Kids Say The Darnest Things..



  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    The one I found the most funny is my daughter was 2 at the time and my husband dropped a bowl on his toe (it didn't break btw) and he said OUCH and she starts laughing and he says "do you think thats funny" to which she replies "no its hilarious!"

    I still think its so funny every time and I still don't know how she connected that funny and hilarious go together :)
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    The one I found the most funny is my daughter was 2 at the time and my husband dropped a bowl on his toe (it didn't break btw) and he said OUCH and she starts laughing and he says "do you think thats funny" to which she replies "no its hilarious!"

    I still think its so funny every time and I still don't know how she connected that funny and hilarious go together :)
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member

    I am very glad my kids have a 11 year age diffrence so I dont have to deal with the whole sibling jelousy thing.
    Me and my daughter were at the library yesterday and some lady said hi to her and she started barking and growling at her lol it was pretty funny.

    My daughter hissed at a man at the grocery store that said hi to her before... it was so funny
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    One day when my (now 36 year old) daughter was around 3 or 4 years old, my husband and I were taking his mom and step-dad to their new apartment. They had moved a couple times after selling their house. My daughter made the comment, "Well, first Grandma and Grandpa lived in a house, then they lived in a trailer, now they live in an apartment. I guess next they'll live in a barn." I though my step-father-in-law was going to bust his sides laughing! :laugh: :laugh:
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Hope this is ok to post....

    Once when my daughter was 4 or 5 yrs old....I was playing a game or paying some bills on the computer in the den. I hear the phone ring and she says 'Hello'....*pause*....then the next thing I hear her say matter-of-factly is....

    "Sorry, my Daddy can't come to the phone right now, he's playing with his 'peter."

    *REALLY long pause*....then she hangs up.

    To this day, I have no idea who it was that called...and I'm ok with that. 8-x
  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    When my son was 4, we went shopping at Kroger. When we get in line to pay for our groceries, he just kept staring at the cashier. She had a very large mole on her cheek and it had a lot of hair growing out of it. i tried to direct his attention to something else but he would not turn away from her. When we get to her, he points at her face and says, " You have a tick on your face." She said, " Honey that's not a tick." He said, "Yes, it is. It has legs on it." I thought I was going to die. I was in shock. But, now, it is pretty funny to look back on and remember. LOL
  • miatyler
    When my oldest son (now 17) was about 5, I had to take him with me to the liquor on Christmas Eve. As we're standing in line he pipes up *very clearly* "Mmmmmmm, I LOVE RUM" . Some people thought it was cute, but others were looking at us like I was feeding it to him.
  • mlsmathias
    This was 18 years ago...Driving down the road my son in his booster seat in the back seat of the car....all of a sudden he starts screaming at the top of his lungs, instants tears with terror in his voice...."OH NO MOMMY OH NO!!!! bunch of gibberish & screams" I start pulling over as he is still screaming. I jump out the car, grab him from his seat as he is still screaming and pointing to the sky. Then he cries in sobs and explains to me that the world is gonna die, cause the plane is scratching the sky and the sky is gonna fall in on us.
    I was so shocked...I thought he had gotten stung by a bee or something...then I saw the plane leaving the gas tail and it all came together for me.
    Living near an air force base now...I still smile every time I see a plane leaving the smoke tail. My son is now a blackhawk mechanic for the army so I am always looking up thinking of him.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    ha ha ha ha... I got a few good ones. I have two kids. My daughter is 3, nearly 4 and says ridiculously hilarious stuff on a regular basis.. My son is nearly 2. The first time my daughter watched me change my son's diaper, she pointed to him and said, "Look! A toe!"

    My daughter said this after we bought our house- "We need to put the green house back with the other ones and get a new one."
    Me- "Why do you want a new house?"
    Her- "Because the green house is crazy."

    Me, talking to my son: "Whoa, Mannix. That was too big of a bite."
    Daughter: "Wow. He must have a big mouth."

    Daughter: "When people get bonked, they have to go to the doctor and get a fake leg." That one is my favorite. Makes sense in a kid's mind I guess!
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    When my son was 4, we went shopping at Kroger. When we get in line to pay for our groceries, he just kept staring at the cashier. She had a very large mole on her cheek and it had a lot of hair growing out of it. i tried to direct his attention to something else but he would not turn away from her. When we get to her, he points at her face and says, " You have a tick on your face." She said, " Honey that's not a tick." He said, "Yes, it is. It has legs on it." I thought I was going to die. I was in shock. But, now, it is pretty funny to look back on and remember. LOL

    :laugh: That takes the cake! Oh the embarrassment on both sides!
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    My Mom told me that when I was little, I would call every guy in the grocery store "Daddy". lol! And when I would see I fire truck, I would yell "Fire FRUCK!" Yeah, it didn't sound to good.
  • mlsmathias
    My son is nearly 2. The first time my daughter watched me change my son's diaper, she pointed to him and said, "Look! A toe!"

    Oh now that is funny!!!!!
  • asj0901
    asj0901 Posts: 141
    My three year old son calls me his wife. He has heard my husband introduce me "This is my wife Aimee" so now my son tells people "this is my wife" Its always good for a laugh.
  • tater8589
    My niece (who was 3? at the time) wanted to play hide and seek-- She told me you hide right here (behinde a kitchen chair) and I'll find you. I couldn't stop laughing while trying to explain the game to her.
  • tonisteedley
    Ok, Well last week my 4yr old little girl wanted to take a bath in my big garden tub. " the toilet is seperate" I said ok, and I started running the water and told her to get un-dressed and I will go and get her pajamas. I walked out of the bathroom and was gone maybe 2 minutes. I walked back in there and she was not in the tub. I called her name and she said I am in her poo "ing". So I took a few more steps to take a peek in the toilet area and there she is sitting on the toilet with a PLAYBOY magazine !!! And she turns to me and shows me the page she is looking at " NAKED WOMAN " and says : MOM, this lady is showing her BUTT !!! I totally lost it... Then my husband was in trouble after that !!! Even though she should not have gotten a hold of this magazine, it was totally priceless and soooo darn funny !!!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Oh my word, I'm cracking up over these posts! These are so funny!!!
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    Hope this is ok to post....

    Once when my daughter was 4 or 5 yrs old....I was playing a game or paying some bills on the computer in the den. I hear the phone ring and she says 'Hello'....*pause*....then the next thing I hear her say matter-of-factly is....

    "Sorry, my Daddy can't come to the phone right now, he's playing with his 'peter."

    *REALLY long pause*....then she hangs up.

    To this day, I have no idea who it was that called...and I'm ok with that. 8-x
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jmzhale
    jmzhale Posts: 186
    There is a hill on the way to our church that kindof gives you that weightless feeling and my 3 yr old son loves to go over it fast and giggles and screams when we do. One Sunday headed to church as we approached the hill he says, "I'm gonna say a nasty word when we go over my hill!". Were thinking Oh Lord what has he heard one of us or someone say. As we top the hill he's laughing and screams, "GARBAGE!!!". We all just die laughing the rest of the way to church.
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    There is a hill on the way to our church that kindof gives you that weightless feeling and my 3 yr old son loves to go over it fast and giggles and screams when we do. One Sunday headed to church as we approached the hill he says, "I'm gonna say a nasty word when we go over my hill!". Were thinking Oh Lord what has he heard one of us or someone say. As we top the hill he's laughing and screams, "GARBAGE!!!". We all just die laughing the rest of the way to church.

    I love this one! soooo cute!
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    Ok, this is about my teenager...yes they can be funny too lol. ok at christmas time (a week before christmas day) two yrs ago my daughter is all excited cause i finally have no idea what anyone has gotten me. So she plays with fire and hands the wrapped gift to me asking me to guess. So I am holding this thing.....

    "I have no idea, is it a fruit cake?" I said jokingly.

    "Nope!" then she gets distracted by her older sister and they are talking about how hard the gift was to make me. I put the gift down under the tree.

    "What the fruit cake?" I ask.

    My daughter turns to me and says," no, the candle." She stops drops her jaw and says,"oh my god! I just told you what your present is!"

    This is classic for my daughter....we all laughed so hard about it (even her) that now our family has an ongoing fruitcake/candle joke :)