100 pounds to lose & starting a one week challenge today

missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
:flowerforyou: Hello I am so tired of losing 50, 60 & even 70 pounds and regaining it.

I am 55 years old, I have arthritis and some health issues that makes me think that I can't exercise. When in fact, I think I am plain lazy. :-( First step is to admit, right??? Now I work full time and help take care of my husband who has a severe pain disorder. I have kids & grandkids that require time, and help with my mom who is in a Nursng Home. I can come up with any excuse NOT to exercise and it is getting me nowhere,

So, for this week I am challenging myself to exercise 100 minutes! No IFS, ANDS or BUTS!! I will be sure to post next Sunday & let you know how I do.

If you want to join me, PLEASE support me, and I will support you.

Who would like to make a 1 week pact with me?

ESPECIALLY THOSE THAT NEED TO LOSE MORE THEN 50 POUNDS OR THOSE HAVING DIFICULTY. focus on just this one week and commit to either.....

examples (may be changed to fit your need)

1. lose 2 pounds this week, and post how & results next Sunday or Monday.

2. Exercise 100 minuets(or your choice) this week, and post how & results next Sunday or Monday.

3. Journal daily, and post how & results/menu next Sunday or Monday.

4. Maintain my current weight, and post how & results next Sunday or Monday.

5. Choose your own, and post how & results next Sunday or Monday.


Thank you and you may friend me if you like. This is my first week here, But I have been following Weight Watchers old CORE program, and can do well following good eating habbits........... as long as I don't stray away. ;-)


  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I'm in! Had a busy week last week and really slacked on the exercise, so I need some motivation to get restarted. This week is not quite as busy, so surely I can fit in at least 20 minutes of exercise 5 times!

    Oh, and I'm Melody. I started out with about 110 to lose and now have about 75-80 to lose.

    Some exercises that I love... that are not that difficult... are doing exercises using the Wii and using Walk Away the Pounds DVDs. The weather is AMAZING here right now so I think I may get outside to walk some as well.
  • bethikabob
    bethikabob Posts: 128 Member
    I'm in! My mom is 57 and I've been getting her out on the weekends to walk with me and I even got her to try the wii fit :) I'm going for the 150 minutes of exercise (and lose at least 1 lb).
    Good luck! If I can help AT ALL just let me know :happy:
  • AmberHalvorson
    AmberHalvorson Posts: 14 Member
    I am SO in!! I was just thinking how can I get myself to the gym this week. Thanks so much for the challenge! My goal is to hit the gym or do some sort of exercise for at least 30 minutes EVERY day! I need to get back in the swing of things...been a major slacker lately. Good luck to you guys! See you next week when we have all hit our goals!
  • Sounds like the right attitude. No one is going to get you where you want to be but you when you are ready. I was in the same boat. I am currently working out 240 mins a week. I am personal training 2 hours and on 4 other days a week i am doing 30 mins of extra work either walking home from work at a fast pace or on the elliptical at the gym or rowing. I also am a massage therapist and do 8-15massages a week at a chiropractic clinic. I have so far lost 8lbs in 2 weeks. and I too am focused on loosing 100lbs. i have lost 80 before and i gained it back through my body not functioning right and depression from it as well. But i am ready to do it again and keep it off. for me because it's what makes me happy. So far i have inspired with all my hard work 5 people 1 of them didnt even know me but wrote me on face book crying out for help because she said she didnt have any support and would i be her work out body. it's all great. good luck missseehere! you can do it. this is for you!!! and dont let any food or anyone tell you any different. no one said it was going to be easy only worth it in the end. :happy:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I'm in for the 100 minutes of exercise. I have spent the last two weeks telling myself I need to get back to exercising, whether I have been sick or not, so it's time to just do it!

    And Dee - you may want to check out the thread for women over age 50. Give it a look, and if you like what you see, just jump in!

    Here's to smart choices!
  • I'm in! Have sent a request too....then we can kick each others butt too!! :)
  • rhonda1960
    rhonda1960 Posts: 58 Member
    I'll do it with you. Great plan!
  • mytime60
    mytime60 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm in! I need to make sure I get my exercise in this week. 100 minutes it is!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I'm in. I have really been slacking on exercise lately. I need to get back into it. So I will do 150 mins of exercise this week.
    I am a mom of 7 only 3 still at home. I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and hypothyroid problems , so with all this and comfort eating I have gained alot of weight in the last 7 yrs, But I have lost 56 lbs since july and I'm trying to lose another 44 lbs
    We can do this ladies........
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    I am in for sure
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    You guys have e crying. Thank you!! Within 15 min (the time it took me to do dishes) i HAVE A WHOLE SUPPORT GROUP!

    I have been trying to do this, I even have good friends on my Weight Watchers board. But many of us are either stuck or so far advanced that I can't keep up. I posted my challenge there and think I have some support there for the week.

    My exercis limitions, are just what I make of it I guess. It's how bad I want to be healthy.

    I will definately check out the over 50's board too.

    Good Luck to all of you!!
  • Hi! Count me in! I pledge to do 120 minutes of exercise this week and drink at least 64 oz of water each day before I allow myself any diet coke. :) I need to lose at least 50 pounds (really more like 60). I am sending a friend request and will repost next week. Here's to doing this together....one day at a time!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Okay, with the added incentive of the challenge, I just took my dog for a 30 minute walk. I am back!!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I'm so in! My goals are to lose 2 lb this week and exercise at least 100 minutes! I've been SO lazy about exercise so this time I'm going to do it!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member

    I am going to put a list together of our goals for the week. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Good luck Everyone!!
    I thought I could do personals, but the reply didn't work on each post. :-(
  • Tofuheart
    Tofuheart Posts: 191 Member
    I will commit to 100 minutes of exercise this week. I have barely been doing exercise. weight loss is slowed right down.

    Let's do this!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    I will join in for 100 mins of exercise I haven't been doing any just trying to control calories but it's time to step it up literally. Thanks for the incentive.
  • kmcarr1
    kmcarr1 Posts: 6 Member
    I will join you I have been making to many excuses. I am going to try to do at least 45 minutes for 5 days this week.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    I'm in too! My goal is to lose a pound and a half this week.
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