20 random things about you



  • chrish1981
    1. I, too, am addicted to the ID channel!
    2. If I could, I would eat dessert all day, everyday
    3. I like the way envelope glue tastes
    4. I check my email obsessively
    5. I read books to my dogs
    6. I haven't spoken to my birth father in over 2 years
    7. I just got married in July
    8. My dream job would be to own a farm for abused, neglected, and homeless animals (any kind) and care for them
    9. I am a strong believer in Christ
    10. As far as I'm concerned, text messaging can replace phone calls for GOOD
    11. I think it's insane and fascinating (and REALLY scary) that a person can go missing without a trace.
    12. I lied: I would have to sneak French fries into number 2.
    13. I can't stop biting my nails
    14. I have 2 dachshunds, a cat, and a Russian dwarf hamster
    15. I grew up with Great Danes (don't ask me how I made the switch to dachshunds!)
    16. I have ADD, especially in public (husband will make me face the least distracting way in a restaurant or I will focus on EVERYTHING!)
    17. I teach language arts to 6th graders and love my job (most days!)
    18. I LOVE to dance
    19. I HATE to clean (but I do it!)
    20. I'm starving and am going to go eat lunch now! :-)
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member

    14. The majority of my real life friends all use me.

    sad :(

    I know. I'm one of those friends that are ridiculously good to their friends. I'm always there, I'm always on their team but when it comes to me needing something they disappear. I'm used to it.

    you shouldnt be used to it,it dosnt sound like they are friends.
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    1. I've been dating the same guy for 6 years, we started dating in high school
    2. Grew up on a dairy farm
    3. Took 4 years of French in high school and went to France after graduating, and now can bearly speak a complete sentence
    4. Love big dogs, 100+ pounds
    5. I have 5 nieces
    6. I have lived in Wisconsin my entire life
    7. If I moved out of state it would be to Colorado
    8. University of Wisconsin alumni, Go Badgers!
    9. I love to cook and love to try new recipes
    10. Will try almost anything at least once
    11. I want to go sky diving and bungee jumping
    12. Love watching TV but don't have time for it (thank you DVR)
    13. Help my boyfriend run 2 businesses he started, and work a full time job (which is why I don't have time for TV)
    14. I like to keep things clean but my house is a mess
    13. Wish I had more land to plan a garden on
    14. Love reading
    15. I want to travel the world
    16. I want to get married in the next 5 years
    17. Love country music
    18. I want to be rich
    19. Huge Packers Fan
    20. My guilty pleasure is trashy TV
  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    1- I have 4 chinchillas named Gidget, Spike, Sonny and Splinter.
    2- Because of my childhood I swore I would never have anything to do with the military again--I am marrying a guy in the Air Force.
    3- I had laser lipo because I was terrified of getting the hereditary issues my family gets.
    4- I almost married a gay man...and not to be a beard.
    5- I am training to be a hula hoop fitness instructor, and YES, I'm VERY serious about it!
    6- I am allergic to fish, and f***ing hate that all diets tell you that you HAVE to eat fish!
    7- I always wanted to be a ballerina. And am mad that my parents didn't put me in dance when I was little.
    8- I play the violin, the cello and the guitar.
    9- I get my best graphic design and marketing ideas IN MY SLEEP.
    10- I think star fruit is the coolest thing since sliced bread. Despite the fact that it happened first.
    11- I hate working. But I love my job.
    12- I am planning a wedding--dude, I don't even care. I could get married in an alley in front of a trash can and be happy.
    13- I am an Alice in Wonderland FREAK.
    14- I love plants and growing them...and can't. I kill almost EVERY single one, even if I do it right.
    15- I write radio spots as part of my job--I HATE commercials.
    16- Katy Perry songs make me angry.
    17- I talk in my sleep.
    18- I think green grapes are gross but I love red grapes.
    19- I love the taste of REAL cinnamon, but not the taste of cinnamon in things like cinnamon bears, red hots and gum.
    20- I wish that crepes were served EVERYWHERE.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    5- I am training to be a hula hoop fitness instructor, and YES, I'm VERY serious about it!

