OT: An eye-opener

greysweatshirt Posts: 411
edited September 18 in Motivation and Support
I know that I don't post on here a whole lot, but I do read the messages and follow the stories on here, but I do consider you guys like a family to me so I wanted to let you know what happened last night.

My house was broken into during the middle of the night. In all of the places I've ever lived in, I've never had this experience before. Luckily, no one was hurt and the only thing that was taken was my partner's laptop computer. The scariest part is that we were both home and sleeping..unforunately it was so hot that we had the room air conditioner and two fans going so we didn't hear anything happening. It's been an eye-opening experience for sure. I just want to thank everyone here for all of their support, even if I don't say it much, I really love it here!


  • I know that I don't post on here a whole lot, but I do read the messages and follow the stories on here, but I do consider you guys like a family to me so I wanted to let you know what happened last night.

    My house was broken into during the middle of the night. In all of the places I've ever lived in, I've never had this experience before. Luckily, no one was hurt and the only thing that was taken was my partner's laptop computer. The scariest part is that we were both home and sleeping..unforunately it was so hot that we had the room air conditioner and two fans going so we didn't hear anything happening. It's been an eye-opening experience for sure. I just want to thank everyone here for all of their support, even if I don't say it much, I really love it here!
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    That is such a scary thing, I'm glad noone was hurt! It may be a blessing you didn't hear anything in this day and age desperate people do mean things, and I hope tonight is restful for the both of you! Stay safe!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    OMG! I am so sorry about that. I know the feeling, you feel so vulnerable, so violated. My house has never been broken into, thank God, but my car was stolen a few yrs ago. I just felt so violated, the feeling is surreal. I can't imagine how you both feel thinking something worse could have happened. I am glad you are both safe. Take care!! :flowerforyou:
  • vldowd
    vldowd Posts: 74 Member
    I'm so glad that you are both safe. That is a terrifying experience, especially after the fact. :noway: Hopefully, you can make some security changes to prevent this from happening again.

    A fellow lurker :laugh: ,
  • tamrajd
    tamrajd Posts: 86
    so sorry to hear sbout the break in. it is such a viloation of your space. my son and his familys house was broken int a few months ago, they took guns and cut themselves on the window as broke in and left their blood on everything. so they were caught from dna. but my son was out of town working and my daughter-n-law wasn't home at the time but it was extremely frightning for all of us. That had to be awlful knowing they came in as u slept. thank goodness u were not hurt. possesions can be replaced but u are safe that's the most important. i will keep u in my prayers.
  • I am so sorry ! I cant even imagine. I am glad no one was physically hurt.
  • Luckily...or unluckily I guess..we think we know who did it. The manner in which it was done, plus the fact that they came in for only one thing leads us to believe we know who did it. Hopefully, the police will catch them soon.
  • ecabrera
    ecabrera Posts: 24 Member
    I am like you. I don't always post, but I too, enjoy reading other people's post. I am so sorry to hear about the theft but am so happy that you are both fine. I think having the air and the fans running was a blessing. Take care of yourselves and hopefully the police will catch this person.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    So glad you are both safe. I wish you safe feelings. . .I know this is quite a violation.
    DETERMINED2Drop Posts: 285 Member
    I'm glad to hear that you and your partner are safe. That is great news. I personally have not experienced that situation before, but I can assume it's a scary feeling. Stay strong and I'll keep you both in my prayers...

  • Katy009
    Katy009 Posts: 579 Member
    Hey there.....Glad that you both are okay and nothing more happened. And if you think you know who it was, hopefully nothing more will take place and he will be caught!

    I woke up one time when I was living in Milw. to a guy trying to pry my patio door open with a crowbar! Yikes!!

    I know it is such a horrible feeling. Hope everything from now on goes peaceful! :smile:
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Good to hear you two are safe. It reminds me of a show on the Discovery channel called "It Takes A Thief." If you haven't seen it yet try to catch an episode or two. Very eye opening about how lax people can be regarding security measures and how easy it is for criminals to gain access to your home. I highly recommend!
  • Lavendersunday
    Lavendersunday Posts: 458 Member

    Whether you post alot or not....you are part of our MFP fam!! :heart:

    We care about you...and I hope our good wishes comfort you.

    It is a very unsettling feeling to have the sanctuary of your home violated. :brokenheart:

    Wishing you peace.

    ~Namaste :flowerforyou:

  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about this - ugh. Thanks for sharing - we're here to support you!
    :ohwell: :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you to everyone for the kind words. No news yet from the police..I hope they catch whoever it was and recover the laptop. Ugh!! Let's just say I have NOT been logging my calories today, which is probably a good thing, I'd definitely be in the negatives..MAJOR stress eating today. I'm nervous about going to sleep tonight...I know nothing is going to happen, but I'm still scared..ugh, I hate this feeling!
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Oh my god that is so scary! :( I hate being home alone :sad:
  • Oh my god that is so scary! :( I hate being home alone :sad:

    Luckily my partner and two dogs are here with me..but it's still creepy. Every time I hear a noise outside I jump a bit.
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member

    Luckily my partner and two dogs are here with me..but it's still creepy. Every time I hear a noise outside I jump a bit.
    If it makes you feel any better, even they aren't dumb enough to return to the scene of the crime. they won't be back. It's highly unlikely that will ever happen to you again. Here's to a peaceful nights sleep.:drinker: I hope all turns out well for you.
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Oh wow... I'm glad you guys are ok.
    Must've been scary:frown:

  • Luckily my partner and two dogs are here with me..but it's still creepy. Every time I hear a noise outside I jump a bit.
    If it makes you feel any better, even they aren't dumb enough to return to the scene of the crime. they won't be back. It's highly unlikely that will ever happen to you again. Here's to a peaceful nights sleep.:drinker: I hope all turns out well for you.

    I sure hope not! They were stupid enough to leave fingerprints on the window and a footprint in the sink when they came in. Honestly, we think that because of the size of the window and the fingerprints that it was a younger teenager....actually, the next door neighbor boy and his friend. I've always gotten bad vibes from them, like they're up to something. Unforunately, when the police looked through his room, they weren't able to find anything..so either the friend has it, they got rid of it..or it was just a random thing..
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