20 random things about you



  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    1. I'm adopted.
    2. The fingernail on my middle finger of my right hand is extremely distorted. Don't know why, but it's so ugly!
    3. I have an extreme passion for breastfeeding, and would someday like to educate women on the knowledge and benefits of doing so.
    4. I love with all of my heart, friends and family. Strangers. I end up with a broken heart 9 times out of 10. :(
    5. I am the happiest I have ever been right now with myself.
    6. I love anything that has to do with diet and nutrition.
    7. I believe in God with all of my heart.
    8. I love miracles.
    9. I was blessed with a lack of coordination.
    10. I never thought at 27 that I would have a 6 year old, a 3 year old, and a 1 year old.
    11. I despise liars and fakers.
    12. I have a hard time standing up for myself. Kinda goes hand in hand with #4. I never want to see people hurt.
    13. I have very little patience for drama and try to avoid it at all costs.
    14. Growing up I wanted to be a singer and an actress.
    15. My sweet tooth is the size of a small country.
    16. I HATE HATE HATE the show Toddlers and Tiaras. SO not cool.
    17. I am going to learn how to pole dance and burlesque dance for a bachelorette party in a month and I am psyched!!
    18. I know every song to every episode of Dora the Explorer.
    19. I love to cook and bake, but have done very little since I lost weight.
    20. I am awesome. But that's not random, everyone knows it. :wink:
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    1: I live in a wee "But N' Ben" in rural Scotland
    2: I was raised in a housing estate under the runway of Glasgow Airport
    3: I own a pretty famous Scottish Smoked Salmon Company
    4: I have a stunning daughter who has married and lives in the Cayman Islands:sad:
    5: I take vacations several times a year with my daughter to far off exotic places:happy:
    6: I have had TEA with HM Queen Elizabeth II
    7: I once chatted with Prince Andrew for 20 minutes without knowing who he was:noway:
    8: I was once a model :huh:
    9: I never get time anymore but I am a trained graphic designer and calligrapher
    10: I LOVE LADY GAGA!!
    11: I am with my husband 24/7 and still adore him:bigsmile:
    12: I am a great accountant but loathe it!
    13: I have starred in a food TV show
    14; I LOVE LOVE LOVE Sandals Vacations
    15: I love cruising
    16: I'm a great chef and have a bistro and visitor centre where I will often still chef
    17: Eight world leaders including George Bush and HM have dined on my smoked salmon
    18 : So has Mick Jagger, Justin Timberlake, the Minogue sisters and a whole load of celebs
    19: I own a smoked salmon company, am a "Net & Coble" salmon fisherwoman. but am allergic to salmon :frown:
    20: My favourite world restaurant is the Jahazzi Beach grill in Mombasa, Kenya..awesome!
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member

    12. I'm addicted to the game "Plants vs. Zombies"

    #12-LOVE THAT GAME!!

    This song makes me stupid happy :)

  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    Haha..I ran out of numbers but...I also wanted to mention...I love tattoos...:wink:
  • Triguy83
    Triguy83 Posts: 57 Member
    1. favorite color is blue
    2. I love to Cook and Juice(no not that juice) and be a mad scientist in the kitchen
    3. Fav Channels are Cooking, Food, Planet Green, and all the health and education channels
    4. I am addicted to Hummus especially if it is fresh, local and homemade.
    5. Carrots, spinach, and broccoli are my fave veggies
    6. I love to ride my road or tri bike when the sun is rising
    7. Don't eat out at Major restaurant's because I know i can make it better then they can.
    8. Im vegan/vegetarian
    9. I spend more time outside training than i do inside the gym. (weather permitting)
    10. I believe in the saying "early to bed, early to rise"
    11. always have the same thing for breakfast everyday
    12. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day
    13. I love to write music and play my guitars
    14. I believe everything tastes better with garlic
    15. I love listening to hardcore/death/black metal and all of its sub genres
    16. I ride my bike to run errands i.e. drop off bills, etc.(weather permitting)
    17. would rather be able to run a 5:30 Min mile then bench a heavy *kitten* weight.
    18. i believe that if there were no fast food chains there would be no obesity.
    19. I always say I love me to myself in the mirror and say good morning good looking. (not cocky but, confident)
    20. I believe that after loosing all this weight and everything else that has happened in my life. I was put on this earth to help others feel the way i do everyday, and make a difference in peoples lives by being active as well as living, and eating healthy and will be successful in life by my passion for this.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member

    12. I'm addicted to the game "Plants vs. Zombies"

    #12-LOVE THAT GAME!!

