Ladies and Gents..... I need your help!!



  • divalovesyou1
    ok heres my 2c.....

    Since you say that sex is the only thing he seems motivated about ...give him goals in that category to look forward too. If you're comfortable with it...get on one of those sexy lingerie sites or get a catalog...the two of you pick out something that you both think is really super hot. Post that picture on the fridge and tell him ...If you can do X (loose two 8 pounds this month, go to the gym with me three times this month...ect ect...) I'll do this for you. And praise the hell outta him when he starts trying...getting in the mindset is half the battle.

    Its a bribe I know lol...but it might work. I're a smokin hot mama....why would he not consider it? :smooched:

    Hmmmmm.... Bribery:huh: !! LOL This may be the winning ticket! LOL :wink:
  • thalli1
    thalli1 Posts: 332 Member
    I agree with mattysmama who said that if he sees you succeeding, he will probably want to get on board. I think that as you get healthy and in shape, he will become inspired by you and want to join you in your journey. Also as he sees you turning down greasy food and watches you lose weight, he'll actually start to choose to make healthier choices himself. It's kind of like watching all the people on this website who have succeeded helping to spur me on to success. Good luck!
  • redcoat45
    redcoat45 Posts: 18
    I agree with mattysmama and thalli..when he sees how much healthier your choices are and how much better you feel he will feel that he should do the same.
  • divalovesyou1
    Thanks again !! I will continue to strive for a healthier me! :bigsmile: