Last 10 lb CHALLENGE!!! Ladies - what's going on?



  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,646 Member

    Hubby unfortunately has YEARS of excuses to work through - he has never been athletic or healthy and the worst part is he is diabetic (type 1) - so he of all people needs to be on board. Over the years I have slowly changed some of his bad habits. Most recently I stopped buying Diet soda so he will drink more water. He never gets steak anymore which is a biggie for him!! No more chips, only pretzels! He chooses Subway for lunch more often than not. This week I am going to introduce him to the treadmill and get him started on the Couch Potato to 5K training program...we shall see what happens! Either he gets it or I might be divorced! :laugh:

    Look at how clever you are girl... very good... little sneaky things to get him healthier! You're a good wife! :flowerforyou: :wink:

    I've been trying that with the kids, "But they don't make Oreo cookies anymore! I know it IS strange!"

    LOL! I used to be able to get away with that kind of fun with my kids, but now my 7 y.o. is way to smart!! I regret the day he learned to read!! :laugh: The only thing I still get away with is Sugar Free ice cream and ice pops....
  • nytoaz
    nytoaz Posts: 143
    :flowerforyou: Hi! I'm still here ~ I'm the same weight as last week and still have eleven pounds to go :grumble: .

    This week I'm going to focus on my net calories. I'll work on measuring my food portions more accurately. I started working out with a HRM and am finding that I'm burning less calories during exercise than what I had been recording. So, I think I've been having too many calories :ohwell: .

    I also checked out a book from the library "Winning by Losing" by Jillian Michaels and am looking forward to reading it this week. :smile:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi! I'm still here ~ I'm the same weight as last week and still have eleven pounds to go :grumble: .

    This week I'm going to focus on my net calories. I'll work on measuring my food portions more accurately. I started working out with a HRM and am finding that I'm burning less calories during exercise than what I had been recording. So, I think I've been having too many calories :ohwell: .

    I also checked out a book from the library "Winning by Losing" by Jillian Michaels and am looking forward to reading it this week. :smile:

    Hey!!!!! Glad you are still here!!!! I've heard that book is great - will you give us the "Coles Notes" version (or "Cliff's Notes" if you are American!)... :wink:
  • IndigoElectron
    IndigoElectron Posts: 143 Member
    I'm still here, still have 6 pounds to go! I'm struggling a bit with my eating, I can't stop! So I've upped my exercise and hope that will help.
  • psuastro97
    psuastro97 Posts: 125
    o.k. here's my plan for the week:

    dog walk every morning - 1 mile (that's standard)
    3 days - lifting weights
    3 days cardio (treadmill or my bike if it is not too hot outside)
    one day rest, or maybe a long walk with the dog! on the weekend

    as for eating, sticking to my calories.
    once i master the calories, i'll start working on carbs!

    i did find a good link for some weight workouts. i have a standard workout i used to do. so i dusted it off and added some to it, based on a story i saw on Good morning America. one of the anchors is on this;s the link to his program. the diet is crazy!!!!! but the exercise is pretty cool.
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I'm still here, still have 6 pounds to go! I'm struggling a bit with my eating, I can't stop! So I've upped my exercise and hope that will help.

    Hey!!!! Only 6 to go, maybe you can take it slow then? And not sweat the eating too much?

    I'm taking the pressure off myself (I would wake up every morning with this 7lbs looming over my head), so I'm changing my thinking! Going to keep positive! Eat well, and exercise regularly, and if the last lbs come off, great! And, if not, no big deal!
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    I am still here too!!

    I weigh and measure tomorrow (Tuesday) morning ...... I will let you know in the morning where I stand!!! :wink: Hopefully a pound (or two) less than last week!!! :tongue:

    Sounds like everyone is doing great!! Keep up the good work!! :drinker:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I am still here too!!

    I weigh and measure tomorrow (Tuesday) morning ...... I will let you know in the morning where I stand!!! :wink: Hopefully a pound (or two) less than last week!!! :tongue:

    Sounds like everyone is doing great!! Keep up the good work!! :drinker:

    From what I remember from last week, I think you will have good results tomorrow morning! Good luck and share your successes tomorrow!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    LOST A POUND!!!! Finally!!!!!

    This week another pound is going... outta here, history, buh bye...

    ** 6 ** lbs to go!!! Hopefully by our beach vacation in 5 weeks!!! :noway:

    :flowerforyou: :love: :drinker:
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member

    I lost a pound!!!!!

    I weighed in this morning at 137.0 pounds!!!!
    I also measured and figured my inches lost since beginning MFP in February ......

    Drumroll please ..........

    I have lost a total of 19.25 inches since February 19, 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That just feels good to say!!!! WOW - when you look at 19.25 inches on a tape measurer ..... that's a lot!!!!

    Okay ..... this should be motivation to exercise extra hard this week!!!

    Good job everyone ...... keep going!!!! :drinker:
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,646 Member

    I lost a pound!!!!!

    I weighed in this morning at 137.0 pounds!!!!
    I also measured and figured my inches lost since beginning MFP in February ......

    Drumroll please ..........

    I have lost a total of 19.25 inches since February 19, 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That just feels good to say!!!! WOW - when you look at 19.25 inches on a tape measurer ..... that's a lot!!!!

    Okay ..... this should be motivation to exercise extra hard this week!!!

    Good job everyone ...... keep going!!!! :drinker:

    YEA!! Congrats!! You are super skinny and beautiful!! Walk proud today!!
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,646 Member
    LOST A POUND!!!! Finally!!!!!

    This week another pound is going... outta here, history, buh bye...

    ** 6 ** lbs to go!!! Hopefully by our beach vacation in 5 weeks!!! :noway:

    :flowerforyou: :love: :drinker:

    Wow!! and you were going to give up!! Silly silly girl!! Congrats! I think we all just needed some time and support - I too am down another 1 lb this week, so that is two weeks in a row now!

    WE CAN DO THIS LADIES!!! :drinker:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member

    I lost a pound!!!!!

    I weighed in this morning at 137.0 pounds!!!!
    I also measured and figured my inches lost since beginning MFP in February ......

    Drumroll please ..........

    I have lost a total of 19.25 inches since February 19, 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That just feels good to say!!!! WOW - when you look at 19.25 inches on a tape measurer ..... that's a lot!!!!

    Okay ..... this should be motivation to exercise extra hard this week!!!

    Good job everyone ...... keep going!!!! :drinker:

    YAY!!!!!! WOW - 19.25 is a lot of inches!!! Good work - keep it up!!!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    LOST A POUND!!!! Finally!!!!!

    This week another pound is going... outta here, history, buh bye...

    ** 6 ** lbs to go!!! Hopefully by our beach vacation in 5 weeks!!! :noway:

    :flowerforyou: :love: :drinker:

    Wow!! and you were going to give up!! Silly silly girl!! Congrats! I think we all just needed some time and support - I too am down another 1 lb this week, so that is two weeks in a row now!

    WE CAN DO THIS LADIES!!! :drinker:

    Congrats!!! You are getting so close - isn't it exciting!?!?!?!?
    Keep it up! You are inspiring (as are all the ladies here!).

    I'm pretty happy about the pound! What was I thinking of "taking a break" - tisk, tisk. I'm doing a double workout tomorrow, and I'm getting this 6lbs off in the next 5 weeks before our trip!!! I have to wear my bikini proud (and not have to walk around flexing my abs ALL the time- that would get tiring!!!!)

    Thanks for all the support! :heart:
  • food_junkie
    food_junkie Posts: 434
    I would love to join this! I have about 8lbs left to lose. I stick to a 1200 calorie a day diet and my workouts go something like..

    mon - 45 min. on the elliptical and cardio aerobics class
    tue - treadmill for about 50 min. and/or step class
    wed - some type of cardio for an hour and aerobics if time permits
    thurs - cardio and step class
    fri - more cardio
    sat - more cardio

    haha I am a cardio junkie..I decided that I am going to start strength training once I get to 120..3 more lbs!

    What days do we check in on?

  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I would love to join this! I have about 8lbs left to lose. I stick to a 1200 calorie a day diet and my workouts go something like..

    mon - 45 min. on the elliptical and cardio aerobics class
    tue - treadmill for about 50 min. and/or step class
    wed - some type of cardio for an hour and aerobics if time permits
    thurs - cardio and step class
    fri - more cardio
    sat - more cardio

    haha I am a cardio junkie..I decided that I am going to start strength training once I get to 120..3 more lbs!

    What days do we check in on?


    Welcome!!! Did you get that pink polar yet? I'm still deciding what to get!

    Check in as often as you like, and with any info you want to share. Your workouts look HARD CORE! You go girl - wow!!!

    Let's all have a great week!
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks for all the support ........ everyone!!!!!! Just seeing everyone else achieve their goals ONE POUND AT A TIME is what keeps me going!!!! I know that our goals are going to get accomplished!!!!!!! :drinker:

    You all are what keep me going!! :flowerforyou:

    Off to the treadmill I go .................... :tongue:
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    This was posted when I was first beginning with MFP ...... thought it was appropriate for our challenge going on .......... never really thought of it this way .........

    Only One Pound

    Hello, do you know me? If you don't you should. I'm a pound of fat, and I'm the happiest pound of fat that you would ever want to meet. Want to know why? It's because no one ever wants to lose me; I'm Only One Pound, just a pound. Everyone wants to lose three pounds, five pounds or fifteen pounds, but never only one, so I just stick around and happily keep you fat. Then I add to myself ever so slyly so that you never seem to notice it, that is until I've grown to ten, twenty or even more pounds in weight. Yes, it's fun being Only One Pound of fat, left to do as I please. So, when you weigh in, keep right on saying "Oh, I only lost one pound." ( as if that were such a terrible thing!) For you see, if you do this you'll encourage others to keep me around because they will think I'm not worth losing. And I love being around you - your arms, your legs, your chin, your hips and every part of you. Happy Days!! After all, I'm Only One Pound of fat!!!

  • food_junkie
    food_junkie Posts: 434
    This was posted when I was first beginning with MFP ...... thought it was appropriate for our challenge going on .......... never really thought of it this way .........

    Only One Pound

    Hello, do you know me? If you don't you should. I'm a pound of fat, and I'm the happiest pound of fat that you would ever want to meet. Want to know why? It's because no one ever wants to lose me; I'm Only One Pound, just a pound. Everyone wants to lose three pounds, five pounds or fifteen pounds, but never only one, so I just stick around and happily keep you fat. Then I add to myself ever so slyly so that you never seem to notice it, that is until I've grown to ten, twenty or even more pounds in weight. Yes, it's fun being Only One Pound of fat, left to do as I please. So, when you weigh in, keep right on saying "Oh, I only lost one pound." ( as if that were such a terrible thing!) For you see, if you do this you'll encourage others to keep me around because they will think I'm not worth losing. And I love being around you - your arms, your legs, your chin, your hips and every part of you. Happy Days!! After all, I'm Only One Pound of fat!!!


    I love that! :smile:
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