omg he did it again!!!!!!!!!!



  • AugustBaby1973
    That really chaps my *bleeeep* that he said that to you!:angry: But, you only encourage his behavior by not sticking up for yourself! Rude people do stupid things because someone allowed them to be crass and get away with it! You didn't deserve his insensitive comments!:grumble: You are NOT insecure, but very aware of your challenges! So, next time be prepared with a comment he'd never forget---"Did I ask you for your unwarranted opinion? I don't remember caring about your thoughts, so kindly keep them to yourself! And by the way...don't hate...appreciate!" :laugh:

  • casey34472
    casey34472 Posts: 280 Member
    What a big *kitten*! Don't listen to a man that doesn't have a brain. Dose he have any kids? He doesn't know what he is talking about!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member

    I'm feeling so much better...and empowered!!! shoot!!!

    he's lucky he left for the day! lmbo!!!

    honestly I am glad I posted was feeling silly about it....but now I know that I'm not alone in thinking this was wrong....and I swear I have some good material from you all if the bugger ever tries that again!.....

    I keep cracking up out loud here at work.....they must think I'm nuts LMBO...but thanks sooo much!!!

    oh and Manda...keep that machine gun locked and loaded

    hugs and love you have no idea how good you made me feel!!! THANK YOU!!!:heart:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Men are really bad at thinking they can say whatever they want about a woman. I have a question for you you care what he thinks? He is obviously an *kitten* and if he is a friend he would keep his mouth shut. On the other hand, maybe he is trying to encourage you to keep going. There are a lot of people in our lives that think that insulting or challenging you will give you the props to keep going, unfortunately that tactic doesn't work for all.

    Really, I have to say the only person in my life that would hurt my feelings if they started to talk about how hot I USED to be would be my husband, everyone else can suck it! :wink:
  • fatsis
    fatsis Posts: 1,117 Member
    This man must have a small penis to make a comment like that to a women. My personal opinion is he knows what he is saying.

    Next time he says something like this tell him you had a baby what is his excuse a bad circumcission.
    :mad: :explode:

    "nobody puts ALI in the corner"

    PS U R beautiful dont sweat this turd
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    Men are really bad at thinking they can say whatever they want about a woman. I have a question for you you care what he thinks? He is obviously an *kitten* and if he is a friend he would keep his mouth shut. On the other hand, maybe he is trying to encourage you to keep going. There are a lot of people in our lives that think that insulting or challenging you will give you the props to keep going, unfortunately that tactic doesn't work for all.

    Really, I have to say the only person in my life that would hurt my feelings if they started to talk about how hot I USED to be would be my husband, everyone else can suck it! :wink:

    lol right on sista!! thanks hon...and no I really don't care what he thinks....but he made me think ya know...that's what sucks....ya know....but now I do feel a ton guys rock!!!:heart:
  • cecreech
    cecreech Posts: 119 Member
    What a stupid thing to say. I have a hard time believing how insensitive people can be. . . as if they were capable of judging. To think that the selfish, self centered sob slandered you in front of another employee that could constitute a "hostile work environment" and he could be in big trouble. :mad:
    You are a wonderful child of God and there is nothing wrong with you. You have lost 20 lbs and obviously have a great level of restraint and maturity that allowed you to control yourself. Bravo! You are an awesome person with a great attitude, personality and . . . body too. (please pardon if that was too much)
    I rejoice in your eventual victory and the way you soar over the riffraff. You did the right thing asking for support. I know I will need it someday too. We are all behind you! :bigsmile:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • amylynne26
    amylynne26 Posts: 195 Member
    ok this might be completely off the mark but maybe.... just maybe.... someone's crushing a little on our Ali? Think about it.... he rambles on and on about your "hotness", even in past tense.... then makes snide comments about you having kids or whatever. Seriously I have a visual of a 3rd grader yanking a girl's pigtails. He's probably digs you which is why he (sort of) complements you (in a really lame way for sure :noway: ) and then makes cracks about your settled-in ness with husband and child. To me it looks like jealousy that he either 1. doesn't have you or 2. doesn't have ANYONE! Just my two cents. :happy:
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    What an *kitten*
    I agree with some of the other posters...he can't be this insensitive (A.K.A. DUMB!)

