The Lent Thread



  • Wakx
    Wakx Posts: 105 Member
    The other thing I'm toying with is trying to be more positive in my comments towards and about others, especially my kids. Pretty sure it will be Facebook though.

    Hahaha, totally agree! Let those kids sweat it out.

    (not meant all too cynical, I thought it was quite funny to read this)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Mine is going great! No chocolate and I have resisted...I have a feeling that Easter morning I'll gorge myself of a few cadbury creme eggs and reese eggs. They are my two favorite Easter candies....and seeing them everywhere right now is so tough. But I'm strong and this 40 days is nothing compaired to the sacrifice that He made for me. I can do this!

    I absolutely LOVE those Cadbury eggs!

    Yesterday, while in the checkout line at the grocery stor,e there were 2 of them sitting in a sugarless gum display--right in my face! Not fair at all! LOL!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    So I'm a bonehead..I went grocery shopping yesterday...and hit up the brand new organics section in my grocery store...yep they had soy chocolate pudding...I was so excited I bought some...they were lower calories than the lemon merangue pudding I'm addicted to...I got home, unpacked my groceries, and realized I can't eat this yummy goodness! So I put them in the freezer, I hope that doesn't ruin them...but I can tell ya, on Easter Sunday at noon, the first thing I'm eating is a soy chocolate pudding cup!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    So I'm a bonehead..I went grocery shopping yesterday...and hit up the brand new organics section in my grocery store...yep they had soy chocolate pudding...I was so excited I bought some...they were lower calories than the lemon merangue pudding I'm addicted to...I got home, unpacked my groceries, and realized I can't eat this yummy goodness! So I put them in the freezer, I hope that doesn't ruin them...but I can tell ya, on Easter Sunday at noon, the first thing I'm eating is a soy chocolate pudding cup!

    I feel for ya! I have cadbury creme eggs in the house and I'm trying my durndest to resist them. church yesterday someone brought in donuts...I did eat a plain glazed...but I really really wanted the chocolate creme filled one. I will resist temptation!