90 Day Challenge Week 8

To look at this I know it looks overwhelming, but it really is not. It is only 15 minutes maybe a little longer but it is a full body workout.. You should be working up a sweat. This is to be done in a circuit, one goes right into the next. When you report this week. Record as such

Water 8/8 a day
Cardio 45-60 minutes 6/7 days
Strength 4/7 would prefer you do it everyday but at least 4 days minumum.

We are getting down to the crunch here with only 5 weeks left and we have goals to meet.. I am not losing many pounds but I am losing inches. So I will take that. Good Luck to everyone and I hope you enjoy the workout..


Warm up cardio:

1) Standing mountain climbers: One Minute or approx 50 reps
Stand feet hip width apart, right arm and left leg go up together, left arm right knee go up together it’s a fast paced movement (pretend your climbing a rope)

2) Skaters:

The speed skater exercise targets your shoulders, back, arms, abs, butt and legs. Do 2 sets of 25 reps. This one is fun!!
When you lean to the side, keep that quarter squat in your landing leg. The wider you jump, the more you'll work This is literally like skating you take on the same form and position the lower your squat the better the burn. Really swing your arms like you are a speed skater.

3) squats
2 sets of 25

4) Chair dips ( per request)
30 reps I do mine on the stairs more stable

5) doggie lifts: for hips and saddlebags
On all fours lift knee out to the side 3 sets of 10 each side

6) donkey kicks hips and saddlebags (try to make sure you foot is flat. like you would leave a foot print on the ceiling)
On all fours you draw you knee into your chest and kick up to the ceiling going slow 2 sets of 10 each leg

7) push ups X 3 sets of 10 (challenge yourself to do these on your toes this week if you have been doing them on your knees)

8) Pelvic lifts
Lie on the floor knees bent lift hips to the ceiling squeeze your glutes as tight as you can during the lift lower to floor 25 reps

9) bicycle crunches:
On your back crunch bringing right elbow to left knee while right leg is extended, >left elbow to right knee with left leg extended one cycle equals one rep.
100 reps.

10) 25 Half bent-knee sit-ups. Lay on floor with your back flat, your knees bent to about a right angle, and your feet flat on the floor. Pull your chin to your chest and keep it there, and extend your arms and hands, with your fingers pointed toward the tops of your knees. Now slowly lift the shoulders off the mat four to six inches, bringing your hands to your knees, and come back down. That’s one; repeat 24 more times

Side bends. Stand tall, feet shoulder width apart, hands on hips. Then reach up to the sky with the left hand, bend to the right from the waist, bringing the left hand and arm overhead and reaching to the right. Slowly return to start with hands on hips, then bring right hand up and lean and reach to the left. Continue alternating, reaching and leaning to the opposite side with each hand, with the arm fully extended, hold for 30 seconds

Quad stretch: Stand reach with left hand grab left foot (use a chair for support if you need too ) Hold for 30 seconds repeat with right leg

Sit and reach. Sit upright on the floor with legs straight in front of you. Extend your arms straight, reaching toward your toes, and gently lean forward. You do not have to reach your toes—just stretch to the point that you feel a gentle tension, but no discomfort. Hold for 30 seconds, and then relax.
that’s it ..
Congrats that was 15-20 minutes you spent on you today..And you got a full body workout.. And I am sure you are feeling it
You’re done!
4-7 days a week
8/8oz water 7/7
cardio 45- 60 minutes 6-7 days


  • dayh1ker
    dayh1ker Posts: 83 Member
  • Winnie45
    Winnie45 Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks Bluemagic! I'll give it a go later today. (I just ate breakfast).

    Our beaches are starting lifeguards this weekend! This entire week there has been Spring-like weather, so I've had shorts on. Gee whiz, I didn't know my thighs had gotten this way.
    I have been pretty good about exercise, but not so good with diet lately. For the remainder of the challenge, I really want to buckle down and get it done! Spring is getting really, really close and I intend on being ready. :happy:
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Looking forward to this one, especially after my weigh loss :)
  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
    Thank you for putting this together.
  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    Thank you for putting this together.

    You welcome :-) I hope everyone reaps some rewards this week.. Either NSV or a SV.... Lets kick some but this week.... Even if there is not loss on the scale this week a NSV would be to complete the workouts :)
  • rugrat200324
    rugrat200324 Posts: 128 Member
    Sweet! Thanks for explaining what to do on all of them. It really helps:) I will do my best to do 7 days this week but 4 is sounding so much better:) If i can push through this and do all 7 days im sure i will see it on the scale. Thanks for taking the time to put this together:) Thanks for the idea about the straw. I have been getting 8 glasses in because of that:) Greatly appreciated:)
  • sybil1106
    #28 Sybil
    Ok here we go with week 8!!
  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    Sweet! Thanks for explaining what to do on all of them. It really helps:) I will do my best to do 7 days this week but 4 is sounding so much better:) If i can push through this and do all 7 days im sure i will see it on the scale. Thanks for taking the time to put this together:) Thanks for the idea about the straw. I have been getting 8 glasses in because of that:) Greatly appreciated:)

    Glad the straw helps.. I know for me it makes a biggggggggggg difference :-) Just tell yourself it's only 15 minutes you can do anything for 15 minutes right?? I think the results will defiantly show up next week :-) Off to get mine done for today...
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    At the beginning of this, my goal was 140. Until this week, I wasn't sure I could meet that goal. Even though we only have 5 more challenges, I REALLY think I can be down to 140. I've felt awesome this week, and my mood is fantasic. I did all the exercises, but I didn't get much cardio at all, but I feel great. Maybe it's because I'm eating better, too. Good luck, everyone!
  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    Day one of the new challenge complete

    water 16/8
    cardio 46 minutes zumba begginner expert
    challenge exercise
    20 minutes heavy bag boxing :)

    This is going to be a great week!!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member

    Water 1/7
    Cardio 1/7
    Strength 0/4
  • dayh1ker
    dayh1ker Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes, Rugrat and Chickadee. I had a great diet-busting day! Hubby took me out to dinner to a little family run mexican restaurant where Grandma does all the cooking and it's authentic mexican food...not the sauce-smothered stuff we're used to getting at the chains here in Michigan.

    Then, I ate cake. Red Velvet Cake. And nobody dared to stop me.:laugh:

    The only thing I managed to do was drink all my water. We went into town to run errands all day so, maybe getting in and out of the truck all day could count as cardio! (just kidding!)

    But, here's my question to Laurie...what is NSV and SV? Just can't figure it out.:noway:

  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes, Rugrat and Chickadee. I had a great diet-busting day! Hubby took me out to dinner to a little family run mexican restaurant where Grandma does all the cooking and it's authentic mexican food...not the sauce-smothered stuff we're used to getting at the chains here in Michigan.

    Then, I ate cake. Red Velvet Cake. And nobody dared to stop me.:laugh:

    The only thing I managed to do was drink all my water. We went into town to run errands all day so, maybe getting in and out of the truck all day could count as cardio! (just kidding!)

    But, here's my question to Laurie...what is NSV and SV? Just can't figure it out.:noway:


    It is either a scale or non scale victory... Something positive that happened as a result of you being good to your body, if it's pounds lost then it's a scale victory, if it's getting into a smaller pair of pants, or a comment from a family member or friend it's a non scale victory.. All are worth celebrating.. :)
    Happy belated birthday :)
  • kspedsrn
    kspedsrn Posts: 35 Member
    checking in for saturday:

    Water drink 8/8 oz glasses: 1/7
    Cardio: 1/7
    Strength training: went to a 45 min class instead of the recommended today 1/7
  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    checking in

    water 2/7
    strength 2/7
    cardio 2/7

    anyone else's legs and bootay really sore from that workout??? Mine is killing me today oyi, but it's a hurt so good kind of hurt :)

    Hope your feeling it...
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member

    Water 2/7
    Cardio 2/7
    Strength 0/4
    Yesterday I walked 60 minutes, today was 55 minutes.
  • kspedsrn
    kspedsrn Posts: 35 Member
    checking in:

    Drink water 2/7
    Cardio 2/7
    Strength 2/7

    Gained weight the last 2 week due to not exercising and stress. Back on track and hoping numbers start going down.
  • KaydeanH
    KaydeanH Posts: 25 Member
    Sweet! Thanks for explaining what to do on all of them. It really helps:) I will do my best to do 7 days this week but 4 is sounding so much better:) If i can push through this and do all 7 days im sure i will see it on the scale. Thanks for taking the time to put this together:) Thanks for the idea about the straw. I have been getting 8 glasses in because of that:) Greatly appreciated:)

    Glad the straw helps.. I know for me it makes a biggggggggggg difference :-) Just tell yourself it's only 15 minutes you can do anything for 15 minutes right?? I think the results will defiantly show up next week :-) Off to get mine done for today...
    Can you please explain the straw thing for me. I did not see the earlier post that you made on it, and I am also having a little bit of difficulties with the 64 ounces. I can do about 6 glasses but then I'm too full to continue. Also, is there a way to tell how many calories we're burning from the exercise routine that was put together for this week? Thanks
  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    Sweet! Thanks for explaining what to do on all of them. It really helps:) I will do my best to do 7 days this week but 4 is sounding so much better:) If i can push through this and do all 7 days im sure i will see it on the scale. Thanks for taking the time to put this together:) Thanks for the idea about the straw. I have been getting 8 glasses in because of that:) Greatly appreciated:)

    Glad the straw helps.. I know for me it makes a biggggggggggg difference :-) Just tell yourself it's only 15 minutes you can do anything for 15 minutes right?? I think the results will defiantly show up next week :-) Off to get mine done for today...
    Can you please explain the straw thing for me. I did not see the earlier post that you made on it, and I am also having a little bit of difficulties with the 64 ounces. I can do about 6 glasses but then I'm too full to continue. Also, is there a way to tell how many calories we're burning from the exercise routine that was put together for this week? Thanks

    the straw thing is just drink through a straw it makes it easier to get all your water in , a day . the exercises I put under 15 minutes of calestentics for each day since it is done in the cirucuit type setting..

    that is how I have been doing it..

    hope it helps
  • KaydeanH
    KaydeanH Posts: 25 Member
    the straw thing is just drink through a straw it makes it easier to get all your water in , a day . the exercises I put under 15 minutes of calestentics for each day since it is done in the cirucuit type setting..

    that is how I have been doing it..

    hope it helps

    Ok thanks a bunch! I will definitely try the straw and see how that works for me.