Attack of the Valentine's Chocolates!



  • Keep it and have a bit now and again. Good chocolate is fantastic.
  • Eskimopie
    Eskimopie Posts: 235 Member
    I eat a little bit and if I have a lot left, I bag it up and give it to a homeless person. I do this with all unwanted food, as long as its fresh. Throwing away food hurts my soul. Of course, I stick in some apples or other healthy food with it...and I live in an area with lots and lots of people in need.
  • Since hubby and I are both watching calories, he is a super smart man and did NOT buy me chocolate. Instead I got diamond earrings.

    His mother on the other hand made me my favorite dessert....cream puffs.

    Now, the kids brought home a ton of chocolate from school. But with 6 kids, they all shared with each other and now it's mostly gone.

    If I hid it, or froze it I would still know it was here and eat every last bite.

    I am so much happier with the diamonds. LOL
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    Hubs actually listened and didn't buy chocolate for me this year... BUT wouldn't you know I would win the office holiday door prize. A large jar full of Hershey chocolates. 256 to be exact.

    What the heck to I do with them? I don't dare eat even one - as the 'feeding frenzy' will start and I won't be able to stop myself (yes I just quoted Twilight) :embarassed:
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