Wedding Disasters Anyone?



  • mholmes
    mholmes Posts: 949 Member
    This is my 19 month old. Be honest...ugly?? hehee :laugh: :laugh:


    Are you kidding!!! What a doll! Look at that blonde hair and those dimples! Most certainly a stud in progress!
  • tlitzner
    tlitzner Posts: 124
    This is my 19 month old. Be honest...ugly?? hehee :laugh: :laugh:


    Definately NOT ugly!
  • casey34472
    casey34472 Posts: 280 Member
    SOOOOOOOO CUTE! :happy:
  • WillPillageYourVillageForFood

    :laugh: You're shameless!! Haha! I can one up that one (but I bet no one will agree or admit) Contrary to the myth, there ARE ugly babies! I've seen 'em! Sorry... back to weddings


    My son was so ugly when he was born that I kept begging them to take his name off the crib in the hospital because I didn't want anyone to know he was mine. I picked out a cute baby and told everyone that was him. :laugh:
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    HMMM where do i begin... I planned my whole wedding... not bad I think i did pretty good.. My mother in law well ex now... youll understand why in a moment.. got mad cuz i wouldnt go to a print shop to look at invitations when i had already picked mine out.. (CHEAPER IN MY CASE) then when the gils picked out t he dresses.. she found one.. THE EXACT SAME COLOR.. we got in a huge fight about it in the middle of the dress store.. She wanted a part to plan, so i told her she could plan dhte shower.. WELL nope i did that too... UGH... at the wedding.. the dj said the wrong names, my girls dresses didnt fit and my husband was 3 sheets to the wind... My MOH and one of my BM left early, we had to share our limo with my inlaws and there family... then the limo driver didnt decorate the car or give us our champage we paid for.... then the hotel messed up our reservations and had no we got divorced 3 years later and i have never been happier.... :bigsmile:
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    The groomsmens tuxs' literally began falling apart an hour before the ceremony, and luckily the lady from the tux rental made it to the church 15 minutes before walking down the aisle! My MIL (who I have yet to meet; almost six years married) didn't show and my hubby was super embarassed. Then, a total *kitten* friend of my husband (who wasn't invited) showed up at midnight wearing jeans and a t-shirt that said "snatch" on it (formal wedding, mind you) and proceeded to dance with the drunk bridesmaids. I had secuirty escort him out. Otherwise, it was perfect!

    Edit: And, while getting ready to throw the bouqet, one of said drunk bridesmaids began screaming "it should have been me!" over and over. After, she told me that she was thinner and prettier and therefore should be getting married before me. Gee, I wonder why she's still single!
    WOW.. you still haven't met his mom... wow... I did not know that... Do i even dare ask who showed up to your wedding at
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    We had a bunch of 'near mishaps' but no disasters.

    One of my bridesmaids is a strict vegan and, even with all of the double checking and arrangements, the rehearsal dinner place and reception hall messed up her food and she ate plain lettuce for both dinners. They whipped up a PB&J for her at the reception... I was humiliated.
    She ended up getting drunk and dancing with every guy there, then caught the bouquet. 3 weeks later she called with pregnancy news (baby's fine!) and got married 3 months to the day after my wedding.
    My MOH's son was my ring bearer. All day he was happy as a clam and cute as a button, but as soon as the organ started and we all lined up, he started SCREAMING about not wearing his tuxedo shoes. My MOH tore them off and he walked down barefoot - everyone thought it was darling.
    The place where we had our reception had a slanted dance floor (a remodeled church), and matched with Illinois July heat, our wedding cake nearly melted and collapsed. My brother politely came over and told us to cut it before it went SPLAT.

    We drove the top piece of our cake back out to Nevada with us boxed up in a cooler like it was a live organ. It made it all the way there and sat in the freezer for 11 months. On our way out here to KY, my hubby was in charge of packing the cake and replacing the ice every day. On our 3rd day on the road, I carried the cooler up to the motel room and heard a sloshing sound. "Honey, did you put the ice into ziplocs?" I asked. NOPE. I opened the cooler to find our cake literally FLOATING inside it's Tupperware container. 3 weeks til our anniversary. How do you think it will taste? hehehe
  • mholmes
    mholmes Posts: 949 Member

    :laugh: You're shameless!! Haha! I can one up that one (but I bet no one will agree or admit) Contrary to the myth, there ARE ugly babies! I've seen 'em! Sorry... back to weddings


    My son was so ugly when he was born that I kept begging them to take his name off the crib in the hospital because I didn't want anyone to know he was mine. I picked out a cute baby and told everyone that was him. :laugh:

    NO YOU DIDN'T!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That's terrible! I'm assuming he's gorgeous now right? I mean who is cute when they come out 6 different shades of red and white, with goo on 'em, bald and toothless? I wouldn't date a man that looked like that, what makes it so cute on babies? Haha