I was really peeved that a whole week’s worth of counting calories and working out was sabotaged. I’ll be lucky to maintain this week.:-P

  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 3.8 I worked soooo hard and really wanted to get to a 20 lb loss but I ended up at week!
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I got to go home and spend the weekend with my family AND my mom is buying me a brand new elliptical like the one she just got because it doesn't hurt me knee...I am eternally indebted!
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Things seem to be falling apart here at work with the closing of our school getting closer :-(
    4. Week 7 challenge; continue healthy changes after marriage: My fiance and I both have parents with health issues. My dad has had 5 heart surgeries, many mini strokes and diabetes. Chris's dad has had open heart surgery and suffered a very severe stroke about a year ago :-( we both want to get healthy so that we can be healthy for each other and our families, as well as ourselves. Also, I soooo want to be a mommy someday and I know the healthier I am the easier and smoother that whole process will go! We are very motivated to make this a lifestyle change...not just a wedding diet :-)
    5. Any wedding news updates: Ordered the ostrich feather centerpieces (I am soooo excited)
    6. What is your go to healthy fast food option: Jimmy John's for a meal, my fiance LOVES it and I like it ok too. I also love the yogurt parfait and smoothies at McDonald's
    7. How did you handle all the Valentine’s temptations: I am so proud of myself! I work at an elementary school and I got SOOOO much candy from kids and teachers but I only ate one hershey's kiss. I have the rest in a bag...I think I am going to put it in the office...I haven't decided yet but the main this is...I'm not eating it! fiance made us Valentine's Day dinner and he made everything nice and healthy for us and he only ate one serving (since that's all I could) so....we did great!
    8. How did you do with the week 6 challenge (Just saying no!): Very good. As I already mentioned I did good on Valentine's Day but last night I went out with my co-workers for dinner and they ordered onion rings and potato twisters and I didn't have any and then I ordered the house salad for dinner....soooo hard but I was very proud of myself!
    9. Weekly wrap up: I had a really good week. I exercised and that makes me feel a lot better. When I get the elliptical it will be PERFECT because I can just get up walk over to it and get my exercise in so...looking forward to that and very thankful to my mom! She doesn't have a ton of money or anything, she is just making some sacrifices to do this for me because she knows I want this so bad. :-) Love her!
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    @sweet13_princes: regarding the damask. I'm pretty traditional about lots of things, but I want my flower girl to wear a damask dress w/ a lime green band or bow on it :-) Also, I'm using a plain white silk looking card box and gluing some thick damask ribbon around it like 2 strands next to eachother with a black strand in the middle so you get the damask there. And I have little place mats, exact squares, that will go in the center of each table. I'll put the centerpiece on here. And also, at the church I made pew cones using damask wallpaper, rolled them up and put flowers in them. Hope this helps w/ some ideas so incorporate your paisley. You could always do that w/ the guys ties. I'm thinking of a little black design on the invites also, but not so sure. I'm trying to save $$ on those and go w/ the less expensive so I'm not sure... Good Luck! :-)