fell off the wagon for a few days!



  • meguernsey
    I'm right there with you... started on Friday, went further down hill on Saturday for a birthday and didn't look up yesterday! With that said... it's so difficult to stay focused when you adore your co-workers and they aren't trying to lose weight! Also, my family (extended not my husband) most of them are not looking to lose weight either. Well yesterday being bad at Odoba just sounded too good to pass up!

    I feel your pain and got on the scale this morning to see how much I gained, and I have gained and it's not pretty! Knowing that my personal weigh-in is on Friday, I have some new resolve today and the next couple of days to try to "maintain" this week. But since I'm no good at fasting, I'm just going to work on coming under my calorie / fat gram goals for the next three days.

    All that to say, you are so not alone, I'm there as well and trying to make up for my decisions this weekend! But as my fav. quote goes... "Never too late"! I cling to that idea... never too late... and I haven't done anything so bad that I can gain 10 lbs in a day! :) I just need to work on getting moving... that's another problem I face. I don't know if I have helped, but it's always good to not feel alone! :) Good luck this week!
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    I used to binge on weekends, thinking I 'earned it'. I was stupid about it, to say the least. I'd do well on the weekdays, then go home on Fridays and indulge in takeouts and sweeties!

    Getting back on the wagon wont be easy - like giving anything up, be it cigarettes or soda or sweets, and starting a diet, the first days will always be the hardest. But it is worth it. That's what I've always found - the first day I feel like I'm surrounded by temptation, then as each day goes well, I feel good about it and get more acclimated to eating less and better.

    My only 'cheat' time is sunday evenings, because my dad always makes a really lovely yummy dinner then!

    You can totally do it!
  • healthynthin
    thanks for posting! i had to many sweets yesterday too and the scale went up two this morning! i dont think i can get to worried though the scale shouldnt change that much over night! im just doing lots of cardio today and not eating back the calories haha =]
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    The one comfort I can take away from my astonishing fall off the wagon was that it was kind of a forced situation -- I had no interest whatsoever in having my regimen interrupted, but it was a rare occasion and I was truly obligated. If I didn't have to entertain I would never have strayed from my meal planning.

    And, I wanted to show my GF appreciation for the meal + dessert she specially prepared the next day, so I sat right down and made sure she felt appreciated. A small price to pay in and of itself, but the double-whammy weekend was somehow more disruptive than the sum of its parts.

    My stomach is still reeling from that restaurant dinner -- I could really tell by this last day or so how my innards started getting used to "cleaner" foods and is still not back to equilibrium. At least I know it wasn't the GF's dinner -- I struggled all day with the, let's call it "unwell-ness", before I even had sat down to the meal she prepared.