omg he did it again!!!!!!!!!!

ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
sorry I have to vent...but if I don't.... I will go postal on his non-existent *kitten*! sigh!

Okay so some of you may or may not remember that I went out awhile ago w/ some co-workers and one being a male....and he made a comment that was sort of a backhanded compliment....and it got to"oh my God, you had to see Ali back in the day, she was sooo hot before she had her son...":huh: ya so that went over just kinda stunned....kinda hurt....but I got over it....and was doing okay...

The man did it again....There is a pic of me on my desk I was all dolled up at a wedding, a size 4, good good hair....ya know those pictures you love! lol...okay anyway...he stops me in the hall w/ a new employee....and says..."I have to tell you yesterday when you were out I left something on your desk...did you get it...." so I said yes...then he tells me, "OH! and I saw that picture of you and was like were sooo gorgeous, I was like that can't be her...but I remember you used to be so beautiful...."...that's where I stopped really listening.... :sad: wth?!!! BUT there was something to the effect of to the new younger employee...."see don't have kids they'll take your looks.....ha ha ha ha"....:explode: idiot!

I feel so shallow letting this bother me....but it does....I mean...I am trying so hard to be healthy...and I feel far I've lost 20 freakin' pounds, and I'm really happy about that...why does this PERSON's comments hurt me so much!!!

anyway....ugh...I don't want to go to that place where I feel really low about myself...I guess I think I'm doing pretty good, I'll be 40 this year...I don't think I'm doing that that sucked LOL...sorry

okay enough self up ali....screw him right....I'm healthier, which will keep me around longer for my beautiful son...and that's what's its all about.....still....grrrrrrrrrrr lmbo...

thanks for listening and sorry! lol


  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    sorry I have to vent...but if I don't.... I will go postal on his non-existent *kitten*! sigh!

    Okay so some of you may or may not remember that I went out awhile ago w/ some co-workers and one being a male....and he made a comment that was sort of a backhanded compliment....and it got to"oh my God, you had to see Ali back in the day, she was sooo hot before she had her son...":huh: ya so that went over just kinda stunned....kinda hurt....but I got over it....and was doing okay...

    The man did it again....There is a pic of me on my desk I was all dolled up at a wedding, a size 4, good good hair....ya know those pictures you love! lol...okay anyway...he stops me in the hall w/ a new employee....and says..."I have to tell you yesterday when you were out I left something on your desk...did you get it...." so I said yes...then he tells me, "OH! and I saw that picture of you and was like were sooo gorgeous, I was like that can't be her...but I remember you used to be so beautiful...."...that's where I stopped really listening.... :sad: wth?!!! BUT there was something to the effect of to the new younger employee...."see don't have kids they'll take your looks.....ha ha ha ha"....:explode: idiot!

    I feel so shallow letting this bother me....but it does....I mean...I am trying so hard to be healthy...and I feel far I've lost 20 freakin' pounds, and I'm really happy about that...why does this PERSON's comments hurt me so much!!!

    anyway....ugh...I don't want to go to that place where I feel really low about myself...I guess I think I'm doing pretty good, I'll be 40 this year...I don't think I'm doing that that sucked LOL...sorry

    okay enough self up ali....screw him right....I'm healthier, which will keep me around longer for my beautiful son...and that's what's its all about.....still....grrrrrrrrrrr lmbo...

    thanks for listening and sorry! lol
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    I recommend something like this for the next time....

  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Let me at him!!!!!!! machinegunsmilie.gif

    What a insensitive clod! :angry:

    Don't let him rain on your parade, Ali, you're beautiful!!! :smooched:
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    I'm sorry too, my friend, truly. Those comments hurt. :grumble: Unfortunately, you sometimes can't tell for sure if they're that way deliberately, or they're just plain dumb -- some people just don't know when they're being callous.:angry:

    As they say, living well is the best revenge. All your hard work is going to pay off - it has already!! --- 20lbs??? that's wonderful! :wink: You've done so well! You will be fine, I have faith in you.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    sorry I have to vent...but if I don't.... I will go postal on his non-existent *kitten*! sigh!

    Okay so some of you may or may not remember that I went out awhile ago w/ some co-workers and one being a male....and he made a comment that was sort of a backhanded compliment....and it got to"oh my God, you had to see Ali back in the day, she was sooo hot before she had her son...":huh: ya so that went over just kinda stunned....kinda hurt....but I got over it....and was doing okay...

    The man did it again....There is a pic of me on my desk I was all dolled up at a wedding, a size 4, good good hair....ya know those pictures you love! lol...okay anyway...he stops me in the hall w/ a new employee....and says..."I have to tell you yesterday when you were out I left something on your desk...did you get it...." so I said yes...then he tells me, "OH! and I saw that picture of you and was like were sooo gorgeous, I was like that can't be her...but I remember you used to be so beautiful...."...that's where I stopped really listening.... :sad: wth?!!! BUT there was something to the effect of to the new younger employee...."see don't have kids they'll take your looks.....ha ha ha ha"....:explode: idiot!