    This song makes me stupid happy :)


    my 3 yr old sings that song all the time
  • fitmom4ever
    Oh yeah, and I can never eat turkey on Thanksgiving because it still looks like a bird and birds really really freak me out. If you carve up the bird before I ever see it I may be able to eat some breast meat, but even eating chicken legs and wings creeps me out because I can't help thinking that i am biting into a bird, and that just makes me want to puke. I also don't know why I am so freaked out by birds. We had white doves when I was little, and I never had a problem with it until after they died and I was in my teen years. I can't even take my daughters to feed the ducks. I also have to eat skittles, m&m's, etc, in a color coordinated order, and if someone messes up the order I can't eat anymore of them. My husband gets a real kick out of doing this to me, or reorganizing anything I have color coordinated just to watch me go insane trying to get it back in the perfect order.
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    1) I am taller than the average clone
    2) I have two small tattoos
    3) I am a good researcher
    4) I have 3 MMA style workouts a week
    5) I am the only person with a desk job at said MMA style workouts
    6) I am in better shape then I was at 30
    7) I prefer standard to automatics
    8) I like Jeeps as my choice of automobile
    9) People I have dated ranged from 5' to 6'2"
    10) I prefer smart dates to pretty ones
    11) For 2 years I wrote humor blog (badly)
    12) I worked night shift at a grocery store for 2 years
    13) I fenced during college
    14) I am not interested in watching any sports on TV or in person, unless I know someone on the team
    15) I read at least 3 books a month (some good some bad)
    16) I have read the bible (new and old testament) cover to cover 7 times
    17) I have read Lord to the Rings out loud to people 12 times
    18) Everything I learned about camping came from 3 years in boy scouts.
    19) My best collage friend and I dated the same person (at different times)
    20) I work in the field that I studied in college
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    1. I love to ride with my husband on his motorycle.
    2. I have an obsession with first gen Camaros.
    3. I have three dogs.
    4. I met my best friend in the world in an online weight loss group.
    5. My husband is 9 years older than me.
    6. I love 4wd pick-up trucks and my Jeep.
    7. I don't mind hard work and getting my hands dirty...my nail lady doesn't care for it though!
    8. I love to turn up the music and my son and I sing and dance and act totally silly.
    9. I would go barefoot all the time if I could! So next best thing...flip flops!!
    10. I HATE the cold weather!
    11. I love the mountains and would love to have a ranch in Wyoming or Montana...but couldn't handle the cold.
    12. I am the mother to a saxophone player.
    13. I love dark chocolate!
    14. I am totally shy and have trouble starting conversations with people.
    15. NCIS is my favorite show.
    16. My favorite color is PINK!!
    17. I am the youngest of 3 kids...and a Daddy's girl.
    18. Love spending the day on the river or lake.
    19. Want to go to Italy someday.
    20. I am going to skydive before I turn 40!!
  • kelligonzales
    Ohh I love this thread....I have most of them on my profile

    1. I'll be reaching the dirty 30 this year
    2. My favorite color is blue ..although I own a lot of grey too
    3. I have a fear of spiders(yeah I know) & possums(they look like rats)
    4. I love going to Yosemite & I plan to hike up to Half Dome
    5. I fell off a horse once...it was my first time riding one
    6. Would like to own a motorcycle ... love the rush...
    7. I've fallen & taken quite some hits doing many fun activities ...that I'm surprised I'm still here
    8. Married my HS sweetheart ...& only have one daughter...don't really plan having more
    9. Love dancing...know how to twirl small flags & baton
    10.My hubby wants me to play COD on Xbox...but I'm a noob..& if they made fun on me I might have to hurt someone
    11.Love dark chocolate...but not the one that's too bitter
    12.I'm a very social person
    13.Love a good sense of humor...& to crack jokes (bad ones sometimes)
    14.Can be a nice person but get on my bad side I'm a force to be reckon with
    15.I like watching music videos with a nice plot or awesome dance moves..ever since MJ's "Thriller"
    16.Been married for 10 years...like every couple we had our rough patch
    17.I absolutely love cats...& sometimes say "kitty!!" when I see one
    18.I believe everybody has the right to act stupid but some people abuse the privilege...lol
    19.Used to knock Facebook...now I'm addicted to it...hehe
    20.I was also thin most of my life 'till I had my girl...I blame me for letting myself go..but I'm changing that

    Oh man i love number 18 ha ha ha ha and number 10 they suck it we can be bad together who cares what they think. ha ha ha ha
  • kelligonzales
    I love numbers 4,5,13,15,16,22, and 25. Oh and I'm the ***** of my family cause i don't let anyone get away with shady ****.

