WHO'S with me!? new challenge...



  • mlck2323
    mlck2323 Posts: 87
    keep it up! every morning AND night!!!
  • francis904
    francis904 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm game.
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I'm in at least for today :laugh: we'll see how that goes...I need to be able to still lift my daughter, so I can't have too much "spaghetti arms" going on..lol
  • psuastro97
    psuastro97 Posts: 125
    i hate pushups - so count me in!!!!

    so far today, i met my quota (the shred it dvd incororates them in level 1)
    2 sets of 24 done - from my knees. i certainly cannot do those from my toes yet.

    to anyone out there that hates them like me and thinks they are hard, try using an exercise ball to support your lower body - or start by doing them elevated. hands on a coffee table or even the wall! that's how i worked my way to the floor and knees. hopefully soon i'll be on my toes!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I'm in!!! :tongue:

    Can't do full pushups?? Modify the move!

    Modification (#1) Put your body into push up position, and drop your knees to the ground, then drop your shins to the ground as well. Make sure you keep a straight back, and start!! This is know as the "girl" version, or "girly pushups".

    Modification (#2) Stand 2-4 feet away from your kitchen counter, get up on your toes, and use the kitchen counter to push off. Keep your back and upper body in the same form that you would use for a traditional push up. This is a great place to start.
  • PhotographerOfNature
    PhotographerOfNature Posts: 452 Member
    This is a tip that I was given and it worked really well to get me able to do the real push ups. Do 3 sets of 20 reps of wall pushups. Stand away from the wall, put your hands up about shoulder height on the wall, lower your arms so that you come close to the wall, (like touch your nose to it or close to it). Then push away. At first you'll think that they aren't working, but around the 17th rep you'll be feeling it. It really works the triceps which help in bringing you back up from a real pushup. I do the 3 sets during the day, for instance, when you go to the bathroom, before you leave, Do 20 wall pushups. It really helps! Good luck! I have to get my 10 done for this morning.
  • meme2018
    meme2018 Posts: 241 Member
    Count me in. I need to work on my arms. :smile: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Hedgehog
    Hedgehog Posts: 10
    I'm in!!! Woohoo!!!
  • lantana171
    lantana171 Posts: 9 Member
    mary, i have a bum shoulder so pushups are out for me, too.

    i'll join you on the sit ups side of the room!
  • jew2442
    jew2442 Posts: 34
    I'm in-need work on my flabby arms!
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I did 10 last night and 10 this morning. They are girly one right now but maybe in a few weeks I can do the others.
  • skittles20
    skittles20 Posts: 20
    Count me in! I avoid push-ups like the plague.:laugh:
    I think it's time to change that. I may need to start off with a modified push-up but I'll work up to it.
    Going for my morning 10 right now. Even though it's 1 in the afternoon....I've been having a lazy day.
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I did mine last night in BodyPump Class! I think I did 4 sets of 10 and 2 sets were with one arm up on the step. Will do more tonight - I was too sore this am!
  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    you guys inspired me so I did 10 last night and 10 this morning! I'm in as well!
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    In response to the pushup post earlier...

    I propose everyone who is interested to do ten pushups before they go to sleep and ten in the morning. Every morning, every night.

    If this means two sets of five, five sets of two, or even ten sets of one, get it done. In one week, you will have done 140 more pushups than before. That makes a HUGE difference!! It will also put you in the health-mentality for your day and keep you from snacking at night if you know those pushups are calling...

    WHO's WITH ME?? let's try it!

    I vote for trying the real ones before the girl ones - do 1 real, then girl and gradually build up to it.

    I'll try to be in, but I don't know how motivated I'll be. If it's not in circuit class, I tend to skip them.

    As for the girl pushups.... try least a couple real ones after your ten girl--its the only way we will get strong enough to some day do lots of real pushups our your new rockin bods!!

    I'm all for it, but can I do "girl" push-ups?
  • aaubrey
    aaubrey Posts: 168 Member
    I am in...I HAVE to do them:)
  • EggnogAngel
    :flowerforyou: Count me in, but with a slight twist - I'm going to do mine on top of an exercise ball. Maybe even 10 push back and 10 straight up. The ball is a blast! Plus, when I'm upside down on the ball and my dog walks in, she gives me an odd look, comes over and gives me a slobber and goes to sit on the far side of the room, like, "I'll be over here...just in case you fall." :tongue:
  • Quenofcrazzy
    Quenofcrazzy Posts: 358
    I'm in...and I will be doing 10 sets of 1..Thanks :)
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Okay, I'm gong to try it. I can do push ups on the exercise ball. Haven't tried doing them on the floor. Are you in Amy (Amylynne26)?
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    I'm in...and I will be doing 10 sets of 1..Thanks :)

    Love it!!!!! :laugh: I'm right there with you (10 sets of 1)!! I did mine last night and again this morning ..... I almost forgot this morning so right before I walked out the door I sent the kids out to the garage to get in the car and I dropped and gave 10 ......... a very WEAK 10 ....... but they were the real pushups - even though I'm not going down very low and I'm pretty shaky still ....... oh well ..... our arms will look great!! :wink: