When did you decide.....

bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
When did you decide enough is enough, today is the day that I will change my life and live for me? Further more, when did you realize that YOU CAN DO THIS and be successful?

For me honestly my day of enough is enough has been a long time coming. Maybe it was the scale saying "heffer get off me", maybe it was getting sick yet again, or maybe it was my baby brother who at 16 years old weighs almost 300lbs....I'm not sure of the exact cause of how I came to this point but I'm sure glad I did.

I just recently realized that I can do this, I am doing this and doing it the right way. At almost 20lbs down, I can't wait to weigh in and post my results for all my peeps to see. Further more, everyday that I log in, i peruse the status feed to praise those who have also been successful. Seeing them succeed has been a big motivation for me. I got to comparing my results to my girlfriend's who lost 40 lbs in 20 weeks doing the b12 shots and "crack in a bottle pills", once she stopped the program due to financial reasons she has gained it all back and then some, not to mention she is out a pretty penny... 300 down 75 a week to be exact. I am right on track with her loss and I'm doing it the right and learning to live this way vs just dieting.

So tell me your story!


  • hollyknouse
    hollyknouse Posts: 232 Member
    Mine was the day that I was turned down for health insurance because of my weight. January 9, 2007.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    The day my seatbelt was too tight when I got in my car. I didn't have a coat on and I could barely buckle it, even sucking in my belly. I just refused to buy an extender. Since that day, I can wear a bulky winter coat and have room to spare. I have a long way to go but I'm on it now!!!
  • catysthename
    catysthename Posts: 278 Member
    Mine was when i looked in the mirror and not just didn't like what i saw, but hated what i saw.
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    For me, it was the day my doctor asked what I was going to do about my weight. I knew I was overweight, but it took hearing from a doctor that I trust to really kick me into gear. When I went back for my last physical after losing 15 lbs, she was ecstatic! That was totally the motivation and reinforcement I needed.
  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    My decision to came when my 2 kids were getting ready to go outside and play in the snow and told dad that 3 people were going out. "Logan, Matthew and Dad, not Mom because she is no fun!" I realized I had always given an excuse, (Mommy's busy cleaning right now, etc.), because I had no energy to keep up with them anymore. I will no longer let Dad be the "fun" one.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    For me, it was a scare with adult-onset diabetes. At my annual physical, my blood sugar was elevated (not terrible, but kind of high), and my doctor wanted to see me again in two months. At the time, I was taking Lipitor, and having horrible leg pain and achy joints. I quit the Lipitor cold turkey, and returned in two months. Blood sugar was still elevated, cholesterol was sky high again. In between doctor visits, my sister was diagnosed with diabetes (adult-onset), and put on two kinds of prescription medications. There is a HUGE family history of this disease.

    My doctor sent me to a dietician who recommended keeping my total carbs to 15 or under a day (15 grams = 1 carb), and writing down everything I ate. My thoughts were, "yeah, right....this is gonna work...NOT." Well, almost five years and 60 pounds lighter, I must admit, it did. I also bought a treadmill and began walking all the time. It was after I bought the treadmill that the weight really started to come off. At one point, I had lost 70 pounds, and I'd like to lose five-ten of those again.....but in all honesty, I am at a healthy maintainable weight, and I may have been "too light" at my lowest.

    I am now at a weight I hadn't seen since high school....it's wonderful, and also great to be able to shop the 'regular' sizes, and even find stuff that fits me on sale. That NEVER used to happen.

    Good luck!
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    I've always hated my weight. Few years ago, got personal trainer and lost some but as soon as I stopped with he, I piled it back on. So one day, I was bored and searched android market, the health and exercise section. Somehow found MFP on it and also cardiotrainer and when I looked here, I stayed. So my one isn't one where I woke up and was ready, it really was just case of "I wonder how long I will stick to this one".......that was end of october 2010 and with a break over christmas, I'm still here. It's not long, but I like it and I like the fact, that it is about changing lifestyle and not dieting.
  • possummama
    possummama Posts: 96 Member
    Mine was when I saw a picture of my sister who had always been the "heavy" one in our family, who always proclaims to be fat and happy........and then realized I was looking at me - I didn't even recognize myself!!!!!
    Wow, what a wake up call.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    I really think most of us are in the "it's a long time coming" boat. All the aches and pains, not being able to do the things I could before, having to buy larger jeans, and then one day it all just boils to the surface and you say "this is BS, I know I'm not suppose to be this big and this unhealthy"
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Mine was when I came to the realization that if I don't start doing something I am going to be one of those people who ask for a table instead of a booth... because I won't fit.
  • Jparedes06
    My story is pretty much the same. I started losing weight last year but then with all the craziness that was going on in my life I slowly started slacking off and gained back about half of the 50lbs that I had lost. My life is still hectic but I've decided to stop making excuses. I do a lot for my family but this I have to do for myself. I don't want to be disgusted with myself when I get to thirty. I struggled with my weight through my teens and all of my 20's. I turn 30 in about 2 more years and I want to go into that phase of my life being fabulous and happy with myself.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Mine was when I bought one of those talking scales (I'm a tech guy) and I stepped on it and it said "one at a time please".

    Not really.
    I had obstructive sleep apnea, was diagnosed with high blood pressure (155/90) and had a fairly normal EKG. I was about 41.
    I was wearing a 40" expandable waist pants, couldn't tie my shoes and see my shoes (or anything else important), when I looked down. Enough was Enough! January 2009 @ almost 250 lbs I made only my second New Years Resolution that I've ever kept.
    Now over 2 yrs later (reached my goal weight of 200 lbs June of 2009 and went lower from there.
    I am no longer on any medications (blood pressure 120/70) or CPAP machines and last EKG was normal and I run a sub 7 minute mile.
    Thank You Beachbody.com products - P90X / Insanity / Turbo Fire / Rev Abs and MFP for helping me track my food.
    And Thank you to the MFP community for being so great.
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    It was the day when I cried one single tear because how unhappy i was feeling about my body. Then a couple of days later I had some healthy food and I decided to stick to it!
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    My journey has been a long process. I was born with a heart defect that was repaired in infancy. I was born sick and looked sickly as a child--skinny, pale, etc. My mother (who I love dearly and don't fault) wanted to "fatten me up" so she fed me a lot of high fat, densely caloric foods so that I wouldn't be such a stick. Hmmmmmmmmm, guess what kinds of foods I like now as an adult!?! I was also restricted in physical activity as a child due to my heart defect. Fat food + not much exercise...hmmmm

    Fast forward to advancements in cardiac care. Physical restrictions were lifted as I entered adolescence. I was always physically active playing sports and such. Weight was never a problem for me in childhood or early adulthood.

    That is, weight was never a problem for me until I became pregnant (while under the care of my cardiologist) and was considered very high risk. So, again, no physical activity. The entire pregnancy was really hard on my body and I became severely depressed and started emotional eating.

    I recovered from that somewhat and then we chose adoption for our next 2 children. If anyone has adopted older children, they know the physical and mental nightmares some of these kids have gone through and as a mother I bore the brunt of a lot of the stress in the household. I again started emotional eating. Big time.

    So, the turning point came for me slowly. Last May my cardiologist told me I needed to lose about 20 lbs for my heart health. The more blood my heart has to pump, the more it swells and that is just not good. I ignored that mostly, though. In December, my sister & her family was here for Christmas and we wore the same shirts on accident. Mine of course, was covered by a vest. My mom wanted to take a picture of our matching shirts, but I was too embarassed to shed the vest and show everyone how my belly rolled over my jeans. And since my belly was heading over my waistband, I knew I needed bigger pants.

    Now, I really have never hated exercise. In fact, I've always LOVED it. But with 3 children it was so hard to make time for me. I knew in my head the only time I could carve out for me was early in the morning, but I never followed through until 2011 rolled around. I just kept making excuse after excuse. Finally, I set a date-- Jan 4th, set my alarm and I haven't looked back since.
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    28th December 2010 - I had been drinking every single day since christmas eve up until this point and was mad enough to go to next at 5am in the morning for their January sale. I went in with my basket and yes picked up some nice clothes at size 20 but much preferred the bargains to be had for size 14 and below. I decided right there in the shop to lose weight so that christmas 2011 I can enjoy the sales!

    That day I bought a size 20 shirt which barely buttoned up, that was my first goal to fit into that. 2 weeks later I could button it up. Then at the end of January I went back to Next and bought a pair of size 18 jeans - they were tight and really uncomfortable when I wore them the first time - now they are the only jeans that fit and are too loose!

    Just last week I bought a cheap top for holiday in a local supermarket -size 14, I tried it on to see how much I had to go - it fits apart from the chest area (some say Im gifted, I reckon its a curse!)

