The Best Compliment your SO/BF/ Husband or GF or Wife gave y



    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    My husband kinda sucks at compliments LOL most are back-handed
    the one day he said to me (a couple months after giving birth to his twins)
    "I can tell you've lost weight because you're LESS LUMPY now"
    ummm, what woman wants her body described as LUMPY? lol

    and the other day he said "wow yeah, definite weight loss, your stomach doesn't hang over nearly as much when you're sitting"
    uhhhhhh thanks babe?

    the nicest one he said recently was "i love hugging you now because you feel so small to me" (he's 6'4 230 and i'm 5'10 155)

    Sounds like he is at least trying. Us men are always a work in progress.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    How about...

    "thats a nice ski mask"

    (Dumb and Dumber)
  • 3ur3ka
    3ur3ka Posts: 230 Member
    My husband kinda sucks at compliments LOL most are back-handed
    the one day he said to me (a couple months after giving birth to his twins)
    "I can tell you've lost weight because you're LESS LUMPY now"
    ummm, what woman wants her body described as LUMPY? lol

    and the other day he said "wow yeah, definite weight loss, your stomach doesn't hang over nearly as much when you're sitting"
    uhhhhhh thanks babe?

    the nicest one he said recently was "i love hugging you now because you feel so small to me" (he's 6'4 230 and i'm 5'10 155)

    LMAO sounds like mine. He tries so hard. Silly boys.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    he tells me he loves me everyday.
    That really is the best compliment isn't it. :happy:
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Seriously...the biggest compliment was something left unsaid...'re crushing me.
  • What is the BEST compliment or compliments you've received from your lover, husband wife or whatever!!!
    You can take your clothes off this time...

    Ha, I got that from airport security.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    My husband is encouraging me (along with one of my friends who works in the industry) to see what local modeling contracts I can get.

    I just mentioned it as a fun thing to think about, but the fact that he took it so seriously when I brought it up meant the world to me. It was the best compliment he's ever given me.
  • Wow you all are making me LMAO...

    Of course my husband tells me he loves me every single day :)
    But some of the best compliments he's paid me:
    I'm naturally very pale. When I first moved to TX everyone kept going overboard about how pale I was. I had just spent seven years in the south of Germany?..couldn't be helped! So my husband once randomly told me :
    "I love your skin, it is pale, but it isn't's beautiful and creamy looking". ...ahhh sigh, it was super sweet...and I'm a romantic sucker.
    He also told me that I have the most beautiful eyes he's ever seen.
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,638 Member
    your the strangest person I ever met .... we should be together for a very long time.


    *breathing heavily* Oh F**k ... you were right .... this get even better the more I know you.

    both made me feel like a million.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    The compliments I love are the ones targeting my weirdness:

    "You are a very strange Fae"
    "You have an old soul"
    "Only you could pull that off"
    "Your uniqueness inspires me"
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    "Let me see that sexy body."


    "I like your milk reservoirs."


    "I like your meat receptacle."

    Classy man I married.
    Yeah, he's a charmer.
  • I remembered another one:
    He said that he loves how whenever I want something or decide on something I demolish it.
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    My fiance said to me "The belly is almost completely gone! How did that happen? It's a miracle!" haha
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    My husband is NOT a romantic. So when he quotes Ron Burgandy, I am grateful. His most recent compliment? "You have a BREATHTAKING heiny." Men.

    Aside from that, he also told me recently that he is completely amazed with what I have done with my body :heart:
  • 3ur3ka
    3ur3ka Posts: 230 Member
    My doofus said " If you start losing your chesticles, I'm slipping Crisco in everything you eat or drink."
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    "Let me see that sexy body."


    "I like your milk reservoirs."


    "I like your meat receptacle."

    Classy man I married.
    Yeah, he's a charmer.




    Well, you picked him! :laugh:

    He sounds like my husband. I ask for a hug and he says, "Let me grab your sweet *kitten* while I'm at it."

  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    He said "I do".
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    "Let me see that sexy body."


    "I like your milk reservoirs."


    "I like your meat receptacle."

    Classy man I married.
    Yeah, he's a charmer.




    Well, you picked him! :laugh:

    He sounds like my husband. I ask for a hug and he says, "Let me grab your sweet *kitten* while I'm at it."


    Rofl! Jeremy would say the same thing. It's either that or he when he does say something nice he says it like Karl from Sling Blade.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Mine always tells me he likes my butt and doesnt want me to lose it.

    He also has a habit of reacting to my giggling with "youre SO CUTE!"

    He randomly grabs me and says "I love this girl!"

    Not all really compliments but they're cute things he does
    like how every night he cannot sleep untill we're cuddled somehow.

    and when I told him (after planning to leave town for the weekend to hang with fam) that I'd be out Friday untill prolly a little after he was home from work...he said "dont be out too late I already wont get to see you all weekend" and pouted.
    We live together and I dont work, so we see a lot of each other lol
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    My husband is NOT a romantic. So when he quotes Ron Burgandy, I am grateful. His most recent compliment? "You have a BREATHTAKING heiny." Men.

    Aside from that, he also told me recently that he is completely amazed with what I have done with my body :heart:

    Exactly what did you do with your body?

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