T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team.. new thread :0)



  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    This IS a quick post...it's late. Zis Boom Bah! Rah Rah Rah...we are ALL winners bein' here of MFP. I'm having a heck of a time typing on this new Notebook and not getting on one of the ad sites accidentally. I wonder if there is a way to turn off that "mouse pad"? Oh well, continuing education keeps the mind young (if not frustrated)

    Happy Weight-In...Vicki...*Ü*
  • Bluedimplett
    Bluedimplett Posts: 52 Member
    I lost track of the thread! dangit!

    But i found you all! muahaha! My goal tommorrow is to read all the posts and post myself. I really wanna keep up with everyone here. :)
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Is it friday over here in the uk before the us? I always seem to be the first on.

    1lb loss again. This weight is creeping off. I know i should be happy that at least i'm losing but i'm a bit impatient and want it to fall off *lol* A loss is a loss though so i should be thankful with that. I've seen so many posts about people who are being good and not losing anything. Still no change in measurements either and that cm i lost off my neck is back on so i'm wondering if i somehow misread the measure last week.

    I can't remember how it goes.

    1lb loss

  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Well let's see if I can get the Friday posting thing right, Vicky....

    vikalyn: SW=232; LW=227½; CW=225-> LOST 2½ lbs.

    Hang in there. Try eliminating just one of your usual items, like maybe a dinner roll, or a condiment on your sandwich. Congrats on losing your pound!

    Happy Losing...the other Vicki...*Ü*
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    vikalyn: SW=232; LW=227½; CW=225-> LOST 2½ lbs.
    painten lost 1 lb
    crazybeerx sw 255 : first goal weight 200: cw 231 loss of 2.4 lbs

    Finally lost weight this week!! It seems I lose a couple lbs then go up and down 3 lbs for 2 weeks then suddenly lose a couple lbs again. I knew it was coming off cause I was peeing my life away the last couple of days. I am so excited to see the weight come off. I can't wait to hit my first goal!! I'm gonna do it this time!

    Nice to see you Marcy!! Catch up with us and let us know how things are going for you! I am really glad I didn't gain a pound looking at the picture you posted of your cheese cake on facebook last night!

    What happened to our new gals that posted when the tread started....am I gonna have to go hunt them down??? Hee Hee
    I am getting good at hunting down people LOL

    Shawnalee where are you??? You are one of our biggest cheerleaders!!

    I am off work for the next 4 days so I am excited. I was supposed to be in Vegas with Mike but I am glad I am not there. I went with Jim to the casino last night and I am spending Monday with one of my best friends.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! Good luck to everyone on the weigh in.

  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member
    SW=179 LW=168 CW=165.5 LOST=2.5 YIPPIE!!!

    I heard someone was going to hunt me down.........so I thought I better check in! LOL I can't seem to get into the habit of checking the boards, do ya'll "friend" each other too? if so add me please :flowerforyou: Have a great weigh day everyone, and congrats to all :smile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    vikalyn: SW=232; LW=227½; CW=225-> LOST 2½ lbs.
    painten lost 1 lb
    crazybeerx sw 255 : first goal weight 200: cw 231 loss of 2.4 lbs
    Pammie SW=179 LW=168 CW=165.5 LOST=2.5 YIPPIE!!!

    Yes Pammie and you were the first one I was going to hunt down!! Congrats on the loss.
  • Amber2089
    Amber2089 Posts: 20
    3lbs lost this week!!

    SW 270
    CW 265
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I did NOT step on the cale today. Aunt Flo arrived & there is no way I am getting anywhere near a scale with her arrival. See you next Friday.
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    H. Howdy Gals,

    I think I'm getting the hang of this new lap top. One, lock the touch pad; Two, carefully balance on your crossed over knee. I think I'm going to like it...just a little getting used to.

    WOWZA T.H.E. TEAM did pretty darn well this week!

    Awesome job Amber. Holy Cow Pam, you done good too! See Deb what a little water drinking will do? All them toxins gone down the drain...so to speak. I remember Aunt Flo, Dreamer. In my case it was the day or two before I was at my worst...when she finally rang the doorbell the scale would go down. I like Deb's suggestion...try it tomorrow and see what happens.

    Its nice to see Cyndi and Blue pop in now and again AND Anita's one liners lets us know she's still alive. Tell us a story, gals.

    I had a grueling day at the office. Reformatting the Civil Service Rules and proofing. I HATE proofing...right next to formatting! Got home late and DH was...perturbed to say the least...so I just didn't talk to him until he got over it...Ü He did, he thinks he won and I really don't care...so we're both happy...Ü

    Have a great weekend everyone, and DRINK YOUR WATER!!!!

