Surprises since I started logging



  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    My big surprise was how much of the food world includes sugar and how much sugar I personally ate. Yikes!!

    This was my personal shocker!
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    My biggest surprise was portion sizes - I was generally eating for 3 (especially breakfast cereals).

    I still look in my bowl & think is that all? !!

    Me too! I should have clicked that my dinner was bigger than my hubbys...

    I was also shocked at how many calories are in my favourite extra mature cheddar cheese! I no longer have it grated on every meal I consume, sadly.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member

    3) How much I actually enjoy pre-planning my meals

    5) How some wonderfully delicious desserts just aren't "worth it" when I think about how far I'll have to run to undo the damage!

    I agree with the above!

    This site and iPhone app allows me to make better choices as to where & what to eat.
    As for the desserts - once I see how many calories they have and how they eating one could take me over my allowance on a given day, this site/app makes me change my mind!
  • naebear99
    naebear99 Posts: 73
    I've learned that one small slice of cheese can satisfy my hunger while I'm waiting for a late dinner-rather than two pieces of string cheese. How much difference skipping the gravy, trimming the fat, pulling the skin off my chicken, and eating only half the starch I'm given at the office cafeteria can make. And how much of a difference exercise really makes-which motivates me to do more.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    1) how bad I am at estimating volume (e.g, 1/2 cup; 1 cup. . .)
    2) avoid anything in a restaurant that is described as "creamy" or "crispy" (duuuuuhhhh. . . .)
    3) white rice is on the "nutrition density" list (e.g., nutritive value per calorie) right next to girl scout cookies and white bread
    4) yes, I can, in fact, have a very satisfying meal without bread or starch of any kind
    5) there's hardly a way you can cook a lentil that I don't like! (I didn't really eat lentils much before!)
  • izzys1mom
    izzys1mom Posts: 51
    I was not so suprised to see how healthy my skin became after cutting out processed food/dt. sodas etc.....however I was suprised to see that my 4 year old daughters already beautiful skin started glowing and looks so refreshed! It hurts to realize that MY choices before was taking that away from her!
  • Realizing that I can breeze through a 3500 calorie day if I'm snacking at a party and not even know it. I had been logging for awhile and was skipping days like this until I had a party at home and knew what the ingredients were and logged it all. Yikes!

    I've also begun to realize that wine is empty calories and I'd much rather have another 150 calories of food if I only get 1300 calories for the day!
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