


  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I like that 'conscious eating' idea. I don't know if I'll be on mfp forever, just trying to stay fully 'conscious', or if eating what I need will become a habit. I haven't had a proper binge since I started tracking, but now I'm on maintenance I do have 3 biscuits instead of 1, if I feel I want them and nothing else will do. I know the calories are the same as a banana and an apple, I'm just conning my poor body out of some nutrients :ohwell:

    Also, be conscious of that binge urge and its physical effects. Eat one donut. Stop. Listen to the wave of food lust and wait for it to subside (I find it takes about 30 seconds), then walk away.:bigsmile:
  • mmorrison8300
    I have found if there is something I want to splurge on I exercise & work off the calories BEFORE I put them on. Then I dont feel guilty eating or drinking them, plus I am less likely to indulge myself in more than whay is necessary!