Should I ? OR Shouldn't I? Biggest Loser!



  • I know it really isn't the same at all, but you should check out the Biggest Loser workout videos. I originally rented mine from the library and fell in love with it, I finally bought my own copy of the Cardio Max. You get to work out with people from the show who are at all different stages, the instructors are motivating, and you can step up your workouts at your own pace. Combined with this website you can do great things on your own! I haven't lost alot of my excess weight yet, but I have gained alot of muscle definition and a flat stomach, many inches off my thighs and waist. Best of luck to you, I think you are doing an amazing thing!
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    I say GO FOR IT! The only thing they can tell you is no! (well they can say yes too, but you know what i mean!) They had a casting call in my city last fall, and I debated on going, but I struggled with the same thing..Leaving my little ones was too hard for me! But think about it...The amount of time you will gain by getting fit and losing weight would add sooo much more than those 3 months you lose! and I would totally root for you if you went on the show!

    Good Luck and I hope you decide whats best for you and your family!
  • I would say go for it as well - you may not get picked, and if you do, that's when you'll have to make the big decision. It's 3 months, that's 12 weeks - it could transform your life. Regarding the kids/pets, there are ways around that. You've done fantastically well so far, this could be the very thing you need to complete your journey to the new you.
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    Do it!
  • I would do it if I didn't have kids, but I can't imagine being away from them for that long!

    Plus, I can't stand Bob and Jillian! Haven't formed an opinion on the new ones yet, but Bob and Jillian, esp. Jillian, grate on my nerves. Love the show, though! In fact, about to watch last night's episode while running on the treadmill.
  • LeAnn_Mae
    LeAnn_Mae Posts: 263 Member
    Definitely try out for it if you are able to find someone to take care of your responsibilities at home. I know if it were me I would always have that 'what if' feeling if I didn't try out!
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    I have considered trying out for the show myself, so I can relate to your dilemma. Right now, I am unemployed and not taking any classes so I have thought hard about going to apply myself. But I don't think I have the right "personality" for that type of show. I am not competitive, and if the trainers got in my face like that, I would probably quit rather than work harder.
    Knowing that about myself, however, I am still tempted to try out. Mostly because I am fairly sure they would not choose me anyway, but then I would have tried at least. So that is honestly what I am thinking you should try. There are only a couple of things that can happen, and none are horrible. First, they could not choose you anyway, in which case, you don't have to wonder anymore about how to take care of your children and pets while on the show. Second, they could choose you, but you can turn them down, again not having to figure out your home life while you are gone. Finally, they could choose you, and you may find that you have support in unexpected places, and the adjustments may fall into place easily, allowing you to be on the show. Whereas if you do not go to the tryouts, you will never know what "might have been" and you just might always wonder about it.
  • trying out doesn't mean you would have to go if you got chosen. Just the tryouts would be a good workout and you can say you did it. Then you go home and do the biggest loser dvd workouts like me :)
  • youlighter
    youlighter Posts: 129 Member
    I would say that YES the kids need you. Now that, that is out of the way, if you really want to spend time with your kids the trade off is 3-5months away for MANY YEARS in the future. What if you win? What if there is a $10,000 challenge and you take that? What would that do for your kids. I say GO FOR IT. Even if your only there for the first week or two you may lose 20lbs in a blink of an eye. Excuses are what gets us to where we are, regrets seem to keep us there. NO REGRETS.
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    If you don't have a lot of support of someone to take care of your kids I personally would not do it. Having lots of pets are a lot responsibility too. You have done great on your own so far, you can do this.
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    If you don't have a lot of support of someone to take care of your kids I personally would not do it. Having lots of pets are a lot responsibility too. You have done great on your own so far, you can do this.
  • Your kids and pets come can do it alone without leaving those who need you........
  • GiniN
    GiniN Posts: 39 Member
    Ordinarily I would support anyone striving to achieve their goals by participating in a structured, intensive program...but there are a couple of point that make me very hesitant here.

    1) Your family and life situation - This has been extensively and skillfully described by other posters.

    2) The Biggest Loser - I have some real concerns about this program. I have a LOT of weight to lose, but I think this program is not a good way to do it. For example, long and intense physical activity imposed on people who are obviously ill-equipped to handle it. Even super-fit marathoners get stress fractures and other skeletal and soft tissue injuries! I find it impossible to believe that the participants are not being injured. Seeing the obvious physical distress experienced during the 2-5 hour exercise sessions makes me wonder how much scientific or medical knowledge the trainers actually have. I'm a nurse, and I don't believe exercise this prolonged or exerting is safe. I think even someone without any medical background would realize this is too extreme. To say nothing of all the screaming and drama the trainers bring to the process; how does that help participants make healthy, lasting changes? It may be "good TV" but I don't think it is realistic and it doesn't seem safe to me.

    I think reading the posts here is more inspiring than this show...

    My 2 cents, but it is your decision, obviously.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I have often fantasized about being on Jillian's team on biggest loser, and if I had the pounds to lose I'd do it. I say go to the tryouts. In the meantime you could look around and see what your support symptom is really like to determine whether leaving is right for you. But DEFINITELY no harm in trying out.

    I think biggest loser is rapid paced but physician supervised (just like many medi diets) and has been proven to result in improvement in health numbers, etc.
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    Would love to know if you decided to go to the tryouts or not? If so, what was it like?
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