Girl scout cookies are the devil!



  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    I ordered some from a co-worker right before I started my weight lost challenge, they finally came in last week instead of taking them home I left them in the break room as community property didn't eat not one!
  • apetty21
    apetty21 Posts: 137
    I didn't buy any this year but a family member did. He keeps bringing me boxes. Sometimes I resisted (passed a box on to my mom) but mostly I eat some. Within my calories, of course, but I could've eaten something healthier with those calories. :ohwell:

    Dear Uncle,
    I know you love me. I do not need the cookies, though.

    Your Healthier Niece
  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    Right?!? I bought 4 boxes. and almost all the cookies are currently in my freezer. Honestly, I hate the hydrog oils, but if you keep it to one or two every once in awhile, the calorie impact is pretty dang low. Just dont eat the the whole box at once!
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    Sorry Mama Boucher, Vicki Valencourt is NOT the devil, her girl scout cookies are...
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    anyways...i would rather have home made cookies, or oreos :wink:
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I turned those cute little devils selling those cookies away to go pout! I still feel a little bad :/

    I discovered several years ago that you can just hand over the cash without taking the cookies. This trick has saved me frmo thousands of calories and guilt points over the years.

    Works for Boy Scout popcorn, too!
  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    I ate my last 'Thin Mint' last week. I then proceeded to drop kick the empty box out of my back door.
  • 33nessy
    33nessy Posts: 104
    they are pretty i dont think ill buy them this year...maybe i may but just let my kids eat them sure they will be sad about that...not!
  • omgitsgarry
    omgitsgarry Posts: 138
    They were selling them at K-mart the other day. I ran past the table before they could even ask. Luckily for me, I haven't had a girl scout cookie in years, so I don't really crave them.
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    I just discovered tonight that Back to Nature makes "Fudge Mint Cookies" that taste EXACTLY like Thin Mints, except they're healthier, because they don't contain partially hydrogenated oils or HFCS!!! So excited! I admit I felt a little guilty at first buying a box of them at all, but somehow I was totally fine with eating only one cookie and then putting them away, so I think it's worth it if they taste that accurate to the GS variety, are less unhealthy, and I can control myself! haha
    I'm moving them to the fridge! :)
    Now if only I could find a good Caramel De-Lite copycat...
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