    Its funny because I still dont see the loss, and I want more to come off before my holiday in July - but Im really looking forward to 28th December 2011 to see what a difference a year makes.

    28th December 2010 is the very last day I had an alcoholic drink, I gave up chocolate the very next week and on 1st March I gave up all takeaways so things are definately looking up!
  • Trjlove
    Trjlove Posts: 28
    My day was a month ago after suffering from the worse headache ever and being in the ER with a blood pressure of 189/139.
    Sure I had wanted to loss weight for years now, but never could find what worked. I did not want to pay to lose weight and I did not want
    to do something that could not be done for the rest of my life. At the same time I wanted to have control and freedom. I had heard from either someone else's success story about keeping track of what you put into your mouth and taking account for it. Then I found MFP.
    I recall Dr. Oz saying it takes planning and effort. If you have to go looking for what you are going to eat (foreging for food) then you are
    going to make unhealthy choices. Hence you have to be prepared. I went to Costco pciked up a Rachel Ray lunch bag. Then went to Sams and picked up some glass storage containers with latch locking lids. Because I felt if I made my food look appealing and made it convenient, I would eat it. Every night I take 10 minutes to plan my meals for the day. I weigh out my cearl (1 cup) put it into a snack size ziplock bag. I measure out 3-4 oz of milk and put it in a glass container. I decide what my lunch is going to be, and put it into containers, and then all of my snacks. I weigh everything. Then after about two weeks you will get a great sense of sizing and portions. After putting all of my food for the day into my lunch bag and storing it in the frig. I log into MFP and input all my food. Then I take my bag with me in the morning and I eat from my bag all day. Making sure to have a snack and my drink container filled with lemon water for the drive home, so I am not tempted to stop at fast food. Oh that is another can of worms., if you have a fast food addiction, watch this documentary called FOOD INC (netflix has it), it will change your life. Well it changed mine, I no longer eat fast food or have a desire. I have been able to give up candy bars. If I really desire a candy bar, I buy a high quality one (organic or dark chocolate). You have to move during the day to burn calories....by the time I get home I either don't want dinner or I eat something light, veggies and protein. Most vegetables are VERY low in calories, so they are somewhat limitless.

    I want to help you feel as wonderful and in control as I do. So hit me up!! I will take your journey with you!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I could only fit into 1 pair of jeans even though I had 5-6 pairs and I was wearing the thighs out in them.....I either had to buy new (bigger) pants or lose weight. Now I'm having to buy new pants, but at least they are SMALLER! :bigsmile:
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    quite a few moments for me..

    when i moved to London a year ago and realised that I was a lot bigger than I thought and unable to keep up with the speed that people were walking at and also realising that it was too hot to wear a jacket on the tube and feeling really self conscious as all my lumps and bumps were obvious..

    applying to be a children's nurse in September was a big push, if I really want to learn how to treat sick kids and be a good advocate for looking after themselves then I have to be an example of that, being 5'5" and 250lbs is not healthy and I wouldn't trust an overweight nurse to tell me how to look after my kids, I need to be confident that I'm looking after myself properly before I can take on the responsibility of looking after others..

    at my 21st birthday in October.. avoiding certain shops because they don't stock my size is no way for a 21 year old to live, heck its no way for anyone to live and I finally decided to do something about it.. it's hard but in the long run being able to walk into any shop and know that I will fit into it will be such a good feeling and be worth it.
    Also for my future, when I have kids I want to be able to run around after them at the park, take them swimming, to the beach, to the kids play centre and have them want to play with me. I want to live to a ripe old age and meet my grand kids and any great grand kids they may have..

    I know the weight won't drop off over night but just working hard today and tomorrow means that one day later on I can be a bit more carefree and comfortable with myself :)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    My husband and I were deciding where to vacation and settled on a Caribbean island. I was dreading the thought of being the fat girl in a bathing suit for a good portion of my vacation. I decided I didn't want to go through another summer 30 pounds overweight.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Ahh that's an easy one. I was 7 month pregnant with my 2nd and I have a great picture of my Dad and I (he is very overweight and we have very similar faces) sitting next to eachother - and I looked too much like him! :laugh:

    Now yes I was pregnant, but I only gained 17lbs when pregnant both times, so it was a reasonable consensus. Soon as baby was out- I went on my quest :flowerforyou: