OT: Are men really that dumb when it comes to house stuff



  • jsmalla
    jsmalla Posts: 140 Member
    *ducks his head hoping nobody sees him & quietly exits out the back*
  • mimzy
    mimzy Posts: 135 Member
    So ummmmm I'll work 50-60 hrs, clean the house, pay the bills, walk the dog, cook for you, and ummmmm when do I get some me time? Do I EVER get a day to relax? TV? What is TV? I don't watch TV...Oh, wait I watch Tae Bo while I'm working out..Whewwwww!!! I got a lot off my chest there :bigsmile: All in all though I've got a good life and a good man and well, we all get stressed out sometimes. We do work together and help each other out. So I really can't complain tooooo much...but a little bit :sad: :cry: :cry: :sad: sometimes is expected...:bigsmile:

    and just think....you haven't started your family yet! It will amaze you how much more you can still do! :wink:

    He probably just needs a good "talking" to. That usually gets mine to help more. :wink:
  • tlitzner
    tlitzner Posts: 124
    My husband is in the army and he thinks that excuses him from having to do anything. Mind you, when he is not away at war, he barely works. Most days he is home and in his underwear watching TV/playing video games by 12pm. He gets TONS of time off every year and takes it. So yeah, I work a full 40 hour week which is rare for him and I get to walk in the door to a lazy *kitten* blob on the couch in his underwear and without even taking two steps in the door he is asking me whats for dinner. He surrounds himself with what he wore that day strewn about the floor, dishes from him eating crap laying wherever the heck he feels like leaving them, etc. etc. When he does decide to do something constructive, do you know what he does? He works on his/his friends motorcycles.

    It's funny that you posted this topic because I have been fuming about this for the past few days. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to complain.
  • psuastro97
    psuastro97 Posts: 125
    wow -just when you think it is just your husband that doesn't help out!

    i will admit my husband does all the outside stuff (except weeding flower beds). so i never have to mow the lawn or shovel snow....BUT...we may get snow 2 times in the winter and you only mow the lawn 6 months out of the year. housework, like cleaning cooking, dishes, etc. is YEAR long and endless!!!!

    we finally got a new vacuum cleaner - a dyson animal (for our little animal :laugh: ) he sees it as a power tool. so he likes to do the vacuuming! it's a help - but not when he vacuums BEFORE i can dust and sweep the hardwood floors - exaxctly where does he think that dirt goes (dust =to the floor and on the rag, hardwood floors fur always ends up spreading to the carpet!). so in the end, it has to be done again....

    and don't get me started on the mess he makes in the bathroom with his toothpaste!!!!!!
  • MFS27
    MFS27 Posts: 549 Member
    wow -just when you think it is just your husband that doesn't help out!

    i will admit my husband does all the outside stuff (except weeding flower beds). so i never have to mow the lawn or shovel snow....BUT...we may get snow 2 times in the winter and you only mow the lawn 6 months out of the year. housework, like cleaning cooking, dishes, etc. is YEAR long and endless!!!!

    we finally got a new vacuum cleaner - a dyson animal (for our little animal :laugh: ) he sees it as a power tool. so he likes to do the vacuuming! it's a help - but not when he vacuums BEFORE i can dust and sweep the hardwood floors - exaxctly where does he think that dirt goes (dust =to the floor and on the rag, hardwood floors fur always ends up spreading to the carpet!). so in the end, it has to be done again....

    and don't get me started on the mess he makes in the bathroom with his toothpaste!!!!!!

    And the hair on the sink from shaving! I HATE that - I mean how difficult is it to rinse the sink out after using it?????

    I met a lady a few years back that lived in a commune-like thing, and she and her long-time boyfriend lived in seperate houses right across from eachother - said it was the BEST thing ever. Each had their own space, but close enough to spend time with each other (they had a son too - he could walk back and forth to each parents house).....not a bad idea, imho!! :laugh:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member

    And the hair on the sink from shaving! I HATE that - I mean how difficult is it to rinse the sink out after using it?????

    I met a lady a few years back that lived in a commune-like thing, and she and her long-time boyfriend lived in seperate houses right across from eachother - said it was the BEST thing ever. Each had their own space, but close enough to spend time with each other (they had a son too - he could walk back and forth to each parents house).....not a bad idea, imho!! :laugh:

    I have heard of couples that have been married for years that do this and they swear by it. Maybe they are on to something!
  • eHarris
    eHarris Posts: 160
    My husband is an RN and works three days a week, the other four he gets to do what he wants.

    Yesterday I worked a 9 hour day, was on my feet in heels for a solid two hours, spent a good 30-45 minutes in traffic. Needless to say when I got home I was tired and all I wanted to do was kick my feet up.

    My husband says to me..."Honey, I pulled steaks out of the freezer for dinner..." and I say the obligitory "Thank you soo much *:grumble: under the breath: for doing something you never have thanked me for!*"

    So I tell my husband I want him to help me with dinner and he says to me "Well ...what do you need help with?" Uhhhh :noway:

    So I sit for a few minutes and kick my feet up, just waiting to see when he will get up to offer to help out. Thirty minutes, an hour, an hour and a half ....around the two hour mark he comes into the living room (its about 8:30 pm at this time, I usually go to bed at 10:30pm) and I say..."Ready to cook dinner?" he says to me "What do you need help with? I'm kind of busy right now." (he's BUSY playing WoW or FFXI on the computer) so I try to stay calm and I say "How long do you need?" ....his response?......

    "An hour or so..."

    GRRRRRRRRRRRR :grumble: :angry: :mad: :explode:
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member

    And the hair on the sink from shaving! I HATE that - I mean how difficult is it to rinse the sink out after using it?????

    I met a lady a few years back that lived in a commune-like thing, and she and her long-time boyfriend lived in seperate houses right across from eachother - said it was the BEST thing ever. Each had their own space, but close enough to spend time with each other (they had a son too - he could walk back and forth to each parents house).....not a bad idea, imho!! :laugh:

    I have heard of couples that have been married for years that do this and they swear by it. Maybe they are on to something!

    My husband does this all the time!! And his dirty socks! He takes them off and leaves them on the floor! I ask him about it and he says "It was Lexi, she took them off me" Shes going to be 2... Tries to blame the baby *sigh* haha
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Umm, there was malfunction... don't mind me
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    My boyfriend thinks because he does a manual job, then he is somehow more tired and deserving of a break when he gets home than I am since I have a desk job. Sure my job isn't physically tiring, but man mental stress can wipe you out! Like today, I am so stressed because something I am working on is out of balance and I don't have a clue why.

    He has gotten better about doing his chores, but he always harps on the fact that I don't clean the litter box often enough. The smell somehow doesn't bother me as much as it does him, so I tend to let it go longer. Rather than giving me friendly reminders (like I give him about his chores) he expects me to make up a schedule to clean it or just know when he wants it cleaned. Arg!
  • uwhuskygirl
    uwhuskygirl Posts: 320
    I will have to say this isn't something that we fight about at all. He's really neat and will pick up things without me asking. And as soon as we're done with dinner he jumps up and starts loading the dishwasher right away.

    Also, hiring a house cleaner was the best money we ever spent. It frees up our time and we don't argue about who cleaned the bathroom last. If you can, I totally recommend getting a house cleaner. It really has changed my life. :happy:
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    We have been living in our house for 5 years and he still asks me where we keep certain things! :noway:

    Ummmm......If you don't know where that is kept after 5 years I am not going to continue to enable you, sorry dear....
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    I have asked my husband why he doesn't help when I am clearly frazzled and he always says, "Why didn't you just ask me?" I honestly think he doesn't notice. I think they just don't see it. And it doesn't bother him if they house is messy or the kids are wild because he is really laid-back (which compliments my high-strung personality well!). I think we have to constantly tell and remind them. It works with my husband. If I'm having a rough day I tell him when he gets home and ask him to do specific things like give the kids a bath. This works much better than expecting him to figure it out on his own. He is not going to figure this out on his own because he is not a girl! I find dealing with husbands is a lot like dealing with elementary school kids. I'm a teacher and I've used a lot of the same behavior modification techniques with him since we got married. Works great! However it doesn't work if you are married to a teacher because then they know what you are doing. :laugh:
  • Koozy81
    Koozy81 Posts: 250 Member
    YES YES YES- I have a 5 month old at home and I also work 50 hours a week...meanwhile he cant feed her, change her, clothe her, burp her, wash a dish, fold anything to save his life, clean a bathroom...the list goes on- I love the man dearly but sometimes....Hes A moron!! he's tried to do each of them several times, but in order for things to get done timely and properly i have to do them because half a$$ed work doesnt fly with very well with me...so its partly my fault that I want it done and done right so i redo whatever he lamely attempted to do, but its also partly his fault for not putting any effort in a chore and he knows ill just end up doing it anyway!! ooohhh i could hurt him sometimes!! at least he cooks, i cant even boil water right!!:laugh:

    good thread kim! I needed to vent that!! :heart:
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member

    My man, thankfully, came from a military background and is currently military, so he's pretty neat.

    Mine too. He a neat freak, I'm a germaphobe. We go together pretty nicely.

    But DON'T fall for the whole "I don't know what I'm doing" gag. They just pretend to not know or they goof up on purpose so that we don't expect them to ever do it again. LOL

    germaphobe, huh??? writing.gif

    Good to know. th_2.gif

    HaHa. I just so happen to know that you are too!th_2.gif
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member

    And the hair on the sink from shaving! I HATE that - I mean how difficult is it to rinse the sink out after using it?????


    OMG! I can't believe I left that out...I HATE THAT!!! Thank God for His/Hers sink. At least mine looks nice....:laugh:
  • greysweatshirt
    Well, as a man who does most of the housework, it is possible. I think people choose to see what they want to see. It's amazing to me that there could be dishes on every surface of the kitchen, yet they don't get done until *I* do them!! AND we don't have a dishwasher! I've had several discussions about this and it'll change for a week or so, then go back...I'm guessing this will be an on-going issue. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one!
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    Well, as a man who does most of the housework, it is possible. I think people choose to see what they want to see. It's amazing to me that there could be dishes on every surface of the kitchen, yet they don't get done until *I* do them!! AND we don't have a dishwasher! I've had several discussions about this and it'll change for a week or so, then go back...I'm guessing this will be an on-going issue. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one!

    Men like you and my husband are the reasons why I don't join the gangs of women trying to throw you in the basement for good!
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    My gripe is a time thing. I ask hime to take out the trash and he says "Sure". Well, hours go by and it's stll overflowing on to the floor. So I start to take it out myself. When he sees me doing it he'll say "I told you I'd do it, I'm just waiting for .....Why can't you just wait?" Well, if I wanted the trash taken out 5 hours later, I would have said "Honey, can you take the trash out 5 hours from now?". No, when I ask it's because it needs to be done in the present time!!! This is our biggest fight over ANY thing I ask him to do!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

    But mostly he's a great guy!

  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    i think they still have the caveman in em all!!!! But seriously I love you guys!!!!