    Thats so cool I want to get into that.I know a hula hoop striptease performer
  • girl_brett
    girl_brett Posts: 166 Member
    1. I, too, am addicted to the ID channel!
    4. I check my email obsessively
    5. I read books to my dogs
    8. My dream job would be to own a farm for abused, neglected, and homeless animals (any kind) and care for them
    10. As far as I'm concerned, text messaging can replace phone calls for GOOD
    11. I think it's insane and fascinating (and REALLY scary) that a person can go missing without a trace.
    14. I have 2 dachshunds, a cat, and a Russian dwarf hamster
    15. I grew up with Great Danes (don't ask me how I made the switch to dachshunds!)
    16. I have ADD, especially in public (husband will make me face the least distracting way in a restaurant or I will focus on EVERYTHING!)
    20. I'm starving and am going to go eat lunch now! :-)

    I love these! I love having my blackberry so I get my emails right away! LOL How funny (in a very cute way!) that you read books to your dogs...they must be very smart! I love texting because you really don't have to completely focus or stop what you're doing! For me it's nice when people are in my office talking to eachother and not me so I can still communicate! LOL I never knew a hamster could have such a name! =) Yeah great danes to hot dogs is a huge difference. I can be easily distracting in setting like that where people watching is fun! LOL

    Hopefully you're not hungry anymore!
  • girl_brett
    girl_brett Posts: 166 Member
    5- I am training to be a hula hoop fitness instructor, and YES, I'm VERY serious about it!

    I really want to get into hula hoop, but damn it I can't even keep the darn thing going anymore! LOL
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    These are really fun! Here's mine in no particular order...

    1. I've been married three times. (3rd time's a charm!)
    2. I'm agnostic.
    3. I love to cook but I hate to bake.
    4. I've had 12 surgeries.
    5. My favorite color is green.
    6. My favorite number is 4.
    7. I'm a huge fan of industrial/goth/ebm.
    8. Depeche Mode was my first concert when I was 11 and I see them every time they come to town.
    9. I'm a voracious reader...I can feasibly start and finish a 200 page book in one day. (If I'm not distracted.)
    10. I picked my major my first semester of college and never changed it--I actually work in my major area too! (Education)
    11. 3 tattoos. I want 2 more.
    12. 12 piercings--mostly my ears. I used to have my tongue and belly button, but they came out a few years ago.
    13. I'm obsessed with makeup--lip gloss mostly.
    14. I adore red meat.
    15. My husband is truly my best friend.
    16. I fancy myself a decent photographer...but I would really like to take some classes to become really, really good.
    17. Gerbera daisies are my absolute favorite flowers.
    18. I'm afraid to fall in love with a tv show because once I do, they usually get canceled.
    19. I belong to a private parenting group (offshoot from the old Baby Center) and we've been "together" over 4 years. A bunch of us actually got together in Vegas last April.
    20. I'm a grammar/word nerd.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Man, give me like .0001% of your confidence and I'd be set xD haha

    You are the first person I've met that actually enjoyed a job as a telemarketer. I used to do a job with market research and we would sometimes have to call and bug people in their homes to do phone survyes, that was hard enough for me...I don't think I could ever call up and try to sell something.

    I actually started off doing phone surveys which escalated into telemarketing. I dunno, the draw was the fact that I felt like it was a challenge to see if I could actually get random strangers to conduct surveys over the phone, no matter how pissed they were that I called. I succeeded and excelled at the job. I was always a top producer, so the management decided to let me handle all of the "tough" surveys to handle. I succeeded in that too. Then, I became so good at it, I got bored with staring at the same screen all day with the same intro, so I began memorizing the entire hour long survey and started drawing/tagging on paper while I was conducting the surveys. Haha. Then, I eventually got terminated for no call/no shows. Moved on to the next one.

