Knee impact during 30 Day Shred - please help



  • Karlaki
    Karlaki Posts: 74
    I have had my an ankle replacement and have right knee issues from overcompensating for the left ankle. I modify all high impact stuff in Jillian's workouts - it's just not worth further damage to my joints. For jumping jacks I step to each side as I do the arm part, or do a light lap around my house, or do the punching thing. I always wear shoes for extra support. Also, I can't go as deep into the lunges and such, just focus on keeping my form good and doing the best I can without feeling any pain in whatever joint I'm working. I can say that I've had some pretty serious improvement in my ability to do stuff and my offending joints are getting stronger and have less pain. It's just a really slow process.

    Hang in there and modify!
  • carebear7951
    carebear7951 Posts: 404 Member
    My first try at the 30Day Shred injured one of my knees too-to the point that I couldn't do anything (even elliptical hurt it worse). My second round didn't have that result. In fact I lost 4 inches. So, stop the shred, let it heal and try again. YES. WEAR SHOES. Good shoes. And pay super careful attention to not letting your knees go past your toes. It's very important. :)