SAHM 2/21 to 2/27



  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Aj-glad your new shoes are working out well!

    Sick kids are the pits! Come to find out Lucy has a virus, 5-7 day recovery time and highly contagious. This may very well put off her birthday party for Sunday afternoon. It also means no gym for me until it's gone. Knowing my luck she'll get over it just in time for Julia to get it!

    I did get a Zumba work out in so at least I've done something today. In other news it's snowing here again, darn it! We are due for 2-5 inches..yuck!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Swtch-It's very exciting!

    Binabodu-Thanks, I'll have to try that!

    AJ-I'll try that too, if the other idea doesn't work for me. :smile:

    Stacey-Thanks, I'll have to remember that and keep it in my mind for the next bummer day!

    Kat-Thanks for the motivation!! I could really use a push right about now!

    Now, on to the bad news. The car we just bought is going through a spell like it wants have issues and we can't really afford car repairs unless the place will allow us to do payments to them. My inlaws have a place they go to that does that with them, and they said if we can't find anyone else, they will take us to their people. I have one friend who might be able to help...I hate cars!! :mad: We have only had it for 1 1/2 weeks and its already giving us grief!

    What do you all think of my new pic? I have a few others, not sure if I will put them up or not, they are from a boudoir session my sister in law did for me, which was part of hubby's vday gift. Now to make some dinner. BBL ladies. Hope your Thursday was better than mine!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome PNCTink!

    Aj~glad the shoes fit good.

    Barb~LOVE the new pic! Good luck with the car problems.

    Katie~Good luck with the check up at Dr. Hope all goes well.

    Don't remember anything else that was posted sorry. I got my work done early again today. I am hoping that I can make it through tomorrow and also get it done early again. I am taking my sup's hours (5 hrs) so I will be working a total of 7 hrs. Why do kids have to give such a hard time with doing chores? Seriously my 7 yo is driving me crazy! She refuses to do her chores this week. :grumble: A couple of weeks back it was a dream to get her to do hers it was my 9 yo that gave me problems with doing his chores. Okay enough rant got to go get dinner finished so we can eat.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Swtch-It's very exciting!

    Binabodu-Thanks, I'll have to try that!

    AJ-I'll try that too, if the other idea doesn't work for me. :smile:

    Stacey-Thanks, I'll have to remember that and keep it in my mind for the next bummer day!

    Kat-Thanks for the motivation!! I could really use a push right about now!

    Now, on to the bad news. The car we just bought is going through a spell like it wants have issues and we can't really afford car repairs unless the place will allow us to do payments to them. My inlaws have a place they go to that does that with them, and they said if we can't find anyone else, they will take us to their people. I have one friend who might be able to help...I hate cars!! :mad: We have only had it for 1 1/2 weeks and its already giving us grief!

    What do you all think of my new pic? I have a few others, not sure if I will put them up or not, they are from a boudoir session my sister in law did for me, which was part of hubby's vday gift. Now to make some dinner. BBL ladies. Hope your Thursday was better than mine!

    I love the new pic Barb!!!!
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Holly & Barb - Beautiful pics, we sure do have some hot mamas on here!! Barb, when I looked at your pic I saw that you are from South Bend. That's where my parents grew up, we still have family there, I love it.

    Stacey - Great job doing P90X today!!

    Katie - Good luck at the doctor, I hope you get some answers and solutions to help you feel better.

    AJ - Glad you're keeping your new kicks, I was jealous of all the post of new shoes so I asked my parents to get me some for my birthday. :happy:

    Raining cats and dogs today, looks like my hike might be canceled. At least they offer it weekly so I can always shoot for next week if the weather doesn't get better. Also planned on a ride with my dad tomorrow but I won't ride on wet roads, we always go on a very hilly route and although he's a pro at riding, I'm not.

    Got some great deals today!! LOL, I love to bargin shop and use coupons. Today I got 2 packs huggies, 1 big box of huggie wipes, 3 12 packs of diet coke (for hubby), 5 bottles of J&J baby shampoo/wash. Total spend was $16 and I earned coupons for $6 off my next purchase, YAHOO!

