I need help!



  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    I know a lot of people who take 3 hours on the weekend to make meals for the entire week.

    For example:
    1. Meatloaf muffins take 40 minutes to prepare and cook, and can be reheated in the microwave in 30 seconds.
    2. Lasagna. Prepare everything in the pan and cook. Cover with cling wrap and reheat when needed.
    3. Chili. Make this in the pot and store in serving size containers for easy suppers.
    4. Grill chicken tenderloins. You can use these for sandwiches, wraps, and salads.
    5. Chicken salad. Prepare with the grilled chicken and keep in the fridge.
    6. Grill hamburger patties ahead of time and reheat for a quick sandwich.
    7. Buy bagged frozen vegetables that you can put in the microwave and steam/cook in 8 minutes.
    8. Cook ground beef in the skillet, drain and freeze or refrigerate. You can use this for tacos or for spaghetti sauce.
    9. Cut up celery and peppers ahead of time and store in plastic baggies for quick snacks or sides.

    I hope I helped!
  • 1. My crockpot is my best friend.
    2. I recently went away for 5 days, and left my husband in charge. I made 4 dinners ahead of time, covered and refrigerated them, and left simple heating instructions for my husband. So, you could do most the work on a day off that you have, and then just leave your husband in charge of heating everything up.
    3. There is a cookbook called 5 Ingredient Recipes: Fast Healthy Food... and I kind of base my cooking knowledge off of it. It has you use a lot of prepacked things that then get a makeover.
  • When my wife and I are being good, we schedule all our meals for the week and cook on Sundays. We freeze some stuff, and then make sure we plan a Leftover day or two.....By planning for the week we usually only have to go to the store once a week, but will have to make an emergency trip to the store. Crock pot is good, but we are not fans of chicken in the crockpot.

    Good Luck!!!!!!
  • GiniN
    GiniN Posts: 39 Member
    I had that problem with my hubby too. After trying lots of approaches, I stumbled on the facts that while he did not want to cook, he was OK with cleaning, chopping and bagging produce. I hated doing that, and truth is he did it much better than I did! From there, he played around with "composing" salads, fruit plates, etc. I was shocked! Now it has become routine. GOOD LUCK!
  • valerie58
    valerie58 Posts: 149 Member
    This make me think about when I was a kid. My mother would have a meal in the fridge and have me put it in the oven at say 4:30 at 325 degrees. While she was at work. She would make things like chicken with cut up potatoes and carrots and already have BBQ sauce on it or whatever the seasoning would be. pot roast with bake potato and maybe a pie for dessert. Everything in the oven and prepared ahead of time. Enough for two nights. It worked for our family for years
  • valerie58
    valerie58 Posts: 149 Member
    This make me think about when I was a kid. My mother would have a meal in the fridge and have me put it in the oven at say 4:30 at 325 degrees. While she was at work. She would make things like chicken with cut up potatoes and carrots and already have BBQ sauce on it or whatever the seasoning would be. pot roast with bake potato and maybe a pie for dessert. Everything in the oven and prepared ahead of time. Enough for two nights. It worked for our family for years
  • Hi Sissy, you didn't say what you do for a living but one thing I am trying to do is get some exercise in on lunch breaks or whenever. I have an office job and there are times when all I can do is make a couple of laps around the inside of the building (weather, time demands etc) but if you can, get in some walking with a buddy at lunch or after work before you head home. And I do agree that hubby needs to step in a bit but that is a whole 'nuther battle. Good Luck!
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