Good Morning, MFP!



  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559

    (That would be the face I am making *right* this instant.....)
  • 2Shoes
    2Shoes Posts: 396
    Today is a new day-

    I woke up this morning in awe (yet again) of the beauty that surrounds me... I am blessed enough to be surrounded by rolling green hills and mountains, in this picturesque little town that has captured my heart like the man that beckoned me here... this is the stuff that dreams are made of, that poets write sonnets about, and that artists strive to capture with paint and brush...-- and I am lucky enough to be able to share it with my partner, my best friend, the great love of my life. These are the days that I prayed for.... that I BEGGED for... for the last five years. My soul is at peace- I'm 1300 miles away from the place I called home for the last 15 years with one other family member within 1000 miles, and I'm not even a tiny bit homesick. I don't know why I'm worthy of being so incredibly happy, but I am so, so grateful. Lord knows I haven't done anything to deserve it. My prayer for you today, family, is joy, happiness, and peace... have a blessed day, full of laughter.

    I love you all,

    :heart: Manda

    I would LOVE to see some pictures of what you are talking about!!!!!