    As for the confidence, everyone has it. It just needs to be pulled out one way or another. Cramming years worth of experiences into months at a time helped me gather that confidence. A lot of near-death and literally life-altering experiences stemming from various reasons, stand out. Lol.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    1. I am afraid of heights.
    2. I am terrible at speaking in front of a groupd and will avoid it whenever possible.
    3. Been married 4 times.
    4. I love to cook. Not afraid to try anything new. Go out of my way in fact.
    5. Never had a cigarette in my life.
    6. I hate bullies.
    7. I love cooking shows.
    8. Been on TV 4 Times. Once as an extra on Emergency. Twice on the news. Once in a documentary about martial arts.
    9. Been to almost 1,000 concerts in my lifetime.
    10. Play the Drums
    11. Worked as a bodyguard for 5 years.
    12. BBQ year round. Any weather.
    13. Do all the cooking in my home.
    14. Dressed as Mimi Bobeck for a Halloween contest and won.
    15. Spent 3 months in Hospital in 1957 for extensive burns. Almost lost my left eye. Father wouldn't let them amputate my left arm when the Dr. wanted to.
    16. Only misspelled a word twice in my life on a test. Same word both times. (Dilemma)
    17. I've skydived, bungee jumped, cliff dived and been on several canopy tours.
    18. Raced Midgets and Motorcycles as a teenager.
    19. Love to play soccer.
    20. Ex Marine.
  • fitmom4ever
    1. I am the youngest of 13 children, but only really know 2 of my brothers, and haven't spoken to either of them in over a year.
    2. I like the smell of gasoline.
    3. I LOVE to read.
    4. I accientally killed my husband's pet white rat that he used to let run loose throughout his apartment, and have never told him that it was my fault.
    5. I don't know if I will ever be able to stop cursing, even though I was appalled to hear my toddler throw out the f-bomb when I was picking her up from daycare last year.
    6. I married my husband the day before the one year anniversary of our first date.
    7. Given the above statement, I definately believe in love at first sight.
    8. I really do love my husband's family, most times more than my own.
    9. I think I am the only person left in the civilized world that doesn't have cable or satellite, nothing but the basic antenna for me.
    10. I am addicted to American Idol and Antiques Road Show.
    11. I am allergic to stupidity.
    12. I think my daughter is the smartest 3 year old I know and probably drive every other mother I know crazy bragging about her all the time.
    13. I love being a mother, but cannot wait to start a career (my husband and i have agreed that I will stay at home with the girls until they start school).
    14. I have lost track of the number of different homes I have lived in, but have not moved out of NJ since my mother moved here when i was a baby (other than a summer stay with my aunt in NY).
    15. I would love to move my family to Canada, but hate the thought of living that far from my unbelievably supportive in-laws.
    16. I have very few female friends, as most of them have stabbed me in the back one way or another, and they all tend to bring too much drama. (hoping that there are some exceptions, as I really miss having a close gf other than my MIL)
    17. My mother in law does all of the laundry for my daughters, probably a major reason why i don't want to move too far away from her.
    18. I have only been to one real music concert ever. It was Flogging Molly, and I got to go backstage and meet the band afterwards. Don't think I'll ever be able to top that first concert.
    19. I love living in an apartment and don't know that I ever need to own my own home.
    20. I am closer in age to my husband's nieces than I am to him, but don't find this creepy since my father was 25 years older than my mother.
  • susantullock
    susantullock Posts: 10 Member
    1. I love my therapist
    2. My daughter is my best friend
    3. I've lived in NYC and London and get the itch to move every couple of years
    4. I love my job as a credit manager
    5. I'm thinking about taking Spanish classes at night
    6. I've worked as a dominatrix
    7. I'm not a big fan of pets. They are ok if they are someone elses
    8. I'm looking forward to being a grandma just not being called grandma :)
    9. I don't dwell on negative stuff
    10. I had a brain tumor that almost killed me over a decade ago
    11. I'm addicted to my I phone
    12. I'm addicted to the game "Plants vs. Zombies"
    13. I want to travel and see more of the world
    14. I used to read ALL the time but can't seem to concentrate anymore.
    15. I LOVE British garbage TV
    16. I'm getting a divorce this year after being seperated for almost 10 years
    17. I'm going to learn to play the guitar (I took piano for 10 years)
    18. I'm not a great cook but LOVE to eat!
    19. I don't want to grow old alone
    20. I'm not a fan of exercising but am going to start on week nights with my daughter.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    one more about me

    I have quit drugs soda and fast food I can not seem to quit smoking:explode:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    1. I love my therapist
    2. My daughter is my best friend
    3. I've lived in NYC and London and get the itch to move every couple of years
    4. I love my job as a credit manager
    5. I'm thinking about taking Spanish classes at night
    6. I've worked as a dominatrix
    7. I'm not a big fan of pets. They are ok if they are someone elses
    8. I'm looking forward to being a grandma just not being called grandma :)
    9. I don't dwell on negative stuff
    10. I had a brain tumor that almost killed me over a decade ago
    11. I'm addicted to my I phone
    12. I'm addicted to the game "Plants vs. Zombies"
    13. I want to travel and see more of the world
    14. I used to read ALL the time but can't seem to concentrate anymore.
    15. I LOVE British garbage TV
    16. I'm getting a divorce this year after being seperated for almost 10 years
    17. I'm going to learn to play the guitar (I took piano for 10 years)
    18. I'm not a great cook but LOVE to eat!
    19. I don't want to grow old alone
    20. I'm not a fan of exercising but am going to start on week nights with my daughter.

    #12-LOVE THAT GAME!!
  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    Ohh I love this thread....I have most of them on my profile

    1. I'll be reaching the dirty 30 this year
    2. My favorite color is blue ..although I own a lot of grey too
    3. I have a fear of spiders(yeah I know) & possums(they look like rats)
    4. I love going to Yosemite & I plan to hike up to Half Dome
    5. I fell off a horse once...it was my first time riding one
    6. Would like to own a motorcycle ... love the rush...
    7. I've fallen & taken quite some hits doing many fun activities ...that I'm surprised I'm still here
    8. Married my HS sweetheart ...& only have one daughter...don't really plan having more
    9. Love dancing...know how to twirl small flags & baton
    10.My hubby wants me to play COD on Xbox...but I'm a noob..& if they made fun on me I might have to hurt someone
    11.Love dark chocolate...but not the one that's too bitter
    12.I'm a very social person
    13.Love a good sense of humor...& to crack jokes (bad ones sometimes)
    14.Can be a nice person but get on my bad side I'm a force to be reckon with
    15.I like watching music videos with a nice plot or awesome dance moves..ever since MJ's "Thriller"
    16.Been married for 10 years...like every couple we had our rough patch
    17.I absolutely love cats...& sometimes say "kitty!!" when I see one
    18.I believe everybody has the right to act stupid but some people abuse the privilege...lol
    19.Used to knock Facebook...now I'm addicted to it...hehe
    20.I was also thin most of my life 'till I had my girl...I blame me for letting myself go..but I'm changing that
  • tenniskad2
    Goldfish and ducks FREAK me out.
    Peanut Butter is my favorite food.
    I LOVE being outside but loathe being in the sun.
    I love scary movies
    Every time I go into a Walmart someone calls me Pheobe - people say I look like Pheobe from Friends.
    Halloween is my favorite holiday
    I can't drive on hills or mountains, I live in Florida, we don't have hills or mountains.
    I love the smell gasoline
    I don't have a gall bladder
    I collect dictionaries
    I'm always the tallest women in the room
    I listen to music in my car so loud that my teenagers won't get in the car with me (I sing with the music as well).
    I have huge feet and have NEVER worn or owned a pair flat shoes - just tennis shoes - only worn when working out.
    I love spinich out of the can
    I hate talking on the phone
    I cannot read a map for the life of me
    Abe Lincoln is my favorite president
    I am good at every sport that I play or try
    I am left handed
  • miatyler
    Hi, I am brand new here (haven't even finished my profile yet) I thought this would be a great way to break the ice and meet new friends.

    1. I have hazel eyes
    2. I love my therapist too
    3. I grew up in Toronto
    4. I miss my horses (but have tattoos of them)
    5. I think Oliva Wilde has the sexiest eyes around
    6. I don't own a Smart Phone
    7. I don't go anywhere without my i Touch and my cell phone
    8. I hate brussel sprouts
    9. People who confuse loose and lose p*ss me off (sorry)
    10. I can walk to the ocean from my office
    11. I can see mountains from my office
    12. My favourite colour is purple
    13. I love cheesy horror/zombie movies
    14. I am a closet Katy Perry fan
    15. I have 2 tattoos and 4 piercings, not including my ears
    16. I think faeries are awesome
    17. I love to cook and bake, I am always trying new recipes
    18. Birds creep me out (except crows & bats)
    19. The only time I wear flat shoes, is when I am running (working on the C25K)
    20....To be continued :flowerforyou:
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I love numbers 4,5,13,15,16,22, and 25. Oh and I'm the ***** of my family cause i don't let anyone get away with shady ****.

    That's what's up. I'm the black sheep of mine...or formerly was a black sheep. Lol.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I love numbers 4,5,13,15,16,22, and 25. Oh and I'm the ***** of my family cause i don't let anyone get away with shady ****.

    That's what's up. I'm the black sheep of mine...or formerly was a black sheep. Lol.

    lol...Me too! Are you both the youngest?
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member

    As for the confidence, everyone has it. It just needs to be pulled out one way or another. Cramming years worth of experiences into months at a time helped me gather that confidence. A lot of near-death and literally life-altering experiences stemming from various reasons, stand out. Lol.

    Yeah, it's something I need to seriously work on. I'm just not quite sure how to work on it I guess. It certainly holds me back though.