    I feel so shallow letting this bother me....but it does....I mean...I am trying so hard to be healthy...and I feel far I've lost 20 freakin' pounds, and I'm really happy about that...why does this PERSON's comments hurt me so much!!!

    anyway....ugh...I don't want to go to that place where I feel really low about myself...I guess I think I'm doing pretty good, I'll be 40 this year...I don't think I'm doing that that sucked LOL...sorry

    okay enough self up ali....screw him right....I'm healthier, which will keep me around longer for my beautiful son...and that's what's its all about.....still....grrrrrrrrrrr lmbo...

    thanks for listening and sorry! lol

    Sorry to hear that- Don't worry what he thinks he doesn't sleep with you- But what he said reminded me of what my neighbor said one day we were talking about the hard time i am having with trying to lose this last bit of stubborn weight and he says yeah thats why i want to wait until me and my wife have kids cause her body will go down the drain it was funny to me because I can honestly say my body isn't the same after having kids-- But I dont take it to heart-- Just ignore what he says- and if he keeps making comments just tell him your hubby still finds you just as gorgeous before you had a child and thats all that matters- say something that busts his ego
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    aw thanks you guys LOL....even though I have no idea what that is Jeremy I know you bro and I bet its kick *kitten* LMBO

    but you know its know how you have these insecure self image issues...or is that just me LMBO....he just worked mine LOL....I don't really think I'm all that believe me:noway: ...or really care:ohwell: ...I just felt so like...not good enough...and to what ....him?! ugh I hate my insecurity LOL

    but I love you guys!!!!!!!
    hugs to my bestest pals ever!
  • psuastro97
    psuastro97 Posts: 125
    what a jerk!!!!

    can you tell him how much you don't appreciate those comments? or is he really not even worth your time and energy????

    it sounds like he is trying to be funny - but it is sooooo NOT funny.
    and the poor new guy - he had to feel a bit awkward, too!

    this guy sounds like a clown to me!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Um. . .excuse my bluntness. . .but this is straight-up a-hole behavior. Yikes.

    I'm so sorry you have to deal with that.:flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    What a jerk!

    I suppose you could act mature and tell him to stop and why.

    Or you could make fun of him, talking about how he had a lot more hair back then, or less wrinkles, or more muscles, or maybe how he's not changed a bit... still scrawny little squirt he always was.

    (I know with my feelings hurt, I'd take the low road with option two.)

    Don't let him bother you. He's obviously a shallow, pompous neanderthal.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I recommend one of the below:





    If they don't work, let us know-we'll come protest against his butt for ya!

  • BreaNix
    BreaNix Posts: 205 Member
    Unfortunately for him, he apparently can't see how incredible beautiful you are now. Inside and out.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: (hugs) :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Inconsiderate people drive me crazy. :noway:
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Options sweet Ali!
    What a bleepity, bleepin, bleep, bleep!
    Let me at 'em....:explode:

    Ali. You are one of the most beautiful, sweetest, kindest and funniest women on the whole face of the earth. I have no idea why this (above referenced dolt) would say such heartless things to you. I would simply ask him if he has always been ugly and pungent smelling or if he just recently started.
    Don't listen to that jerk.
    I adore you and I think many of us on here do. You ARE and will ALWAYS be beautiful. That will not change no matter how many kids you have.

    *goes to make voodoo doll of above mentioned *kitten*
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    girl you are beautiful i say give it right back to him, and then smile
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    OMG...:heart::sad: :heart: thank you all for making feel so vehclempt(spg) lol....and cracking me up!!! lol

    I needed all rock!!!

    serious hugs all around!
    Ali :flowerforyou:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Actually {thinking, thinking, thinking}---couldn't this be considered a form of sexual harassment? Seems to me that somebody constantly talking about "how hot you" were and/or are would fall under that category.

    I'd bring charges against his butt--tell the boss and see what happens.

    Honestly, I haven't worked in an office type space ever and it's been a while since I've been in a "regular" type job, but to me that sure seems like sexual harassment.
  • lilprnss
    lilprnss Posts: 52
    I hate to say it, Ali.. but I think he was trying to pay you a compliment! Men are just clueless! They don't take the time to see how it was sounding before or after he said it! Keep up the great work! We're all here for you!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Actually {thinking, thinking, thinking}---couldn't this be considered a form of sexual harassment? Seems to me that somebody constantly talking about "how hot you" were and/or are would fall under that category.

    I'd bring charges against his butt--tell the boss and see what happens.

    Honestly, I haven't worked in an office type space ever and it's been a while since I've been in a "regular" type job, but to me that sure seems like sexual harassment.

    I was thinking the same thing, actually! Him always talking about your looks... I think it's blatant sexual harrassment.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Ali-I ditto all the above. You are a BEAUTIFUL woman. That is all that matter....what we think and what we say. We love ya:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    nobody picks on my momma hen!!


    lemme at 'im, lemme at 'im!!!
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Darling don't mind that jerk. You are so beyond him.
    I spit in his general direction and if I am lucky with my aim....I'd even hit him. :laugh:

    There are tons of people out there who get a sick little thrill out of dissing or just hurting others in general. It just makes me snarkier then all get out...which is not a pretty combo...ask my family or my exhusband.

    You are beautiful...inside and out. Losers like that guy are just surface scratchers and aren't even worth the oxygen they end up using.

    Next time just punch him in the nuts and tell them he USED to have a pair. :bigsmile: