recording calories on bad days



  • EmilyJ1979
    EmilyJ1979 Posts: 144 Member
    I log no matter what....makes me think twice about whether I really want to eat something.
  • dzilobommo
    dzilobommo Posts: 73 Member
    Remember it's not the individual days that will make or break your diet, but your ability to be honest with yourself over a period of time.

    The MFP iPhone app shows your average daily calories over the course of a week - so on days when I am over, I take comfort from knowing that on average, I can still be under my limit - just need to plan a bit of exercise to make up for the extra calories.

    I find that with some planning, I can accommodate indulgent meals quite easily, even into a 1200 kcal limit - on days like this, I just eat less for breakfast/lunch and plan more exercise. And if I'm still over...then I remind myself that I didn't put the weight on in one day, and it's the long term that matters! :smile:
  • JuliBiGoolee
    JuliBiGoolee Posts: 204 Member
    I think its important to log everything that goes in your mouth. Especially drinks...this is where calories can really creep up. I also think allowing yourself ONE cheat meal a week keeps me from overindulging here and there during the week. Knowing I have one meal to be naughty keep me on track during the week, by the time I get to my cheat meal I often still keep it reasonable because I don't want to undo all my hard work the past 6 days. Also, on days where dieting just isn't happening (Super Bowl, great example) I use the "food notes" function on MFP phone app and write "cheat meal" or "super bowl" ect.
  • sabcooke
    sabcooke Posts: 82 Member
    Yes I log all the time I want to be true to myself and MFP and if I do have a bad day I make sure I am good for rest of week to balance it out!!
  • h64em
    h64em Posts: 64 Member
    Log everything! That way if you have an "off" day you can see how many calories over you are and adjust your intake or exercise for the rest of the week. Its surely the weekly goal that matters the most, not the daily one?

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I have been logging the good, bad, and ugly. If I have an off day due to circumstances (dinner out, drinks, etc etc) I need to hold myself accountable for that and it drives me to make better choices. Plus, if a month from now I am not losing weight. I could look back in my diary and realize what I did to sabotage myself!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I log everything. I'm afraid if I don't, I'll go right back and I do not want to do this. This for me is a lifestyle change so I have to be accountable no matter what.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    The way I feel for myself is what am I even here for if im not going to log i try to log everything that goes in my
  • jenrios23
    I log everything I eat no matter what the outcome will be. If I went over tomorrow is a new day and you start over. At least then you see what you should not have eaten.
  • cccathyyy
    cccathyyy Posts: 207 Member
    I definitely log my bad days, it helps me realize that when I don't reach my goals it's probably one of those times that I slipped and had a bad day or meal. It doesn't mean that tomorrow is not a brand new day.
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    I tend to log everything and maybe over estimate when I eat out at a place that is local if they don't have the nutrition out. As for "bad" days I log them too just so I can see how over my calorie count I went so that I know how many extra calories I need to burn. For SuperBowl weekend and the Daytona 500 weekend we usually have family get togethers and those were my really off days for the month. Also I logged it as the day went so I stayed on top of it and it helped me curb my tendency to snack blindly.