Everyone loves it......but me....



  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    country music
    lil wayne

    Oh I second Lil' Wayne...Also Angelina Jolie (Home Wrecking *kitten*-Sorry fans!!):grumble:
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    How fun!

    - Glee
    - Twilight
    - Cee Lo and his stupid songs
    -True Blood
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    -The smell of Southern Comfort - the smell can make me hurl. (I :heart: :heart: gin)

    I can relate to the Southern Comfort remark. After an unfortunate experience in college, I can barely stand to hear the word Southern Comfort. It was also the only time in my life I actually saw not in double but quadruple.
  • newuser111
    Veggies (most veggies with few exceptions)
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    sorry for any repeats, but yall had such great ones!!

    mayonnaise (i might as well be allergic!)
    Jim Carrey
    white bread
    reality shows
    tanning beds (my boyfriend refuses to continue dating me if i start going lol)
    going "muddin" (i live in the south and thats all people do here, but i HATE it)
    rap music
    rachael ray (i'd rather hear nails on a chalkboard than her laugh :) )
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    going "muddin" (i live in the south and thats all people do here, but i HATE it)

    I love to play in the mud!!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member

    Absolutely. My daughter and I are exactly the same. If I break a yolk when I am frying eggs, I toss it and start over. That's how I know she's mine without going on Maury.


    I like runny yokes too. After the eggs are cooked, cut em up and crumble some crackers and mix them in the eggs. Yum
  • amycrims
    amycrims Posts: 94
    Zumba! :huh:
    god yes! what is the big deal?? i barely even sweat.
  • amycrims
    amycrims Posts: 94
    who are these morons who say obama??? you must be living under a rock if you never "got" why people thought it was great he was president. even if you don't like the job he is now doing, you're freaking nuts to not realize or appreciate what it has meant to this country to have a black president.
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    Great topic! I will have to say...
    Peanut butter
    Ankle weights
    Salad dressing..any kind
    Facebook...Lol, yep its true
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    who are these morons who say obama??? you must be living under a rock if you never "got" why people thought it was great he was president. even if you don't like the job he is now doing, you're freaking nuts to not realize or appreciate what it has meant to this country to have a black president.

    Whoa....I don't think people wanted a political debate. They're just saying their opinions...which everyone is entitled to have.
  • amycrims
    amycrims Posts: 94
    who are these morons who say obama??? you must be living under a rock if you never "got" why people thought it was great he was president. even if you don't like the job he is now doing, you're freaking nuts to not realize or appreciate what it has meant to this country to have a black president.

    Whoa....I don't think people wanted a political debate. They're just saying their opinions...which everyone is entitled to have.

    Sure, I completely agree. But that is just insulting our country and the progress we have made during all of our lifetimes as a whole.
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    Glee...I am just not into that at all.
  • cccathyyy
    cccathyyy Posts: 207 Member
    The Bachelor, ugh!
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    Cottage cheese (except in lasagna)-
    Cold cheese (string cheese, cheese on salads, cubed cheese, cheese on deli sandwiches, cheese on my pasta... YUK :noway: )
    Blue cheese... as you can see, I have a cheese theme going on here
    The Hangover (not funny)
    The Office (I walk out of the room whenever Micheal starts to speak... Just so embarrassing!)
    Justin Bieber
    Nuts on my salad
    Avacadoes- Look like mold in plant form
    Cottage cheese and mandarin oranges
    Nuts in my banana bread
    Mint chocolate chip ice cream
    York Peppermint patties
    Andes mints
    Uggs. Yes, I own a pair, but no, they are not cute. They're COMFORTABLE!!
    Jersey Shore
    Clash of the Titans
  • LMPRF97
    LMPRF97 Posts: 97
    mushrooms and pie!
  • LMPRF97
    LMPRF97 Posts: 97
    biggest losser
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    Twilight - I still don't understand how this got published.

    Lady Gaga - Really? She isn't that inventive at all. I can't stand her or the stunts she pulls

    Justin Bieber - I don't think I really need to explain this one, but he really just needs to keep his mouth shut.
  • nana_of_8
    nana_of_8 Posts: 23 Member
    Greek Yogurt! Yuck, No doubt! I was ready to barf after one bite!