Pretty sure I've lost my period :/



  • spunkbeer
    To all the ladies hoping for, or glamorizing period-loss.... please cut it out. There's nothing good or exciting about losing your period (and sometimes your FERTILITY) as a result of too much diet/exercise. You are a women, and this is what we're created for. You may find that while you strive to be period-free now, in 10 years you may want children and discover you cannot. So really, shush, lol. :laugh:

    I am not existing for the sake of just producing a child. I like to think my life has more purpose then that.
    Just saying. :)
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    To all the ladies hoping for, or glamorizing period-loss.... please cut it out. There's nothing good or exciting about losing your period (and sometimes your FERTILITY) as a result of too much diet/exercise. You are a women, and this is what we're created for. You may find that while you strive to be period-free now, in 10 years you may want children and discover you cannot. So really, shush, lol. :laugh:

    Couldn't have said it better myself.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    To all the ladies hoping for, or glamorizing period-loss.... please cut it out. There's nothing good or exciting about losing your period (and sometimes your FERTILITY) as a result of too much diet/exercise. You are a women, and this is what we're created for. You may find that while you strive to be period-free now, in 10 years you may want children and discover you cannot. So really, shush, lol. :laugh:

    I am not existing for the sake of just producing a child. I like to think my life has more purpose then that.
    Just saying. :)

    I didn't say that, but with that kinda attitude, I do hope you don't have children! :ohwell: Menstruation has more than the sole purpose of child bearing, and it's not appropriate to glamorize it. :grumble:
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    To all the ladies hoping for, or glamorizing period-loss.... please cut it out. There's nothing good or exciting about losing your period (and sometimes your FERTILITY) as a result of too much diet/exercise. You are a women, and this is what we're created for. You may find that while you strive to be period-free now, in 10 years you may want children and discover you cannot. So really, shush, lol. :laugh:

    I am not existing for the sake of just producing a child. I like to think my life has more purpose then that.
    Just saying. :)

    agreed. some people need to lighten up. the statement wasn't meant to be harmful. i'm fairly certain no one intended to wish infertility on anyone (considering i was victim of it for a while).
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    To all the ladies hoping for, or glamorizing period-loss.... please cut it out. There's nothing good or exciting about losing your period (and sometimes your FERTILITY) as a result of too much diet/exercise. You are a women, and this is what we're created for. You may find that while you strive to be period-free now, in 10 years you may want children and discover you cannot. So really, shush, lol. :laugh:

    I am not existing for the sake of just producing a child. I like to think my life has more purpose then that.
    Just saying. :)

    agreed. some people need to lighten up. the statement wasn't meant to be harmful. i'm fairly certain no one intended to wish infertility on anyone (considering i was victim of it for a while).

    The situation was under control, but thanks cformica, lol.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    To all the ladies hoping for, or glamorizing period-loss.... please cut it out. There's nothing good or exciting about losing your period (and sometimes your FERTILITY) as a result of too much diet/exercise. You are a women, and this is what we're created for. You may find that while you strive to be period-free now, in 10 years you may want children and discover you cannot. So really, shush, lol. :laugh:
    For god's sake just marry me already <3
    haha :p

    But really ... not being able to have children isn't the WORST thing that could happen to you. You COULD end up with a variety of physical ailments that you might actually care about, like your heart ... y'know ... not working anymore.

    However, if you're not striving to live, that's your own prerogative, I guess :)
  • VialOfDreams
    Often when the body goes through a lot of stress or shock such as weight loss or incresed exercise you will stop. I would sugggest going to the doctor. I had this probelm and what started off as 3 months turnedinto 2 years and created a lot of problems. It is better to go and check to make sure everything is ok instead of finding out years later that it was a problem.

    Quoted for truth and emphasis on how important it is for you to see your doctor.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    You are over trained and under nourished. If your pics are current, the only weight you're going to lose is muscle and bone.
  • spunkbeer
    To all the ladies hoping for, or glamorizing period-loss.... please cut it out. There's nothing good or exciting about losing your period (and sometimes your FERTILITY) as a result of too much diet/exercise. You are a women, and this is what we're created for. You may find that while you strive to be period-free now, in 10 years you may want children and discover you cannot. So really, shush, lol. :laugh:

    I am not existing for the sake of just producing a child. I like to think my life has more purpose then that.
    Just saying. :)

    agreed. some people need to lighten up. the statement wasn't meant to be harmful. i'm fairly certain no one intended to wish infertility on anyone (considering i was victim of it for a while).

    The situation was under control, but thanks cformica, lol.

    Situation? lol i was unaware that replying with an opinion on post was a situation. :| haha
  • MaYhAmE101
    The last few days you've been getting around 1000 (or less) calories. Combine that with full-time dance training and the gym, and you're inadvertantly starving yourself. Your body isn't getting the nutrition it needs - I think that's the problem. Is your profile picture of yourself?? If so, you don't need to diet, you're tiny! :smile:

    See a doctor if you can, but otherwise - increase your food a little!!

    totally agree with her ^^^^ you are so tiny you shouldn't even be losing weight!!! your really skinny as it is.. you need to have some fat on ya :) pls keep that in mind...

    im way over weight at 116kgs and think there is nothing wrong with your weight...
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    I really didn't take the time to see what other replies you have gotten. I have looked through your diary for the past 2 weeks. I am noticing that you don't even eat (normally) close to 1200 calories and you are burning 700-1000 cals in exercise. You are starving your body. An eating disorder is diagnosed by missing more than three period and eating under 900 cals which you are very close to. I don't know if this is intentional or not (I hope not) but I would suggest seeing a doctor as soon as possible, you could really be harming your body! Eat more too!!! :)
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    To all the ladies hoping for, or glamorizing period-loss.... please cut it out. There's nothing good or exciting about losing your period (and sometimes your FERTILITY) as a result of too much diet/exercise. You are a women, and this is what we're created for. You may find that while you strive to be period-free now, in 10 years you may want children and discover you cannot. So really, shush, lol. :laugh:

    I am not existing for the sake of just producing a child. I like to think my life has more purpose then that.
    Just saying. :)

    agreed. some people need to lighten up. the statement wasn't meant to be harmful. i'm fairly certain no one intended to wish infertility on anyone (considering i was victim of it for a while).

    The situation was under control, but thanks cformica, lol.

    Situation? lol i was unaware that replying with an opinion on post was a situation. :| haha

    Lol, nah, I just didn't want it to turn into a giant-drama-fest like one of her other posts did! :ohwell:

    I know that not everyone wants kids, but I just meant that periods are still (unfortunately) important.
  • Franticantics
    eek, some pretty scary responses here...I just don't understand why my mum, if anything seems to be pleased about it, ot at least not bothered...
    Can it be linked to stress?
    i am aware i'm not 'overweight' in the real world, but unfortunately the dancing worlde is just different...I'm not being unrealistic with my goal weight, in the sense that I don't want my BMI to fall below the healthy line. I think I do have a dlightly different concept of what is normal/attractive/thin/fat, my mum having been a dancer and jewellry/underwear catwal model n top of that bac in the day., and my brother is a very successful model, so i've been brought up surrounded by DIET. Seriously, I can't remember the last time I ate/bought something without knowing what the calorific content was...which I guess is a bit sad.
    But thats off topic really, whilst it is admittedly quite handy not having a period (especially when you're wearing pink tights all day!) I know it's not a good thing, and I'd hate to have complications in future life as a result of it.
    But i really am scared of upping my calories, the thought of putting on weight...I can't even consider it, i still need to lose weight, but I do need to do it sensibly, I need t have energy to do all my classes and exercise on top...Eek its a tricky one...
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    It could totally be linked to stress. Clearly your calorie intake has something to do with it, but that's not to say that stress isn't playing at least somewhat of a factor.

    Thankfully you seem to at least be an aware person, in understanding that you need to nip this in the bud, that you need to be sensible about it if you are to lose any more weight—I don't think that you need to, but us saying that over and over and over again can hopefully only encourage you to talk to someone who can actually offer you help in regard to your nutrition; all I hope is that you'll take our suggestions at face value, at least.

