Pre-Diabetes -- In Need of Pointers!



  • Lisamariemlt
    Lisamariemlt Posts: 101 Member
    Long story at nine my daughter was diagnosed type 1. At ten she was told she was not. After taking insulin for a year she was taken off of it. She sometimes has her high and low sugar readings. But we have been tol don't focus on the carbs and protiens. Focus on fiber intake. She should try to intake 26 grams a day to keep her sugars level. Me as an adult I was told 35 to ? The higher the better. Its not easy when you try to obtain the amounts but there sure a lot less ups and downs with sugar levels and all that go with it
  • I've been diabetic for 14 years now. I was taught very early that sugar and carbs have the same exact effect. Being insulin dependant, all i need to do is counter act the carbs I eat with insulin. I don't wanna say this and have you think I'm trying to convince you to "accept" it, but it might bring some peace of mind. Whether you develop diabetes or not, being afraid for the rest of your life sounds exhausting. I mean this when I say- In all honesty, its really not all that all lol Its very easy to stay on top of. So that you don't have to worry about dieing (seems so dramatic) from diabetic complications. =)
  • As far as raising glucose, anyway.
    I was taught very early that sugar and carbs have the same exact effect
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    Thank you Elli0t, that actually was kind of relieving to hear. People always scare me when they talk about diabetes, and make me feel like my life will be over. My parents scare me with horror stories (like "did you hear about that woman who lost all of her limbs?"), and my doctors talk to me like I'm going to die. The other day, I was discussing the pre-diabetes with my doctor, and he told me my levels were better (I had to re-do the blood test due to some complications), but followed it with; "Do you care about your life? You have to fight for your life now while you still can, before it's too late." With a kind of Tom Cruise, Mission Impossible urgency. They just make everything sound so horrible lmao. They're like that with everything though. I have to learn to take what they say with a grain of salt and not panic at every little death threat. =P
  • marber
    marber Posts: 118 Member
    What sort of exercise do you do?

    I was having some problems with my blood sugars and did a bit of research. I have lost weight but my gym routine is cardio and weights as building muscle helps. The information I found said to do roughly 50/50 cardio to weights.

    I have increased me cardio now but that is because my blood sugars have gone back to normal.
  • jarcuri31
    jarcuri31 Posts: 5 Member
    Im not sure if this will help any but, i found out in July 2010 that i was prediabetic. I saw a nutritionist, started exercising, weighed my food, kept a diary, ate every 3 hours, (except when i was sleeping) followed my nutritionists rules religiously, lost almost 40 pounds, now i have a healthy bmi and are no longer pre diabetic or at risk for any other disorders! Definitely talk to a professional, they helped me do whats right for me. It was a little expensive but i didnt shop around. Im a college student and apparently my school offers nutritional counseling for free! Exercise is key and a healthy diet. I cut back on a lotttttttttttt of carbs and drank ALOT of water i thought i was going to turn into a fish and i drank/ate a lot of, protein shakes/bars, egg whites things like that. Everyone is different though
  • I have been Diabetic for 1 1/2 years. I lowered my levels by eating beans, oats, vegetables, fruit, nuts, lots of water and at least 30 minutes(Cardio: get your heart rate up) a day of exercise. If I did consume dairy I made sure it was full fat because I believe (this is only MY opinion) eating things in the most natural state and Lower Fat dairy is not natural. My A1C (3 month blood testing) was 6.6 (6.5 is considered diabetic) and after doing that I went down to 5.6. I would never say to avoid fruit I would just say that make sure intake double the veggies as fruit. As far as carbs go, white rice, white bread, white potatoes and white pasta turn into sugar and they always make my numbers go up and stay up. Wheat products not so much but I still try to stay away from them. I like this food pyramid because its the closest to the kind of diet I try to maintain. I just want to say though that not everything works for everyone so try what you like and do what best fits you and your lifestyle :)!
    Big hugs,

    Edited to add: I was put on the starter dose of Metformin 500mg twice per day and because my numbers went down they never increased the dose. They say the more weight I loose the closer I am to being off it completely :)!
  • Levity14
    Levity14 Posts: 34 Member
    i had diabetes type two and was on metformin. i lost 100 lbs and no longer have to take metformin. thank god!
    - you do NOT want diabetes. it is soooo uncomfortable!
    You can tell you are out of control with sugars if you feel hot and very thirsty.

    Omitting sugars is of course the first thing but there is more to it as well. Work out.
    A perfect day for me is as follows.
    Wake up 1 bowl plain oatmeal couple shakes of cinnamon. glass of water cup of coffee no sugar no sugar substitute.
    mid morning two slices of turkey or a small cup of plain greek yogurt glass of water
    lunch glass of water, 1 bowl of low sodium low fat soup - look at ingredients make sure its low on sodium and sugar
    mid afternoon a couple bites of hummus or left over bean and chicken chili (half a cup of this its just a snack) -- glass of water
    dinner grilled chicken aobut the size of deck of cards. small side portion of steamed broccoli glass of water.

    As you can see I have a lot of small meals throughout the day. This takes planning. But I like to plan and make it a priority because health always has to come first if you want to be healthy and non diabetic. lways eat my protein first at meals because it fills me up then as a side i go for a steamed green. i try to eat some kind of deep green colored veggie each day. no butter or salt on those. I love to stock my fridge with greek yogurt plain - to have a bite or two to snack on. sliced turkey. oatmeal - these are the staples.
    I like working out at Pure Barre. If you don't have one in your area you can check out the dvds they are low impact and get your blood flowing. - I also skip rope a few days a week working myself up to 15 -20 mins of non stop skipping. It gets my heart racing and full body sweat workout. I know that doesn't sound like a very long time but it is so long in the skipping world LOL.

    If you are eating clean with regimented portions, drinking your water and working out you can't help but to turn back the diabetes train!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    My BF uses cinnamon and chromium picolinate to help control his blood sugar. He's a type 1 diabetic, diagnosed about 5 years ago (misdiagnosed as a type 2). Metformin does nothing for him, but these seem to help. Obviously clear it with your doctor, but they really make a difference! Other small things, learn about glycemic load/index of foods. Stick to foods that have a low glycemic impact. Grapes, bananas, rasins, peaches all spike his blood sugar like crazy. Most berries and citrus are fine. And stay away from high-fat foods of all types. Get your healthy fats from lean meats, nuts, and vegetables (like avocado). Stay away from red meat as much as possible.
    I hope this helps!
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