    I think if he dares to make another comment he needs to be put in his place...maybe go and talk to him alone and let him know that u don't appreciate his insensitive comments!

  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Ali I agree with what everyone else said. The guy is a complete loser. I'm standing in line to get a piece of him if there's anything left.


  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member

    You need to tell him something...You can tell him I said so...

    Tell him that's sexual harassment and you don't have to take it! Seriously, it say it once, and you'll more than likely never hear from that idiot again.

    You don't have to take it...
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    So many people here have said the things that are going through my head. So, I will keep it short and are absoultey beautiful inside and out.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I hate to say it, Ali.. but I think he was trying to pay you a compliment! Men are just clueless! They don't take the time to see how it was sounding before or after he said it! Keep up the great work! We're all here for you!

    That is true instead of men talking with their mouths they talk out of their A**es- LOL.. no offense to the men on MFP unless you fall under this category
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Hey girl! Sorry about what that guy said to you. Some people can be so inconsiderate. I look at the pictures you have posted here and you are so beautiful! You look so young and energetic! I think you are gorgeous and apparently so do many many other people on here. Who cares what one person thinks? Okay, I know it would bother me just as bad (I'd probably be crying), but really, look at all these people who love you and think you are beautiful, inside and out! Love ya girl!
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    Your foot and his *kitten* should meet sometime!

    Uggggh...what an insensitive jerk!!

    Stuff like that makes me want tofighting0085.gif
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    As far as the sexual harrassment I wouldn't go that far- If people call sexual harrassment on every little thing nobody would say anything to anyone because of fear of sexual harrassment-- Telling someone they are pretty or commenting on how pretty they were prior to children isn't sexual harrassment- Why risk someones job over that- sexual harrassment is a very serious accusation not to just be thrown around- Im sorry if I offended anyone it just bothers me when people want to jump the gun on sexual harrassment--
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Ok, Ali. My voodoo doll is almost comlete. MUHAHAHA.
    I made him anatomically kahonies or anything....:bigsmile:
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    As far as the sexual harrassment I wouldn't go that far- If people call sexual harrassment on every little thing nobody would say anything to anyone because of fear of sexual harrassment-- Telling someone they are pretty or commenting on how pretty they were prior to children isn't sexual harrassment- Why risk someones job over that- sexual harrassment is a very serious accusation not to just be thrown around- Im sorry if I offended anyone it just bothers me when people want to jump the gun on sexual harrassment--

    Tell him to stop, and make sure you tell him in front of other people so there are witnesses. Tell him that what he is saying is bothering you a lot. If he continues to make snide little remarks, THEN get him for harassment.
  • AlbertSchwartz

    sgtinvincible Says:
    I recommend something like this for the next time....

    ali106 Says:
    aw thanks you guys LOL....even though I have no idea what that is Jeremy I know you bro and I bet its kick *kitten* LMBO

    I bet it some guys hugging.... lmao
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    Ok, Ali. My voodoo doll is almost comlete. MUHAHAHA.
    I made him anatomically kahonies or anything....:bigsmile:


    omg you guys are the bomb!!!

    thank you all sooo much!!!

    and ya, the harassment thing wouldn't work....he's hr and all...he sort of just saves those comments for before that he'd comment on my hair...or cloths...and tries to be funny....I don't think he's crushin on me...but omg...I hope not....but he's very nice complementary to other women we work I don't know...maybe he doesn't like me LOL....I don't know...or care really....we have a voo doo doll, a baby chicken w/ a machine gun...and a big o' posse of my bestest buddies here....I feel empowered!!!

    hugs and :heart: and THANKS AGAIN!