New round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me!



  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    Well, I was going to do my Legs & Back workout on Friday but got distracted by all of my new baby chickens and never got to it! The weekend was crazy busy too plus somewhere along the way I tweaked my knee a little bit. So I decided to just wait on the workouts until today in hopes that I would feel better. I does feel a lot better but I skipped Taekwondo just to make sure. I did do the Arms and Shoulders workout along with ARX and that went fairly well. The Arms & Legs I was feeling wimpy but I just realized that it's probably because I cleaned out the chicken coop today (for my big chickens) and that was a pretty good workout in itself (especially on the arms with all that shoveling!)

    ARX went better than any other time so far so the days off apparently were a good thing! I think tomorrow I will do the Legs & Back workout since I missed it last week. Then maybe I'll do Plyo on Thursday since I hate YogaX. I have to admit to being tempted to flake out this evening and skip my workout since my schedule was all messed up but I knew if I did I'd end up quitting entirely so I made myself push play. Once I started I was fine but man is it just hard to push play some days!
  • zoibas
    zoibas Posts: 31
    how do i insert banner?
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Well, I was going to do my Legs & Back workout on Friday but got distracted by all of my new baby chickens and never got to it! The weekend was crazy busy too plus somewhere along the way I tweaked my knee a little bit. So I decided to just wait on the workouts until today in hopes that I would feel better. I does feel a lot better but I skipped Taekwondo just to make sure. I did do the Arms and Shoulders workout along with ARX and that went fairly well. The Arms & Legs I was feeling wimpy but I just realized that it's probably because I cleaned out the chicken coop today (for my big chickens) and that was a pretty good workout in itself (especially on the arms with all that shoveling!)

    ARX went better than any other time so far so the days off apparently were a good thing! I think tomorrow I will do the Legs & Back workout since I missed it last week. Then maybe I'll do Plyo on Thursday since I hate YogaX. I have to admit to being tempted to flake out this evening and skip my workout since my schedule was all messed up but I knew if I did I'd end up quitting entirely so I made myself push play. Once I started I was fine but man is it just hard to push play some days!

    Are chickens your hobby, or a living? Sounds interesting.
    I have been changing up my routine due to scheduling and soreness. As long as you round it out and push play 6 days a week I think you are doing great. You have to listen to your body. I gave my arms another rest day and had an amazing Plyo day instead!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member

    Are chickens your hobby, or a living? Sounds interesting.
    I have been changing up my routine due to scheduling and soreness. As long as you round it out and push play 6 days a week I think you are doing great. You have to listen to your body. I gave my arms another rest day and had an amazing Plyo day instead!

    They're a hobby but as the new batch comes into lay I will probably sell the excess eggs. I already had 8 grown layers and now I've just purchased 16 little ones so around July we'll be overrun with eggs! At least we high protein diets, lol. I love the baby chicks but I find sitting out next to the grown hens reading a book, gardening or knitting to be one of the most relaxing things ever.

    I will keep pushing play! I will see this program through! Tonight was a night I had to really decide if I was going to keep that promise to myself and the fact that I did just got me all fired up all over again! Plus I like that my jeans are getting loose! :wink:

    Thanks for the encouragement!
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Day 2 Plyo done! I'm a little sore again from Day 1, but not near as bad as the first time I did it. I should be able to continue to day 3. I really want to see this through, and have rewards set up for myself as I go.
  • Keep it up guys. I'm in the middle of Week 4 and enjoying the lighter load. So glad I decided to do P90x went from 192 to 181 in less than 4 weeks! I feel so great...getting those looks I haven't since high school! So keep it up guys. If you eat right and follow the plan, it is well worth the hard work!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello!!!!! I'm baaaacckkkk!!!!! Yesterday was the restart of week 1 and I felt great! It felt soooo good to push play again! And the bonus.........I felt stronger than I did last week! I got in more reps this time around so woo hoo for me! Today is plyo and I'm ready to bring it! I'm also down another pound so I know all this protein and the eating clean is working!

    You guys are doing great! Keep up the energy and continue to push play! Summer is right around the corner and I know I'm going to be ready, are you?! Let's do this!

    Have a great day everyone and bring it!

  • cnance
    cnance Posts: 92 Member
    I started my second round of P90X on Saturday 3/5. Doing the classic version this time, as I did the Lean version last year around this time.

    I haven't had any problems getting back on the horse so far, except Plyo killed me. I never did it in the Lean version so that was a totally new and rough experience. I still feel like I can barely walk the stairs, even after doing Yoga this morning!
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Oofda, Plyo kicked my butt today...but I burned about 900 calories according to my HRM, so that's awesome! I also lost over 3 pounds between yesterday and, I'd say, not bad! Hopefully, they'll stay off....but, I'm doing my best to bring it, and keep on pushing! I love this group!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    cnance: Welcome! So, what were your results like with the Lean version if you don't mind me asking. I have a friend who started with the classic recently and then decided that the lean was for her. I bet plyo was an eye opener for ya! Way to bring it!

    blueviolet: Woo hoo!!!! Nice burn! 900 calories left behind! See ya! And congrats on the weight loss, incredible! I bet you feel awesome! Just makes you want more, huh? I love that feeling! Keep up the great work!

