Help! I've gone over on my calories and I'm hungry



  • traceybett
    traceybett Posts: 206 Member
    Do some exercise if you can and have some salad (be gentle on the dressing) :wink:

    :) I needed humor :) Yes,, will definately go without dressing hahah!
  • toloseme
    toloseme Posts: 40 Member
    I've done the over the calories thing - I just say to myself "ok, you blew it today, but tomorrow it'll be better." I just wish MFP would quit with the "if every day were like today" thing because it really is a downer if you accidentally went over your calories. :P

    Like everyone else said, don't NOT eat because that isn't going to help you at all. It's a great idea to do some steamed veggies like you have planned. :)
  • sharesb
    sharesb Posts: 416 Member
    I can relate -- I went out for lunch with friends the other day and struggled to choose something healthy to I chose what I thought was okay until I came home and realized that the melted swiss cheese on the grilled chicken breast was about 450 calories can bet I won't order swiss cheese anything in a restaurant again lol....

    this app is amazing for helping us eat better that's for sure!
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    If your hungry you should still eat your dinner, just make it a lighter version of something healthy! Consider your lunch a cheat meal and it's ok to zig zag your calories every so often as it keeps the body guessing. Just get back on track tomorrow and throw in some form of exercise tonight. You'll be Ok, you can do it! Persistence, patience and continued motivation are key!
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    It happens, one thing you could do next time is scrap off the mayo dressing or try to find out before hand and have it left off the sandwich. I order a lot of things with no cheese or dressing these days. Many places add things like that in way to large of quantities and just shoot the calorie count through the roof. Don't beat yourself up and most certainly do not stop eating just because you went over. Just count it as a blown day and move on to tomorrow. We are not perfect and will never be under calories every day.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Don't NOT eat...if you are hungry, you need to eat. You will just get back on track tomorrow, or go for a walk and burn some of it off! I would have some oatmeal or something filling like that....


    Even if you at too many empty calories, Your body still NEEDS nutrition!
    Eat something nutrient dense. You'll feel better

    And start fresh tomorrow.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    celebrate your success that you CARE about your health and that you are AWARE of what you are taking in. MFP has been great for me in that area . . .I count every day that I am logging my intake and making healthier choices is a victory. Everyday is a new opportunity! The other day on the way home from the hospital (my son had a minor procedure) he chose Chinese for lunch. I limited myself to one trip to the buffet . . . even though I was sure that I was over calories for the day I was okay with it because I did great compared to my normal buffet behavior, and because you have to live life!
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    Going out to eat can be really tough, esp. if you haven't had the chance to look at the nutrition info beforehand (which I try to do, when possible). Lots of things that you think are the "healthy choice", are really terrible for you! I went to one restaurant, and checked out the nutrition info beforehand, and found out that ALL their salads (except for a small side salad) were well over 1200 cal! For a salad! And they didn't even have fried chicken on them. It's amazing, the burrito had less calories.

    I've just learned to "read b/t the lines". Anything with butter or oil as a main component (sauces), dressings, mayo, and esp. cheese and bread, will probably send you over the top. But don't beat yourself up over this. Everyone has days where they go way over. You learn, and you make it up another day. In the meantime, enjoy an apple or something to get rid of your hunger pangs. Hang in there!