    Is anyone else itching to start buying new clothes. I literally think about it all the time. I'm so ready to be in a smaller size. Planning on hitting the w/o hard this weekend since I have more eyes around to watch the kiddos. Tomorrow I'm making homemade pizza for my parents but I'm also making a huge salad and some steamed veggies. Thinking I might make one pizza a veggie one also.

    I think I just lost brain cells watching the Jersey Shore. LOL, I needed to watch some mindless TV and that sure did the trick.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Holly & Barb - Beautiful pics, we sure do have some hot mamas on here!! Barb, when I looked at your pic I saw that you are from South Bend. That's where my parents grew up, we still have family there, I love it.

    Stacey - Great job doing P90X today!!

    Katie - Good luck at the doctor, I hope you get some answers and solutions to help you feel better.

    AJ - Glad you're keeping your new kicks, I was jealous of all the post of new shoes so I asked my parents to get me some for my birthday. :happy:

    Raining cats and dogs today, looks like my hike might be canceled. At least they offer it weekly so I can always shoot for next week if the weather doesn't get better. Also planned on a ride with my dad tomorrow but I won't ride on wet roads, we always go on a very hilly route and although he's a pro at riding, I'm not.

    Got some great deals today!! LOL, I love to bargin shop and use coupons. Today I got 2 packs huggies, 1 big box of huggie wipes, 3 12 packs of diet coke (for hubby), 5 bottles of J&J baby shampoo/wash. Total spend was $16 and I earned coupons for $6 off my next purchase, YAHOO!

    Is anyone else itching to start buying new clothes. I literally think about it all the time. I'm so ready to be in a smaller size. Planning on hitting the w/o hard this weekend since I have more eyes around to watch the kiddos. Tomorrow I'm making homemade pizza for my parents but I'm also making a huge salad and some steamed veggies. Thinking I might make one pizza a veggie one also.

    I think I just lost brain cells watching the Jersey Shore. LOL, I needed to watch some mindless TV and that sure did the trick.

    Thanks, Amy. I don't live here by choice. I'm actually trying to figure out how we can move out of the area. I've lived here my whole life and I'm getting to the point, where I hate this town, I hate the people who live here (simply bc of ND (as you can tell I'm not a ND fan, sorry!)), and I hate cold and snow (never have liked it before either)......but right now, we're stuck here.
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Barb - Def a hard place to live if you don't like ND or snow!! I like both so that's partially why I like it. Also, I have good memories w/my grandparents there. I felt the same way when we lived in OK and I am so happy we left, it just didn't feel like "home" anymore.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Amy-The ND group here, living here, just seem to get more rude by the year....each year we get all sorts of people around here, and they just don't have the same respect as they did when I was a kid. I'm so sick of the ND college kids thinking they rule this area....which is why I can't stand it, I need to find a town that is warm with no snow and no college :) I'm not asking for much, am I?
  • swtchrypie
    BlueRose- i LOVE the pic!!

    4love- awesome job saving, i love coupons they are like crack i swear!!!! it poured here all last night as well. Sorry about not getting out on a hike. I wish we had good hikes out here but I haven't found any.

    Thank God its Friday!!! I am ready for the weekend. My baby girl is teething and NOTHING is calming her. TOday was a lot better then yesterday though so I am happy about that!

    We have company coming over tonight so I spent the day cooking and cleaning ensuring the house looked good. I kinda got in a groove and when I was done my body wasn't ready to be finished and sitting so I gave my son a mohawk. I am wondering what my husband will do when he sees it tonight :) haha! I am not too worried about it, its hair it will grow back! Now that I am finally sitting I still feel like I need to be doing something. So I am trying not to do anything too crazy I don't want WIll to come home and not recognize anything :) I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!!!!!!!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    DJ ~ Thanks!! :)

    AJ ~ glad the shoes are working for you!!

    Barb ~ Love the pictures!! And all of the ones on FB too. Gorgeous!

    Amy ~ I bought a couple pairs of pants, but I don't expect to get any smaller, so that's good! LOL You can go to a thrift store and find pretty decent cheap stuff!

    Swtchrypie ~ Mohawks are so cute!! I want to give my son one, but he doesn't like messy hair and gets mad at me when I do something different to it! LOL

    Here's what I've been busy doing all day:

    I painted them and made little wine charms for the bottom. This is for my friends bachelorette wine and cheese tasting party. Only about 20-30 more to go! LOL After I bake them, you can wash them in the dishwasher without harming the paint, how cool is that?! :) I love being crafy!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    BTW no workout for me legs are very sore from strength training, and turbokick, and zumba...I went a little crazy! Today is a rest day, hope to burn it up tomorrow though!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Thank you ladies.

    Kat-those are so cool! I really like those! Good luck getting them all done. Being crafty can be fun but also tiring, esp when you have that many yet to do.

    This post will be short, bc its been a long day.

    Will check in tomorrow. Night ladies!
  • Elijah0630
    KAT~ SOOOO adorable!!!!! I am not crafty what so ever! So I love being inspired by others lol!

    Blue rose~ Your pic is soooo adorable you look so pretty!!!

    Hubby and I just got back from a two day marriage seminar at our church and it was amazing! We laughed so much our cheeks hurts!!! I am just starting pilates to help tone up so if any of you ladies have a suggestion/comment i would love to hear it!

    Here's to a GREAT weekend ladies!

    Headed to the beach tomorrow morning with the fam for the first time since LO was born! :):)
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Got my 3 little boys in bed, hubby took the oldest to the movies so I thought I'd sit down with a glass of wine & try to catch up on some reading here!
    There has been so much activity it's great! I love that there are so many of us mommys out there supporting each other on our weight loss journeys. We all come from different places, have different number of children, are different ages, have different goals in our weight loss & heck in our lives but we can all come together here to support one another in becoming the healthy hot mamas we know that we can be! I just want to thank all of you for giving me the motivation that I need each and every day. I know that I can log on here and type whatever is going on and that everyone will understand and have some advice for me, it's great!
    I shoveled snow today then did about half of my workout video because the kiddos were being stinkers & playing instead of napping so after stopping & restarting the dvd about 3 times I decided with the shoveling I had burned enough for the day. Then with my exercise I was at like over 2400 calories for my goal, seriously that is never going to happen. I have a hard enough time getting in my calories, yes I know that drives some people crazy to hear but I just don't eat that much. It has probably been part of my problem trying to lose weight before. Right now MFP has my goal set at 1550 a day and I can usually get to almost 1200 or a little over, there is no way that I can eat the 1550 plus my exercise on top of that. Up to this last week I had been loosing about 2lbs a week but then I started going back up in pounds. I am not sure if maybe it's muscle weight since I feel like I could be getting more toned. I went back down a little but only to about what my weigh in was at the beginning of the week. I have come to the end of the Slim in 6 series so tomorrow I will weigh, measure & do my ending pictures to try to see my progress but I am afraid I will be disappointed. I feel like the last couple of days I have been so bloated so that will ruin the progress I thought I had been seeing. It's not TOM cause I just had that but since baby is only almost 5 months old & is still exclusivley breastfeeding I am still having spotting inbetween those cycles so maybe that has something to do with it since I have been spotting the last couple of days. I don't really know what my body will do since the last two times after I had my baby I got pregnant by the time they were 8 months I'm not sure how the weight loss will go from this point. It will be all new to me again to go a whole year without being pregnant, haha! I guess I will just have to see what happen as the next week or so goes on. I am trying to decide if I want to start the next dvd I picked on Monday or take a week and maybe just try to go to the gym in the evenings to change up the normal day to day before starting a new dvd.
    Okay I have totally rambled on long enough, haha guess that is what you get when I drink a glass of wine while typing since I only have one once in awhile it doesn't take much!! I so better head off to bed, good night all. Have a nice weekend!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Thanks everyone! Thankfully the party is not until April 30th, so I have plenty of time. We are only making for those that RSVP and we are giving them until April 15th so I have time to make them all. I will make a few blank ones for anyone who comes without an RSVP :) But if everyone comes this project will only cost $45. Not bad for everyone to bring home a custom wine glass and charm!

