100 pounds to lose & starting a one week challenge today



  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Well I only made it for 25 minutes today...ugh. Wanted to do more but that snow was HEAVY! LOL Between this morning and this afternoon I'm completely wore out! Tomorrow's another day though!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I have been having alot of trouble making myself exercise. So today I made my family go on a walk on the american river bike trail. It was nice and good family time and I got in my exercise. We ended up walking a little over 5 miles. Maybe I should start having them do it with me more often. LOL. So I got in 140 mins of exercise today. YEAH

    What do you ladies do to make yourself exercise when you really dont want to ?
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    I came here pleading fo support. That's what I did. I really an not an active person, well I am a busy person that gets too tired to MAKE myself do it! I wish I didn't feel this way. :-( I worked 12 hours today and pray I can add some extra activity tonight. Nice job on the walk.

    Do you want to be in on the challenge?

  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Newday, GOOD JOB!! It is snowing like crazzzzzzy here now!! .................sigh
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Ok new friends. I think I put the list together so we can see everyone’s goals. Good Luck to everyone. This has been the motivation that I needed. Thank you all again.

    One Week Challenge

    Week 1: Began on 2/20/11

    1. missdeehere❤ 100 min of exercise
    2. melodyg❤ 20 minutes of exercise 5 times
    3. bethikabob❤ 150 minutes of exercise (and lose at least 1 lb)
    4. AMSrunning❤ hit the gym or do some sort of exercise for at least 30 minutes EVERY day
    5. sarahpacheco611❤ I am currently working out 240 mins a week
    6. msh0530 ❤ 100 minutes of exercise
    7. bex22mcn❤ 20 mins each day, over/above usual gym routine & secondary goal..STICK to calories daily
    8. rhonda1960❤ 100 minutes of exercise
    9. mytime60 ❤ 100 minutes of exercise
    10. themommie❤ 150 mins of exercise
    11. tammy200678❤ burn 4000 cal this week
    12. MAbbate ❤120 minutes of exercise and drink at least 64 oz of water each day
    13. newdaydawning79 ❤lose 2 lb this week and exercise at least 100 minutes
    14. Tofuheart ❤ 100 minutes of exercise
    15. KrisPage❤ 100 mins of exercise
    16. Cwalshcm ❤ (walk briskly 30 mins every day) that will be 210 mins a day
    17. MAK_01❤ Lose 1 ½ pounds this week
    18. kmcarr1❤45 minutes exercise for 5 days

    We will post our results Sunday & Monday 2/27 & 2/28/2011

    We may support eac other through this thread all week.

    anyone else is welcome to join us..........
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Challenges are awesome and I'm very competitive so it'll spur me into action! :D Can't wait to see how we all reach our goals together!!
  • Im in for 100 mins this week
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I know I'm getting that exercise in on Thursday...going to a concert where I'm going to be dancing my legs off! haha Can't wait!
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Finally exercised some today... my husband rented Just Dance 2 for me and we danced for 45ish minutes. :) Not thinking that is really 45 minutes with pauses between songs but it was definitely my 20! I just realized I have to exercise every day this week to get in 5 days so tomorrow is the tough day!
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    2. Exercise 100 minuets(or your choice) this week, and post how & results next Sunday or Monday.

    I'll do that one, but 315 minutes

    I am at 416 lbs and will probably weigh in on friday mondays are no good for me to weigh in for some reason lol.

    I have 216 lbs to lose to get in a reasonable weight.
  • silverlil
    silverlil Posts: 70 Member
    i am in, thank you dee, i just went for walk for 50 minutes/3 miles, brrrr its cold here 30s:sad:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I watched my grandkids today and walked the baby back and forth for 20 mins to get him to sleep. This counts as exercise , right?
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Hi Again!!
    Walking babies is walking!! Many walk their dogs. But you are also using weights. ;-)

    Glad to encourage & support you all.

    I am a Sunday to Saturday kind of OCD girl. LOL That's why I said from Sunday to Monday to do the activity.

    But my official WI is on Saturday's (actually I am a daily weighing kind of gal)

    As long as we are doing something to become more healthy, we have to do what works for us. Everyone is different.

    I do know this challenge has helped this fairly inactive person work a bit harder this week and so fae I have 85/100 minutes toward my goal.

  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    Hi Again!!
    Walking babies is walking!! Many walk their dogs. But you are also using weights. ;-)

    Glad to encourage & support you all.

    I am a Sunday to Saturday kind of OCD girl. LOL That's why I said from Sunday to Monday to do the activity.

    But my official WI is on Saturday's (actually I am a daily weighing kind of gal)

    As long as we are doing something to become more healthy, we have to do what works for us. Everyone is different.

    I do know this challenge has helped this fairly inactive person work a bit harder this week and so fae I have 85/100 minutes toward my goal.


    that's great!

    I am
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I fell off the wagon today bigtime. Totally disappointed in myself and my stomach is making me pay for it! At least I'll know better and not do it again!
  • Thank you for posting! I am excited to do this challenge! I am going to do the 100 minutes of exercise! Woohoo, if we could all do that every week, think of how many lbs we could lose combined!!
  • I fell off the wagon today bigtime. Totally disappointed in myself and my stomach is making me pay for it! At least I'll know better and not do it again!

    We all make mistakes and have bad days!! Just because you have one bad day doesn't even mean you will gain weight! The other day I ate a big ol' bowl of ice cream, and I don't even feel bad about it! It was worth every bite! But... that was the only day I went over my calorie goal since I started. Don't beat yourself up!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    We all make mistakes and have bad days!! Just because you have one bad day doesn't even mean you will gain weight! The other day I ate a big ol' bowl of ice cream, and I don't even feel bad about it! It was worth every bite! But... that was the only day I went over my calorie goal since I started. Don't beat yourself up!

    Thank you for that! I've been trying to tell myself that but it's still nice to hear it from someone else. :)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    YEAH I am in ONDERLAND finally............weighed in at 197.8 this week

    I met my 150 mins of exercise this week and then some and it really paid off......thanks ladies for the push I needed
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    YEAH I am in ONDERLAND finally............weighed in at 197.8 this week

    I met my 150 mins of exercise this week and then some and it really paid off......thanks ladies for the push I needed

    THAT'S WONDERFUL!! Congrats!!!
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