    Anyway, I've known a lot of dancers (and my ex was in the exxxxxxxxxxxact same position you're in ... her mum was a former dancer and then taught dance for years), so I totally know where you're coming from, at least as best I can as a male, non-dancer ... I've been close to it and effected.

    Best wishes, be happy and healthy :)
  • bdavenport62
    I'm probably going to get flamed but whatever.
    I think your mom is perpetuating her body image issues on you. You seem to put a lot of emphasis on what she says, even though it's clearly not healthy. I have never heard of a mom NOT being concerned that her NINETEEN year old daughter has lost her friggen period. Losing your period is not a good sign. I know that being a dancer, it's hard to not compare yourself to others, especially if you are tall. If you aren't eating enough, yet doing all this physical activity, your body is not going to know where to get energy from after awhile. I hate to be THAT person, but I almost feel that you need to talk to a professional about your body image. I just feel that (as it seems to me) you trying to live up to your mom's expectations is not doing you any good.
  • juldga
    juldga Posts: 119
    I just hate how heavy I am, and the look they give me when i get on/off the scale, or a snide little comment on the side. I don't think I look my weight though... I don't know, I am thoroughly dismorphic, that I do know, as is my mother, the first time she put me on a diet I was about 11...Well for the first time since I can remember she is 'starting' to become happy with my body,but i still have a way to go...
    I wish everything was done on measurements not weight!

    One of the main problems i have with consuming enough calories is that i dont actually get a lunch break, and have to eat whilst running an average of 1/2 a mile to the next studio for the next class, and then I get home at aroun 7.30/8, and dont like to eat too much that late, so i make sure i get a good breakfast at least...
    Is that you in yoir picture. You are not heavy. You need to speak w your dr about your concerns. You do not want to develop an eating dusorder
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    You are very thin. I don't see where you could lose a lb. much less 10-20. I feel bad for you, I feel sorry that you have been surrounded by body image and body issues your whole life.......I wouldn't be suprised if you had body dysmorphic (sp?) disorder. Basically you look in the mirror and see something other than what's there.

    Please, go see a doctor! See one outside of the industry you are in. Better yet, talk to a nutritionist - or a counselor. Not just for the sake of your fertility (I"m 33 don't have/don't ever want kids) but for the sake of your overall health. What if you are screwing up your metabolism for good?
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    You are very thin. I don't see where you could lose a lb. much less 10-20. I feel bad for you, I feel sorry that you have been surrounded by body image and body issues your whole life.......I wouldn't be suprised if you had body dysmorphic (sp?) disorder. Basically you look in the mirror and see something other than what's there.

    Please, go see a doctor! See one outside of the industry you are in. Better yet, talk to a nutritionist - or a counselor. Not just for the sake of your fertility (I"m 33 don't have/don't ever want kids) but for the sake of your overall health. What if you are screwing up your metabolism for good?

    have to agree. if the picture you have posted as your profile pic is recent, you have what most of us are striving for and working so hard to achieve. in fact, i don't even see where you need to gain muscle as your abs look muscular already (unless you're looking to be in body building competitions which, imo, isn't attractive on women). i agree with talking with someone outside of your circle - get a professional's view/advice. if your dieting habits are causing your body to go haywire, something needs to be tweaked.
  • Franticantics
    I will definitely admit to being dysmorphic when it comes to my body, and i have been brought up around it, my mother will also admit to being body dysmorphic.
    sad times :(
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    I will definitely admit to being dysmorphic when it comes to my body, and i have been brought up around it, my mother will also admit to being body dysmorphic.
    sad times :(

    well, it's a good sign that you're aware of that. that's the first, and a very important step. don't be sad about it - instead, do something to get over that obstacle. not being in your shoes i realize it's probably easier said than done, but go to the internet to look for sites that have support groups or that can lead you in the direction of a professional who can help. good luck:flowerforyou: