SAHM 2/21 to 2/27



  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Ladies!
    I completely fell off of the MFP wagon last week—must recommit starting today. Had a good long-ish weekend. I had a work/church event on Saturday that kept me away from home all day, I was still busy and on my feet for most of the day though, so health-wise it wasn’t a total loss. Yesterday we spent time around the house—my husband’s cousin just got stationed here so he came over to take the edge off of the homesickness. Today we spent more time with the cousin and then had a park playdate with friends.

    Welcome to all the new ladies!

    Katapple—how do you like turbokick? I have been thinking about trying it, but I struggled with step in the beginning (coordination is something that comes pretty slow to me). I have step down now though, but how hard is it to follow turbokick in the beginning?

    Stacey—I know how you feel. I am almost to the point that I don’t even want to look at the scale because I don’t want to be disappointed, and I know I will be. Don’t leave though—we are all here to support you! KatieM was right—when you feel like you should stop getting on, that means that you probably should be getting on to be encouraged the most!

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Stacy (((hugs)) So sorry :( Are you eating 1700 calories even on the days you don't work out? I would cut back to lower calories on those days, 1500 to start with and see where it gets you. Keep trying to resist temptation. Maybe get some sweet flavored gum and chew on that instead? I've also been drinking a full glass of water before a meal, and a full glass after and it's been helping me from going back for seconds and seems to keep me fuller longer....don't leave!! You can't leave!!! And don't you ever ever give up!

    KC ~ I think it's a little easier to follow than step don't have to make sure you trip over anything! LOL This is the first class I've taken and the moves were really easy to follow, but I've also been doing TurboFire at home. most instructors start with one move for a bit, then they do it again and add to it. They keep restarting until there is a total of 4 different moves in one set (if that makes any sense) and then they move on to something new doing the same thing, adding on slowly. After that, you start all over on the other side (dong the same thing you just did). Give it a try! You won't get it the first time, but you'll learn more and more every time you go. And it's a blast!! I burn at least 600 cals every class :)

    So I completed my food diary and every thing was hunky dory, and then we went and took the kids to a movie. But I limited myself to a half a bag of small popcorn, no butter. Not great for me, but I couldn't resist!!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    oh and Stacy, 3pm is a great time to have a cup of green tea! Sweeten it if you'd like with a little spenda or truvia (like a fourth a tsp) but it really has helped get rid of the afternoon munchies!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I'm 29, turning 30 in July (yikes).

    I'll be there in May! I feel your pain! :laugh: But at least I can go into my 30s saying I'm in the best shape I've ever been in :) Hope to say it going into my 40s as well! :flowerforyou:
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Stacey - Hugs to ya! Please don't dump us, then you'll make us sad and we might have to start eating cookies to cope. That's just not a nice thing to do so see, you can't leave us and make us all get fat again. Seriously, I think we all have times that make us question things but try to imagine yourself a year from now kicking yourself for not sticking with it. You can do it! Just a thought, have you had your doctor do a blood check on you? That might be a key to show you if you are missing anything or if you have high blood sugar, etc.

    AJ - Be sure to post a pic of your new shoes, I love shoes, even flip flops get me excited, LOL. I think it's great you are listening to your body and cutting back your leg exercises, sorry you are going thru a tough time, I hope you feel 100% again soon.

    I finally had "the" talke with my hubby. Pretty much told him if he brings another candy bar home I'll have to hurt him. Hehehe. He told me he won't do it again, he was trying to "treat" me to something I like but I told him a 30 minute bath without little eyes staring at me would be soooooooooooo much better. He agreed. I love that man!

    Had more to write but forgot the names. I swear, I need to start keeping notes before I post.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I'm 29, turning 30 in July (yikes).

    I'll be there in May! I feel your pain! :laugh: But at least I can go into my 30s saying I'm in the best shape I've ever been in :) Hope to say it going into my 40s as well! :flowerforyou:

    August for me! And Katie, that's exactly my motivation. I want to go into my 30's actually appreciating my body for the first time in my life. :)

    KC, I'm glad you could be there for your husband's cousin. :) Get back on that wagon today! You can do it!

    Amy, I'm so glad you had that talk! Things have been much easier in my house since we had that conversation, and now he actually praises my hard work (even though he can't see a difference yet, but that's a whole different topic, haha) and doesn't even offer candy and sweets and stuff. He does offer McD's for lunch or whatever, but he always asks me if I can afford it in my calorie budget. It's so nice when the hubbies are on-board, isn't it? :)

    My shoes better come today, or I'm gonna... not be able to wear them! :laugh: I'll definitely post pics. :)

    Have a great Tuesday everybody!
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Morning ladies
    I posted my weight loss that I had been seeing, that is until yesterday & this morning for some reason. It has been back up the last two days, I am hoping it's muscle because I did actually see a slight increase in measurement on my arms & my thighs stayed the same while the waist/belly & hips all went down another 1/2 inch. I really don't like seeing an increase in weight though when it had been going down so nicely. I am going to give it the rest of the week since this is my last week of the Slim in 6 and see what happens when I take my final pictures, because pictures will tell the "real" story I am sure! I was just so hoping to reach that 1st goal weight before hubby leaves, have just a little less than 3 weeks and any where from 2-4lbs to get there depending on the day, haha. That & we have pictures on March 1st, we are having Operation Love pictures done with hubby in his uniform and the boys and I in red, white & blue. I found a shirt that has 3/4 length sleeves to cover the upper arm which I always think looks to big & a lower scooped neck to help try to make my face thinner or so I hope! I never like any pictures that are taken with me but I have seen the ones this lady does so I am hoping she can make us look great plus they are going to be for hubby. She takes a bunch of pictures then send him a photo book while he is deployed all for free!
    Alright I rambled on enough I better go change a diaper then start my workout since the baby doesn't seem to be waking up maybe I can get it in before he does! I am going to try to come back & catch up on my reading later today, everyone is so chatty!! :happy:
  • Photomandy
    Photomandy Posts: 56 Member
    Morning all!

    Stacy, I'm with ya! Esp. from 3 pm on - those treats start calling! Keep checking in and don't give up! I also identify w/ the hubby being "nice enough" to bring me treats. I think being a SAHM is a wonderful job, but it lends itself to extra snacking w/ being near the kitchen a lot, and with having rough moments and wanting a treat to see them through. I'm trying to remember to check in here instead of going to the kitchen, and hopefully going to satisfy my cravings after kids' bedtimes w/ some cocoa and a book or something. It's so hard to give up. But I know I don't want to be controlled by food!

    Hubby left a little late for work, so I was able to get in (only) 21 minutes of jogging. But better than nothing, I figure. I admire you guys doing the ab/shred work! I really should...

    Off to the kids!
  • binabodu
    binabodu Posts: 120 Member
    Hi ladies, I haven't been on in a few days so I'll go back and catch up. I am looking forward to a quite day here until my PTA meeting tonight. The rest of the week is jam packed. Hoping I can keep getting my daily workouts in and thrilled to weigh in tomorrow! Things have been going great, I am having a hard time reaching my calorie goals but am getting some ideas on the food and nutrition board.

    Hope you are all having a great week!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    I'm 29, turning 30 in July (yikes).

    I'll be there in May! I feel your pain! :laugh: But at least I can go into my 30s saying I'm in the best shape I've ever been in :) Hope to say it going into my 40s as well! :flowerforyou:

    I am already there! However I can say that I am in the best shaped I have ever been. Maybe not the smallest I have ever been though.

    Amy~I am glad that you had "the" talk with hubby. It is so important to have him on the same 'page' as you. My hubby has this nasty habit of getting cookies when we go grocery shopping.:grumble: I have talked to him and he says well you don't have to eat them. :noway: I have been hinting to him lately that I am going to start going raw. Well I over heard him talking to dd1 a couple of days ago and he told her "get used to not having junk food anymore because we won't be buying it anymore." hmmmm wonder where that one came from because I have been begging for it for a while now.:laugh:

    Got to go get ready for the day it is almost 10am and I am just being plain lazy today.
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Good Tuesday Morning Mom's......The Eastern Shoes of Maryland was hit with a little snow, very little snow...Like an inch of snow, that put us at a 2 hour school I come from upstate NY where we are normally hit with snow and we measure it in Feet, not They just don't know how to cope with it down
    All is well, I am feeling better with each day....I am dying to get to the gym, today is my last day home of rest.. Hoping to get at it tomorrow, but work back at it slowly..

    katapple how did the Jillian's 6 pack abs go on OnDemand, ?

    4loveofkids a local hiking club sounds very cool....I am a outdoors type person, I think this sounds very cool!! Let me know how the first hike goes!! mom visit is going so well....I love having company! Wish it was beach weather And of course this week will fly by and I'm not very good with sayng good byes...

    Also a quick note to all the newbies..Welcome..As I am a newbie as well!!

    Have a great Tuesday mom's......Remember keep movin :)
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning! I did so great on my exercise last week, but then the weekend came. I didn't exercise like I should (although I did walk home from church Sunday 1.5 miles), and I ate WAY too many Girl Scout cookies. So I ended up gaining some of the weight back that I lost by Friday. At least I'm not quite back to where I was a week ago. :smile: But I was so happy on Friday thinking that I'm finally back out of the 160s, only to end up back there again.

    Welcome to all the new ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • Elijah0630
    Just stay motivated Amy!! Walking is such a great stress reliever!

    I have to share my mini goal today ladies... I stepped on the scale this morning and lost 1.4 lbs which means i have lost 15lbs!!!!!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOO! sorry I have to do my victory dance now! It's time for some shopping!!!!! :drinker:
  • binabodu
    binabodu Posts: 120 Member
    Welcome everyone!!

    Stacey~ I am still so new to this so I don't have any advice, just support! You can do this, you have before!

    So many of us are 29! I turn 30 in May as well!
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    AJ - Now I'm also anxiously awaiting the arrival of your shoes, hahaha.

    Christi - Sounds like muscle to me, I bet you'll see the scale move in your favor, next week. BTW, your pics sound beautiful, what a wonderful gift for your hubby.

    Photomandy - How far do you jog?

    Katie M - Don't know if I could ever go raw but I did consider going vegetarian a while back. I eat meat but I don't like to touch it or cook it, LOL. I do of course but it grosses me out. Also, I use to live on a farm so I named all the cows and then when they would disappear I was devistated. My dad always blamed it on a sink hole, clever man! Ummmm, our hubbies might be sole brothers. Before our talk mine asked me to start buying cookies b/c he loves the ones at my parents house. I said NO. He argued with me but I finally said he'd just have to have them at my parents on the weekend and be happy with that.

    Cat - Funny that school was delayed by the snow. When we lived in OK they shut down the town if we got more than an inch. If I'm able to attend the hike this weekend I'll be sure to post some pics. I really hope to make it.

    Amypry - Darn cookies, I swear if I even see a girl scout I'm gonna start running. My plan is to support them by doing the boxes for the troops. I love supporting them but don't want to be stuck talking myself off the cookie ledge each night.

    Elijah - Congrats on 15 pounds, that is AWESOME!!

    So, I started a meetup group for my subdivision, it's a cross b/w a moms group and a ladies night out group. Hope it does well and stays drama free. I'm excited b/c we have some great neighbors. Also plan on starting a walking/jogging group once the group gets going. Can't wait!

    I just realized I'm starting couch to 5K in one week!!!
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    I guess I'm the "old lady" of the group, hehehe. I turn 33 in March. :(
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Guess what - MY BABY SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!! 4 days in a row. I'm totally jinxing myself talking about it, but man it has been terrible the last couple months so I'm psyched.

    Weight loss wise I'm stuck. I'm working out 5x a week and sticking to my cals exactly and last week I was only down 0.6 lbs. I weigh myself every morning and haven't gone down, really, from there. I'm trying to decide if I want to increase my cals for a few days or just wait it out and see what this weeks official weigh in brings.

    We were supposed to go on a road trip to a nearby aquarium today, but one of the other babies was sick and it got canceled, I was super bummed. Now I'm sitting here still in my PJs while she's napping. At least I've done laundry?
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Amy - I'll be 33 in Sept so your not the only one already in your 30s! Plus I know there are a few more of us :wink:
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Wildcatmom82 - Have you tried changing your workouts? I've heard that can help if you hit a plateau. Congrats on 4 nights of sleep!! At 16 months my little man still gets up sometimes, drives me crazy but.........he's a snuggler so I just love on him and back he goes.
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Amy - I'll be 33 in Sept so your not the only one already in your 30s! Plus I know there are a few more of us :wink:

    LOL, thank goodness.