I'm Already Cheating



  • Bmeyer01
    Bmeyer01 Posts: 12
    I understand how you feel. I don't feel like I'm cheating, I just feel like I don't know how to eat healthy. My husband and I both eat bad almost every day. I'm taking baby steps by trying to eat my fruits and veggies first so I don't eat as much of the bad stuff. I also try to avoid eating stuff like chips for a snack and grab a piece of fruit or a string cheese. I guess this is a learning process for all of us!! It's hard to reverse years worth of bad habits.
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    This is HARD work. You are training your self to a new way of being.. and it will take TIME.

    In my case, I have a bad sweet tooth!!! And I know if I do not plan for it I am going to fall & fall far!!!!

    So instead of giving into every craving... I got an incredibly fun & easy recipe of oats & dark choc, shredded coconut, flax seed & agave & made a batch of small balls & put them away. It was actually a protein bar recipe. Now every time I feel I really want to splurge... I say to myself.. If you do that work out (I HATE working out) then you can treat your self to 1 of those oat balls:-) So far that has worked... but in my case I REALLY need to plan for it... & have substitute healthy stuff around to handle those cravings.

    Hope this helps:-) good luck.:flowerforyou:

  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    I log my food in for a week at a time then go grocery shopping. This way I know how many calories I have then after I input my workout I will add a banana or strawberries with no sugar chocolate something like that to increase my calories to eat my workout calories. If it's not on my list to eat then I don't eat it PERIOD!! I workout mid morning so this works for me but if you work out late in the afternoon waiting to eat your workout calories may not be ideal.
  • Charrisse
    Charrisse Posts: 163
    I think about it in terms of a work out ... if I eat that, it will take me an hour and fifteen minutes of walking to burn it.
    If I decide its worth it, I eat it, and do my time.
    A few weeks ago, my girlfriend, who is convinced Ive turned anorexic lol, bakes her most decadent chocolate sin cake, to make me eat it.. hellllll yes I was gonna eat it, so that morning, I did my 4 mile walk AND I did my aerobic and weight lifting class that night and "earned' 2.5 peices of that delicious cake.
    If I know I want something crazy that day, I do extra cal burn.
    Anyways - thats what helped me.. I think of my calories in terms of earning it.
  • EvilMomma
    EvilMomma Posts: 70 Member
    Wow! I wasn't expecting as much response as I got. Thank you, thank you for the suggestions and for the support on making this a forever change. I woke up this morning and felt back on track; I'm eating my egg and toast sandwich and had my cup of extravagant coffee with sugar and cream, but only one cup. I have mangos on the counter and little clementines in a bowl for snacks (35 calories). I let myself get tired and pressured for time--better time management is part of the package: I'm homeschooling my 13 yr old daughter and she dances with the lessons and rehearsals; I'm a full-time mom whose husband commutes 80 miles to work so is gone alot; I have a part-time (25 hours) private psychotherapy practice; its a 3 hour round trip to see my own therapist; I'm taking a graduate level class one 3 day weekend a month where I stay at the dorm; I'm applying to charter schools to keep her out of the local gang hangouts we call high schools in our community; I volunteer a few hours a month; and I insist on having at least a little social life. I need to keep my focus on what's important which includes me, do a better job of managing my time, and lighten up on myself (that's a pun). I need to remember my new motto: Choice, Determination, Accountability.