When did you decide.....



  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    april of last year a gym opened up in the little town I was living in,so I signed up and have since lost 45 pounds putting me halfway to my goal of 140 pounds
  • pahnke_p
    pahnke_p Posts: 11
    I decided in January of this year. I am tired of being tired. I decided that I will teach myself the right way to live. I will not starve myself or try some crazy fad diet. I am learning moderation and patience. I am down 25 and have about to go!
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I made the decision on 4th May 2006 LOL!!!

    I signed up to an online eatling plan (low GI) and within 8 months I had lost 42lbs.

    I went from a size 14 to size 8 (UK). I looked and felt fab but alas I fell back into my old ways.

    By early 2010 I was had put on almost 20lbs, I spent the whole of last year trying to diet etc and failing... So just 4 weeks ago someone recommended MFP to me and I haven't looked back..

    It's going to take a while - I want to lose another 12lbs and see how I feel when I get there. I expect it to take me a good 3 months to get there so I am being patient.

    Most importantly though after a year of trying and failing - I finally 'get it' again and am in a good frame of mind!
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    For me it was my 7yr old DD asking me why my belly still looked pregnant.....
    If my belly only looked this small while I was pregnant!

    This 3rd pregnancy really made my stomach stick out and even though I've been trying, I can do better to lose this last 15-20lbs.
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    i don't know the dates but i'd been saying for over a year that i wanted to stop putting weight on, but when i turned 30 in october i realised that i actually needed to loose the weight i'd put on as i was feeling really frumpy and sorry for myself. i signed up to mfp around the same time but i'm afraid to say that i didn't really do much about it. then a few weeks ago i was at work and sat down and split my trousers (thankfully inner thigh not strainght down the back) and i was mortified so i have been more determined since then, but the day i realised i could do it was a couple of weeks ago. Again i was at work, the work computers have loads of filters and restictions in place so you can't use forums and social network sites, but i realised i could see forums from another american based website so decided to see if the mfp ones would get round the filter. They did so now i know i have the extra support of a community struggling with the same battles as I, and can access it at the times where i was sat twiddling my thumbs thinking about food, youi guys are a great distraction. thanks!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I descided that i needed to lose alot of weight right after christmas of 2010. I was sick of how that i just had no energy and just was not happy at how that my clothes fitted ! I have lost 21 pounds since then 13 since i joined myfitnesspal mid January and i am never going to go back to my old eating habbits ~! After seeing some pictures of me at christmas time i was like i will never be at that weight again !
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    I was told by my doctor that I should lose some weight to help with health problems. I knew I was getting bigger but it took being told by someone else to make me do something.
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    I did this really backwards. I didn't have a day. My friend was on the site, and I knew I needed to lose weight, but I didn't really have the motivation or desire to, but I joined and started logging for the heck of it. Part of it was the shock of what I was actually eating, the other was the feeling of success, learning about C25k and learning to love running, so I stuck around and kept lowering my goal.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I've ALWAYS been overweight... I couldn't wear the correct shirt at my high school as they didn't do a size big enough so I had to buy a white shirt and dye it blue - always had to stand in the middle of school photos with the other fat kids cos we had different coloured shirts....

    I'd tried and failed to lose it in the past and had tried to convince myself that I was "fat and happy"

    Then the gym in my town had an offer on their membership so me and my mum signed up for 3 years membership... That was before Christmas 2010 and I went, 2-3 times a week and kinda faffed about "exercising" but not backing it up with a healthy eating and calorie control plan so didn't really lose anything but at least my activity had improved a little!

    The week after my 31st birthday was when I had my "epiphany"!!!
    I just woke up and decided I was going to lose the weight and bought a load of slim fasts! So I went on the slimfast website and someone had put a post about the mfp app for iphone.... I quickly downloaded it and then found the wonderful community here...

    I can honestly say this has been THE best thing, weight-wise, for me.... I'm actually sticking to it which has not only amazed me, but my whole family!

    I love having the support from my friends here on mfp and I love being able to support in return...

    So far in about 45 days I've lost 22lbs... Hopefully by next week I will be under the 20 stone mark and I haven't been under that since before my son was conceived I guess! And that was back in 2006!

    We've booked to go to Menorca in October and I'm determined to have lost at least 5 stone by then - this time I won't have to ask for an extender belt on the flight (told the air stewardess I was pregnant" What a lie!)
  • cupcake18
    cupcake18 Posts: 29
    Mine was when my weight whould start changing day to day:brokenheart: . I went shopping and had to go to the big girl section:sad: I did not know what to think.. I made a dr. appt. and he told me to get the weight off :grumble: I feel better now that i am working out each day and can out last my kids by the end of the day...:happy: yeah:happy:
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    It was the day when I cried one single tear because how unhappy i was feeling about my body. Then a couple of days later I had some healthy food and I decided to stick to it!

    I had a similar day, but I cried way more than just one tear because of how unhappy I was with my body. It was years of disliking my appearance all coming to a head. On top of being so uncomfortable with my body, I felt guilty for always crying to my husband because I wasn't being the confident woman he fell in love with.

    Over the years we had been dating, I had a workout regimen. But I had seen no results. I even put myself through a "bootcamp" class at the YMCA I saw nothing. It was unbelievable and frustrating. Now I understand why it didn't work--my eating habits were not changing.
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    At my highest weight, no one could believe I was so heavy because "I carried it well"! I saw some photographs of myself that were taken over a six month period and I could have cried!

    That night, I looked in the bathroom mirror and was completely ashamed of what I saw in front of me! My mum had told me constantly "you're such a pretty girl but you're ruining yourself, please don't live your life the way I have (mum is a heavy lady)" but it didn't really hit home until I saw those photos!

    Then, my office was moved and I was put on the top floor of the building... with a slight fear of lifts I was almost forced to take the stairs! Every morning when I got into the office I thought I was going to DIE!

    I decided that I was going to do something about it! And I have! I can now RUN up the stairs in work, I've dropped 45lbs and 4 dress sizes and my mum tells everyone how proud she if of me for doing it!
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    At my highest weight, no one could believe I was so heavy because "I carried it well"! I saw some photographs of myself that were taken over a six month period and I could have cried!

    People have told me the same "carried it well" thing! I never felt like I looked as heavy as I was but then I saw photos of my bridal shower and was horrified.
  • paulaercksn
    paulaercksn Posts: 29 Member
    I have always been overweight, even in high school. I have had 4 surgeries in 4 years (all for various things) and each time I gained a little more weight. In July of 2010, I had my second back surgery in less than a year. While not all of it was because I was overweight, it was a big part of it. In September when I got the all clear to start moving normally, I decided that that surgery was going to be my last. I search online for websites that I could keep a food journal on. I stumbled upon My Fitness Pal. In the first week I lost 5 lbs. And I thought, I can do this. I now weight less than I did when I got pregnant with my first child. I feel so much better. My husband and I are going to Europe this summer and I am excited to be able to sit in a airplane seat comfortably.
  • Altiv
    Altiv Posts: 174 Member
    Due to my insulin resistance since childhood I was overweight, when I was diagnosed and medicated I lost 20 pounds, then I had a regimen to lose another pounds, but never followed it 100%, my turning point was when my mom was diagnosed with cancer (August, 2010) and to cheer her up we bought a chocolate cake, but I ended up eating it almost by myself, and gained 6 pounds in one week, I was freaked out, in 6 years my weight was always stable at 72 kilos, and then in a week I ruined it, so I needed to do something and started exercising with an old elliptical machine, then I found this site and begun to shred those nasty pounds =)
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing.... And Im soo happy to see that everyone has turned a negative into a positive. WTG, You Guys Rock!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    For me, I can not pinpoint a specific day. I was always thin and gained a lot of weight when I was pregnant. I lost most of it but still held on to about 10-20 pounds. I am so conscious about what my son eats and then I go and have cake for example and tell him it is mommy's medicine so he does not learn what it is and want it too. How warped is that. I just finally decided (DH and I both did) that if we expect our son to make the right choices, then we have to lead by example. DH has lost right at 20 pounds since we started and I've lost about 10. My starting weight on MFP is not quite accurate to when I actually started. But we both know we had to make this lifestyle change in order for our son to not be another statistic of childhood obesity. We only have healthy food choices at home now and have started to excercise and as it warms up, it will become a family event. I think ultimately, it is going to make us a stronger couple and a stronger family doing this together.
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