

  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    she is happy withh er weight ?? they say ignorance is bliss..i agree, and think she is jealous, and wants to see you fail, but i KNOW you can ignore it, and accomplish your goals..that was super motivating, and i thank you for your stories..ROCK ON !!!
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    I haven't read others responses but here is mine lol.
    I don't she is necessarily picking on you. A lot of people don't think they can lose the weight so they just pretend to be happy with it. You have to look at both sides of it. I am sure she is happy for you wanting to get healthy, even though she thinks she is unable to.

    As far as the survey on facebook goes: I think it was all innocent. That is what you normally used to drink. She even went to say there was nothing wrong with it. Thinking you were mad about it. She tried, so give her some credit - she hasn't gotten used to the new healthy you yet. I highly doubt she was picking on you in front of people - I promise!

    As far as the cookies: a lot of mothers (not all) tend to show their love through cooking. She made those for the families to take home, I don't think she quite understands the healthy you yet. Again with your daughter I think it was more "showing her love" (sorry BUT I would have thrown them away after she left, not with her right there) She isn't trying to hurt you.

    With the soda again, she was just trying to think about you. It was the old you. The old you would have appreciated it and thought she was being nice.

    She has to find her own way to healthiness or happiness - she won't do it until she is ready to. She doesn't want to change and you can't force her to.

    It is great that your dad is so supportive of you! He has had the wake up call, she hasn't yet.

    So with that said, your doing a great job and quit over-analyzing sweetie. Stress makes losing weight worse :)
  • MemphisMarly
    Pick your battles. If she wants to send you home with 50 pounds of brownies, take them. Then bring them to work or throw them away at the first trash can you see on your ride home. to me, that's not a battle worth the heartache. 3 weeks ago, my mom sent me home with 3 bags of Pepperidge Farm cookies. I tossed them at the first gas station. She's none the wiser and there was no fight.
    Agreed! Just take home the cookies and then give them away... in a few more months, at the rate you're at, you could be down another 30 pounds. She'll have a much harder time saying that your sweet tooth is inevitable when she sees that you keep making progress! Stay healthy and go for the gold.