  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    900 calories! Great job!

    I followed through today and made up my Legs & Back workout. Tomorrow I'll stick with my schedule and Thursday I may do a double to make up for my weekend slacking. I'm going away this weekend so it's really important that I get these workouts in beforehand. March got crazy busy on me!
  • annyshay
    annyshay Posts: 42
    Hey guys. I'm hanging in there with my diet and P90x despite having 75 hours to work this week and close to that next week. I could only do half of yoga x tonight, but I will do the balance and ab stuff tomorrow on my rest day. Doing my best. Now for as much sleep as I can get...
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Did plyo today. I like this one the best. I feel like it burns the most calories.
  • stacy7533
    stacy7533 Posts: 11 Member
    Well our Sunday got away from us this past weekend which should have been Plyo. So we continued Monday with Shoulders/Arms and then did Plyo last night instead of Yoga. Tonight is Legs/Back and we'll see how that feels back to back with the Plyo. I'm concerned that 3 1/2 weeks in I'm still showing a weight gain on the scale of 2 lbs. Everything still fits well so I guess I'll chalk it up to water weight and maybe some muscle gain.
  • cnance
    cnance Posts: 92 Member
    cnance: Welcome! So, what were your results like with the Lean version if you don't mind me asking. I have a friend who started with the classic recently and then decided that the lean was for her. I bet plyo was an eye opener for ya! Way to bring it!

    I lost 23lb and gained about 10lb of muscle with the Lean. (I used the P90Xcel spreadsheet and its the numbers from that, not sure how accurate it is on the muscle gain.) I liked Lean, but by the end I was really wanting more lifting. So I'm thinking the Classic is more for me.

    Did Legs and Back today, wow that was brutal. In a good way!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I started my second round of P90X on Saturday 3/5. Doing the classic version this time, as I did the Lean version last year around this time.

    I haven't had any problems getting back on the horse so far, except Plyo killed me. I never did it in the Lean version so that was a totally new and rough experience. I still feel like I can barely walk the stairs, even after doing Yoga this morning!

    Wait, so plyo isn't even in the lean version?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I started week 2 today of phase 1. I'm doing the Lean program. This is my first time doing P90X. Was wondering which program the girls are doing? Classic or Lean? If you've done both, which one did you have better results with?

    I've always done classic. Even in my first round I did classic and still lost 24 pounds.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Today was Shoulders/Arms, and I actually really enjoyed it. I didn't get to do the "bonus" part, and only got about 1/2 done with ARX because of kids/dog this morning. My husband is travelling for work, so I get the extra chores, and he's not there to help when the boys need something. Made it a little harder, but I did my best. :ohwell:
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I read this article today, and it convinced me that doing P90X is the right thing for me:

    I had my thyroid removed about 5 months ago, and am having trouble regulating my medication afterwards, so I'm basically still hypothyroid. My energy and metabolism is still suffering. My weight hasn't changed since the surgery (thankfully), but I feel like I've been working hard enough that I should have made a little progress. The article recommends at least an hour per day of exercise (as opposed to the normally suggested 30 mins 3-5x per week), and making it mostly strength training.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Morning my P90X peeps! How is everyone today? Ready to bring it? Or maybe you already have for today! I have Shoulders, Arms & ARX today and I can’t wait! It’s one of my favs!

    Fran: Nice job! I sent out your samples, they’re on their way! Enjoy! Let me know when you get them!

    Annyshay: Ouch, 75 hours! Not fun. But congrats to you for keeping up the schedule, not a lot of people can do that and they come up with excuse after excuse, good job! You are important and so is your health & fitness! Hope you get some good zzzz’s!

    Dyiaane: It totally burns the calories! Nice job on bringing it!

    Stacy: Take it easy today if you’re doubling up legs & back with plyo! Plyo works your legs as it is! Just be careful. Don’t let the scale hold you hostage! It will! Just keep plugging along and know that you are in fact gaining lean muscle with this program. The results will follow, keep up the good work!

    Cnance: Nice results form your lean round! Keep it up!

    Edorice: So, what round is this for you? You’re bringing it like no other girl! You inspire me! Way to go!

    Jenna: Nice job on the workout today! I have the same one and it’s one of my favs! I hear ya, with things getting in the way sometimes….kids, dogs, etc. Way to do your best! Your work will pay off and the results will come, just keep doing what you’re doing. Your body is only bound to get stronger and stronger! Great work!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day today! I’ll be checking in later with my accountability!

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