Why when I eat like an angel do I poop like the devil?



  • mrdowden
    I was just noticing today that not only have I become more flatulent, but my BO has gotten worse. I used to be able to sweat at least a little and it was no big deal, but I even think about perspiring now and it smells like I just went 2sies in my pits.

    I really don't think I'm eating any more fiber than before. I am drinking more water and less less soda, and eating less sugar and fat. I think I may be eating more veggies and carbs. I swear I may have to go back to burgers and fries if I can't get this scent issue figured out.
  • DJmom44
    Copious amounts of yogurt will stop this in it's tracks. The actives in yogurt produce a gas that is way less vile and much smaller volume. I fart a lot less now than my previous Pizza, wings, beer, sausage, potato, and anything else i can shovel in diet. Do the yogurt every day twice for special people.

    Good to know...so it's the yogurt I eat everyday that keeps me from having the gas problem. However, if I were to cheat and eat Burger King...my kids would know it!
  • MobiusMan
    MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
    Copious amounts of yogurt will stop this in it's tracks. The actives in yogurt produce a gas that is way less vile and much smaller volume. I fart a lot less now than my previous Pizza, wings, beer, sausage, potato, and anything else i can shovel in diet. Do the yogurt every day twice for special people.

    Good to know...so it's the yogurt I eat everyday that keeps me from having the gas problem. However, if I were to cheat and eat Burger King...my kids would know it!
    The bacteria and enzymes that work on grease/fat are the worst of all. that is exactly why BK/McD/Wendy's all make you gas up.
  • MobiusMan
    MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
    I was just noticing today that not only have I become more flatulent, but my BO has gotten worse. I used to be able to sweat at least a little and it was no big deal, but I even think about perspiring now and it smells like I just went 2sies in my pits.

    I really don't think I'm eating any more fiber than before. I am drinking more water and less less soda, and eating less sugar and fat. I think I may be eating more veggies and carbs. I swear I may have to go back to burgers and fries if I can't get this scent issue figured out.

    Lower your protein and increase carbs by about 10% I'll bet it stops. High protein, low carb, low cal will make you a bit smelly. give it a shot.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    This is too funny...I was depressed since I'm all alone without my kids, they are with the Ex! But now, I'm laughing...Thank you!
  • Ha haaa...bahhhaaaa! Oh, I know just what you mean, but best of all I'm still laughing at the title! Thank for providing some comic relief in a difficult process:)
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    Lol funny title...

    I have included in Kefir in my Nutriton to help out a bit :)
    Easy, and you can make your own from milk @ home
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I never fart, but if I did, they would smell like birthday cake.

    me too :)
  • gimedatnow
    gimedatnow Posts: 173 Member
    Hahaha, lucky you!! :P

    As for the rest of us dealing with flatulence issues, I'm not sure why, but tea really helps! A cup of unsweetened tea or hot water really helps settle my stomach, and helps eliminate those bladder and gaseous problems.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    That's fiber working its heavenly magic. I pass gas like a bat out of hell. Mmmm...protein farts.

    Me too....ewwwwwwwwww!! I can't even begin to be lady-like no mo.

    For real, though. I mean, I ain't a lady, but do you know how hard it is to try and blame farts on invisible people when you're in a bowling league and one slips out when you throw your ball? I end up walkin' around the alley, crop-dustin' them bad boys around to different spots of the house.

    ROFLMAO!! Thats me at the store. Sometimes my po' kids are walking behind me at the wrong time....instance aisle kill!! They start dropping like flies trying to catch their breath while silently cursing me out lol
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    That's fiber working its heavenly magic. I pass gas like a bat out of hell. Mmmm...protein farts.


    While jogging is mine :)

    and at ALL you who "don't fart" WHATEVER! hahahahaha
  • rlynnst
    Oh my goodness now I have answer .. I have had the same problem today and gas like crazy! Glad I am not the only one.
  • adriayellow11
    I never fart, but if I did, they would smell like birthday cake.

    LMAO. You guys are killing me. I heart you silly MFP peeps!
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Don't feel bad I do too. I've doubled the amount of times I go. I think it's just eating better and all that waste is not sitting inside you.
  • sarglava
    sarglava Posts: 206 Member
    This is the best topic... I thought I was the only one (I don't know why I thought this.) It's horrible because I'll be walking somewhere, and it's not loud or anything.. I just let it go and run. The BMs are rediculous, too. But when I don't have them I know I've not been eating well enough. Your body knows how to talk to you. You just have to listen.
  • Nadyasmom
    That's fiber working its heavenly magic. I pass gas like a bat out of hell. Mmmm...protein farts.

    Me too....ewwwwwwwwww!! I can't even begin to be lady-like no mo.

    For real, though. I mean, I ain't a lady, but do you know how hard it is to try and blame farts on invisible people when you're in a bowling league and one slips out when you throw your ball? I end up walkin' around the alley, crop-dustin' them bad boys around to different spots of the house.

    I just snorted my water :laugh:

    I just blame my children.

    And I'm sitting here laughing so hard that my kids are gonna wake up!!! Oh my goodness!!!
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    This is so funny.
    I have the same problem with 'gas'.
    Im a teacher and have to admit to hoping the kids think it's other kids when I accidentally let one go. LOL
    I can't believe I've just posted this next to my photo. LOL
  • louisat1982
    louisat1982 Posts: 6 Member
    I know what you mean!! Being lady like has now left the building
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    I am laughing so hard I just woke up my husband. LOL! I hadn't had a lot of changes in my bowels but after reading through, I am guessing that is because 1) I still eat carbs to the max allowed by MFP and 2) I eat a ton of yogurt (that was my first dietary change, because it was easy to do).
    I so needed the laugh today! Thanks!
  • adriayellow11
    This is the best topic... I thought I was the only one (I don't know why I thought this.) It's horrible because I'll be walking somewhere, and it's not loud or anything.. I just let it go and run. The BMs are rediculous, too. But when I don't have them I know I've not been eating well enough. Your body knows how to talk to you. You just have to listen.

    Or smell...