    That's what's up. I'm the black sheep of mine...or formerly was a black sheep. Lol.

    lol...Me too! Are you both the youngest?

    guilty as charged
  • Lindsay7360
    Had fun reading these! :)
  • asj0901
    asj0901 Posts: 141
    1. I love God and put my trust in Him.
    2. I love winter because I love sweaters
    3. I love my husband we have been together for 10yrs.
    4. Two kids 6 & 3
    5. Total daddys girl
    6. I love purple
    7. I love cats
    8. I hate facebook
    9. I hate people that post their every smile, tear and fart on facebook.
    10. I can make a number of various items from duct tape
    11. I love nutella
    12. I love cartoons
    13. I love to cook and bake (which is why I find myself in this large gooey state of body)
    14. I get sad if I cant see my husband everyday.
    15. I talk to my cats like they will be 2 month old babies forever.
    16. My daughter says I am her best friend and I love that! (don't worry she has lots of friends at church and school)
    17. My husband and I are very competitive with eachother
    18. I love my job even though its exhausting and I am pretty much a doormat to 100+ people a day.
    19. I manage a hotel
    20. My family is more to me than anything this old world can offer.
  • anbegley
    anbegley Posts: 163 Member
    1. I love the color blue
    2. I have no true female "best friend" but wish I did
    3. I am an audiologist who married a man with a hearing loss/wears a hearing aid and then had two boys that also wear hearing aids.
    4. I love my two boys (4 and 23 months) and will do anything for them
    5. I lost a son, Reverie, 3-2- 2008 and it breaks my heart everyday.
    6. I live in Nevada and HATE it with every fiber of my being.
    7. I love a good romantic comedy
    8. I also love psychological thrillers
    9. I hate broccoli but eat it because my husband and oldest son LOVE it
    10. I loved the "Twilight" series. Totally Team Edward
    11. I love to read medical thrillers
    12. My sister in law posted something on her facebook about my oldest son and to this day I have not spoken to her. Be careful what you post
    13. I am VERY stubborn and will hold a grudge (see #12)
    14. My first car was a Buick Skylark
    15. I was in the marching band in High School. I played the flute
    16. I watch the show "Snapped" and my husband calls them training shows. Why would I copy them, they got caught? :laugh:
    17. I get along really well with my mother in law
    18. I would do anything to move back to Florida.
    19. I grew up in Indiana, but really would never want to move back even though my family asks me all the time.
    20. I have been know to make cream cheese frosting just to eat it. Yum. (no worries, haven't done that in awhile)
  • anbegley
    anbegley Posts: 163 Member
    I love numbers 4,5,13,15,16,22, and 25. Oh and I'm the ***** of my family cause i don't let anyone get away with shady ****.

    That's what's up. I'm the black sheep of mine...or formerly was a black sheep. Lol.

    lol...Me too! Are you both the youngest?

    guilty as charged

    I'm the black sheep and the oldest : )
  • asj0901
    asj0901 Posts: 141
    14. My first car was a Buick Skylark

    ME TOO! 1972 Skylark! aslo I am proud of your strength in your loss. youre amazing. (for what its worth anyway)
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    This is fun! I love learning about everyone, friends and new people as well! =)

    1. My last name use to be 16 letters, now it's only 13
    2. If it comes in pink, I need to buy it
    3. I LOVE to scrapbook
    4. I know more sports trivia than most average men
    5. I will only drive an American car
    6. If there was one sweet treat left on the planet I would want it to be Reeces Peanut Butter Cups
    7. My younger sister is a graphic designer
    8. I was married for 4 months
    9. Dogs are the best pets - I have 2
    10. Marilyn Monroe shares a birthday with me, June 1st
    11. I will put up a fight with anyone who wants to talk smack about my city, Detroit, Michigan
    12. I got a DUI when I was 17, first in the state as a minor--lucky me
    13. 13 is a lucky number in my family.. My mom, dad and sister were all born on Friday the 13th's and my due date was 6/13
    14. My mom went into labor with me while at a Tigers game, and went into labor with my sister while bowling
    15. I am a huge advocate for people with special needs
    16. Coffee was introduced to my life 5 months ago and I drink it every single day now
    17. The only gambling game I will play is Roulette
    18. I have three closets and 2 dressers full of clothes
    19. My grandparents are from Germany
    20. I use to be scared of small children but now I love them and want one (one day!)
  • anbegley
    anbegley Posts: 163 Member
    10. Marilyn Monroe shares a birthday with me, June 1st

    I have two sisters born on June 1st. (not twins) My mom liked the first of the month, three of the four were born on the first. The other, the 28th. : ) Should have just crossed her legs a little longer : )
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    10. Marilyn Monroe shares a birthday with me, June 1st

    I have two sisters born on June 1st. (not twins) My mom liked the first of the month, three of the four were born on the first. The other, the 28th. : ) Should have just crossed her legs a little longer : )

    WOW how fun!! It's a good day, right smack dab in the middle of the year!
    LOL @ the legs comment! COME ON MOM!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    me my brother and sister are all 3 years apart our names all start with J and were all Taures