    Eli ~ How fun about the marriage seminar! I've always wanted to do one :)

    Christie ~ I took a look at your diary, and it looks great food wise, other than being really low especially on the days you work out. Maybe instead of trying to fit more meals in, try increasing some of the portion sizes. Like a full cup of milk instead of half when you eat cereal. Or add a little more meat to your sandwiches/wraps. Have a cup of dry cereal with your banana. Little things like that will help increase the calories, and give you a little more energy on workout days!

    Going to get ready for strength training (arms) and Zumba at the gym! Going to eat good today so I can eat guilt free tonight at the wine and cheese tasting party :) Have a great Saturday ladies!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey everyone! I haven't been able to get on the thread I was wondering if anyone would be interested in starting the weekly thread each week. Maybe someone on the east coast? I will still be around, but just not the leader. It is great to start the thread each week so that other SAHM's that didn't know about us will see the thread. Let me know if you are interested.
  • swtchrypie
    Kat~ When he was one we gave him his first one then let it grow out after a few months. I will tell you this now that he is pretty much 3 it is SO hard to keep it up he plays with it and he jumps on the couch so by the middle of the night it was a BIG fluff! AND way too cute wine glasses! How long do you bake them for? What kinda paint did you use?

    So last night we ate with some friends and they made enchiladas. UM yea I only had a half of one but I should of had half of that! It was SO good. Then my hubby came home from the store with coke, reeces, and doughnuts. He said he had a surprise for me. UM thanks! haha I told him no more bad stuff. AH MEN! SO needless to say I gained 1.6.lbs from yesterday. So today is going to be a def pump the jams day! woowhoo!!!!!
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Okay ladies after my six weeks of "Slim in 6" this is what my results were.

    weight loss: 13.6lbs

    measurements loss-
    chest: 2" (only one I'm not trilled about, haha)
    waist (at belly button): 5"
    belly (about three inches below belly buton "baby belly"): 4"
    hips: 2 1/2"
    thighs: about 2" on both
    arms: about 1/2" on both (lost about 1" but then put on muscle & it went back up 1/2" )

    Not to bad! And as of this morning I am about 1lb away from my 1st goal weight!

    I took my after pics this morning but haven't put them on the computer yet. Not sure if I'm brave enough to post them on here but I will let you know how they look.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I'm not going to do well on the food front today. But I don't really care either. Is that horrible of me? Probably. Not that I don't care about losing weight -- I do. But I care more about not wasting the rest of my dinner from last night, so I'm eating it for lunch. I haven't even put tonight's dinner in my diary yet because I haven't planned it, but I know I'm goign to have a piece of birthday cake. So... definitely over on my cals today. I'm going to work out at least once to combat it, and drink lots of water, and otherwise not worry about it. I feel kind of awful and I feel like I'm making excuses. Actually, I KNOW I'm making excuses. But I'm going to do it anyway. I'm not throwing away my leftovers from yesterday. And I'm not going to just skip a meal to stay under cals. So I guess if I'm going into it with my eyes wide open, knowing that it might slow down my weight loss this week, I can live with that.

    In another thread some people were talking about weight training to help burn fat rather than *just* losing weight. I want to do that. I can't get abs if I lose muscle weight, you know? So I'm gonna talk to my hubby and see if we can afford for me to buy some light dumbbells or something so I can try to do a little lifting at home. It's not as good as going to the gym, but since the gym isn't a real option right now, it's something. Any thoughts?

    Nicole, I was wondering what happened to you. I'm usually on pretty early in the mornings, so if I can remember I'll start it for you.

    Katie, those glasses are so cute!

    I know there was a lot more in the thread, but I really have to go get moving. Talk to you all later!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi ladies! no computer yesterday so just read thru some of the posts. i was soooo sore from core that yesterday was a forced rest day. every muscle twitch hurt. hehe

    it's better today and i did my leslie pilates walk.
    ugh---i am listening to my son scream (for 30min now) about eating his cereal at the coffee table by the tv....such a bad habit we got him into. we have about 1 more month before we move to new house. so we are trying to establish new habits. you know how that goes....

    alright, time to shower and get a move on later girls.

    oh!! it's very easy to start the thread each week. it's just a couple of steps of a cut and paste job. i hope someone can step up and take over for nicole (she took over for me :)