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    I don't think I'm going to weigh in this week. I had a few binge days this week and I know the scale is only going to discourage me. So I'll just try to get back on track this week.
    Congrats to all of you that lost! You are all doing so well!
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    I like Deb's suggestion...try it tomorrow and see what happens.

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*

    Ok Vicki was was my suggestion??? I went back and read my posts but i have no clue LOL.

    I did bad yesterday since I had a good weigh in I ate pizza and nachos yesterday...paying for it on the scales today. Have to get right back on track today. I have until Tuesday off and I need to keep busy so I don't over eat. I enjoyed my day off yesterday. Spent time with my son (unmarried) and with my daughter in law (married to my other son LOL) watching movies.

    The sun is out today so I might try to get a walk in. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    I sent messages to mandy , utahsis and danielle who posted when this thread got started....lets see if they come back :)
  • MandyC82
    MandyC82 Posts: 73
    I'm so sorry! I guess I spaced this out, had a super busy week!
    Okay so, I've been working out every day this week (Jillian's 30 Day Shred and the gym-basic cardio and lifting) and I'm feeling GREAT! Staying inside my calorie goal every day. It's awesome!
    I've lost almost 3 lbs this week :)
    Thanks everyone!
  • Danielle_90
    Sorry i havent posted ive been a bit of a slacker this week!!! Im still keeping up with my Cardio doing Zumba about 45 min a day and i still drink nothing but water thanks for the msg thou little things like that let me know you guys care :flowerforyou:
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    wow I feel accomplished I got 2 out of 3 to come back and post. I am good at hunting people down!!! This is fun LOL
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    Hi All!

    I've been floating around using MFP since....oh I don't remember *checks profile*.....September!

    I would use it for a few days and then give up after I'd binge, lather, rinse, repeat....sooo, I have not actually been able to lose anything since I joined. I just have not been driven enough and felt that I was setting myself up for failure.
    (Also, Backstory: When I got back from vacation in May of 09 and saw the scale hit the 170's, I knew it was time to change, and had managed to get myself down to 150 by April of 10.....buuuuut that summer I gained it all back due to starting a desk job + getting free food for meetings and conferences. I've been stuck at 177 for a while now and I don't like it one bit.)

    Moving forward, I finally cracked down last weekend and made myself a goal: To be able to run in a few 5k marathons this summer. I have been running every day since Saturday (today was a break day, but I still did some yoga, yay!), and already I can feel a change in my body (my bum feels tighter and it is easier to run 10mins). My secondary goal is of course to get back to 150, and perhaps get even lower, and to be able to fit back into my wonderful clothes.

    Ummm, yah, it would be nice to join a thread, just to keep motivated, and have people that I would be accountable to, you know?
    I am not going to weigh in until tomorrow when I get to my gym's proper medical weight, it is more accurate.

    Disclaimer: The poster is not responsible for long-winded entries that may lead to essay-like posts.
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    missabeez I love your post!! You have a wonderful sense of humor. March 2009 I found myself at my highest weight of 272lbs at my oldest daughters wedding...the picture I have posted here is from that day. I wanted to hide from the camera but my daughter said she'd kick my *kitten* if I wasn't in any pictures. That June I got on MFP by recommendation of my friend losingit4good. I lost 34 lbs from June until sept then went on vacation. I could never get back in the swing of things. SO I left it alone and gained back to 255lbs. Thanksgiving time I started losing from stress from a new boy friend. I lost 8lbs from Thanksgiving until we broke up Jan 1, then I decided I wanted to keep going. SO I signed back on to MFP and I've been going since. I've lost 24lbs so far. My first goal is 200lbs. Then I'd like to see if I could get to 175. THe gals here keep me going and I love the support here and I love to read posts. Even if they are just chit chat. It's a life line. If you have struggles we want you to share and maybe we can help. If you have successes we want to celebrate with you. If you just wanna talk we will listen. Please come back often and talk with us...or with me ..when I seem to be the only one posting LOL

  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    Hi Crazybee,

    I must say, I really love your name, AND its so similar to mine its a bit scary.

    Thanks for welcoming me, it is much appreciated.

    Your goals are very healthy, it is better to lose in small steps rather than think too far ahead. Do you have any specific fitness goal that you would like to reach? I found that I was getting bored just working out to lose weight, and found it better to start pushing my body a bit more every week. Challenging and rewarding!

    I will be back tomorrow with my weigh in.
    I do hope to meet others that post in this thread soon.
  • Romira
    Romira Posts: 41 Member
    Sounds great....Please count me in :)