I don't like exercise



  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Anyone else feel this way? I want to lose weight & I want to WANT to exercise but it's just not happening for me :sad:

    This is me exactly
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I honestly don't like it. Not naturally, anyway. Given my choice, I'd so rather lay on a raft in a pool reading a good book.

    But I do love a challenge. I'm competitive and my biggest competitor is myself. I don't always enjoy running, but I like running faster or longer than I did a few weeks ago. That's why I join the "move your *kitten*" monthly challenges, and add more miles each month.

    And I love food. If exercising more means I can eat more... then gimme my sneakers!
  • pepperedmoth
    pepperedmoth Posts: 37 Member
    Alternatively I found that taking a hobby like approach to a particular activity always leads me to deeper enjoyment. For example, I started road biking so I started to watch the tour de-france, I like to hike so I got involved with 14ers.com (sorry I'm a mountain snob), etc.

    That's exactly what worked for me. I love to run, but I don't LOVE being out there every day in the blistering heat panting for breath (although usually I at least enjoy it). What I LOVE is how I feel afterwards (GREAT) and also watching my times improve and my mileage go up and my body change, and feeling like I belong to the club- and entering races! When else do recreational athletes get cheering crowds? It's amazing.

    I subscribe to the magazine, I buy the dorky clothes, it's a hobby that I'm invested in. I used to feel the same way about martial arts and fencing when I was in college.

    I totally second what he said- approach it like a hobby.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    It's not that I'm addicted to exercise.. i'm addicted to moving. I like knowing that I am shrinking my body by losing fat and gaining muscle. I like knowing that i am getting stronger with each step I take and each weight I lift. I like making my trainer proud of me and showing him that I can do this exercises that I totally failed at months ago. My biggest motivation right now is a reunion that I have with my sorority sisters on saturday.. I want to show them how good I look and feel.

    Honestly,stop thinking of it as exercise or how horrible you are something. No one is perfect when they first start exercising.. it takes time, energy, motivation. Exercise can also be anything that you want it to be.. if you like gardening then count that. If you like to put cd's on and dance around the house, then do that. Make it fun for you and something that you enjoy.. because if you hate it, you're never going to do it and then wonder why you're still stuck in the same place.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    One suggestion I have is to consider playing sports! Find a local recreational league of a sport that might interest you and give it a try. It's a great way to get exercise, become more coordinated, and meet people.

    I play flag football part of the year and softball most of the year. Makes my weekends fun.

    Mind you, I never played sports in school, so I'm not some amazing athlete. I play for fun, and have become skilled enough to help my team and feel more confident. Many of my friends play multiple sports, too.

    You can find co-ed or women-only leagues of almost any sport, if you're in or near a major city.