P90X Phase 1 March 2011!!

hey ya'll!!! :flowerforyou:

i'm doin p90x startin 2day! join me so that we can keep ourselves motivated!

i'll b doin classic as well as runnin (since i'm trainin for my half marathons)

weigh-ins r weekly but measurements will b done at the end of every phase.

if you're startin a wk later or earlier please join us still. every1 can use the support & motivation that we can give each other. :smile:

initial measurements & weight should b done so that we know where we're coming from. Don't forget to take ur "Day 1" photo so that you can see ur progress as we go thru these 90days.

Please post the followin initial information as well as the program that u're doin:

Program: (classic, lean, doubles)
Starting Weight:
bodyfat %: <--if known
right bicep:
left bicep:
right thigh:
left thigh:
right calf:
left calf:
