The grocery shopping trip from hell!



  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    i agreed with all BUT ONE...... "people who feel the need to run up the escalators" i feel the EXACT opposite! i'm an escalator runner, but in my building we only have escalators, and i drives me CRAZY to see people literally just stand still allllllll the way through until the damn thing drags them off! i mean REALLY?? its a set of stairs.. it just moves! if it wasnt moving you'd be walking.. but just because it's moving they have to be sooooooo lazy to not budge one inch.. i mean not even the last two steps?!?! urghhh!! i wish i could just elbow them out of the way... you say take the stairs.. i say take the elevator! :) loved your post though! so true!
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I hate when people turn their cart diagonally so it spans across the whole aisle while they stand there and look at something FOREVER! And the best part of this situation, and you know it's happened to you, when you politely say "excuse me," and they give you a dirty look. It makes me want to throw my canned items at them.

    i have experienced this a few times. i tend to use the more stern version of "excuse me" the second time - usually gets their attention. a few times i have thought about throwing a can of something at them too! :bigsmile:

    If I do the groceries, i go super early on the weekend, I'm talking like 730am OR really late on a friday night. I can't stand crowds in the grocery store
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I know this will get me flamed but folks paying by check and wait until every last item is rung up and totaled before even getting the checkbook out to start writing. machinegunsmilie.gif
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    . People who feel the * need * to run up the escalator. Really?! Take the damn stairs!

    Guilty, bit never when someone is a head of me. I completely agree with the standing so close comment, hey this is my spot get your own...

    One of my others is do really need to sit there and wait for 15 minutes for the person to back out of a space, if you would have parked further back you would have already been in the Damn store... me too for that matter.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    i agreed with all BUT ONE...... "people who feel the need to run up the escalators" i feel the EXACT opposite! i'm an escalator runner, but in my building we only have escalators, and i drives me CRAZY to see people literally just stand still allllllll the way through until the damn thing drags them off! i mean REALLY?? its a set of stairs.. it just moves! if it wasnt moving you'd be walking.. but just because it's moving they have to be sooooooo lazy to not budge one inch.. i mean not even the last two steps?!?! urghhh!! i wish i could just elbow them out of the way... you say take the stairs.. i say take the elevator! :) loved your post though! so true!

    exactly...right lane = slow, left lane = fast!
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    "1. On the way to the mall- the guy who felt the need to hold up traffic on rt 1 because he was trying to make an illegal left turn! Hello those TWO yellow lines mean do not cross!! Go up and turn around like everyone else!! Besides Bebe's restaurant isn't worth it anyway! "

    Maybe I'm a doofus, but where I'm from, two yellow lines (in the center of the road) mean no passing, but it's legal to make a turn over it a different sign or something? Have I been driving wrong my whole life? Now I'm paranoid.

    LOL, yes they also mean no passing- but in this area where this happened it was actually 4 yellow lines showing a median and it is obviously not to be crossed.... they have a turn about 100 feet ahead.....
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    If you insist on paying by check, you could have made out 90% of it while you stood there in line for ten minutes. ;)

    OMG!! I KNOW!!! UGHHHH!!! so annoying!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    "1. On the way to the mall- the guy who felt the need to hold up traffic on rt 1 because he was trying to make an illegal left turn! Hello those TWO yellow lines mean do not cross!! Go up and turn around like everyone else!! Besides Bebe's restaurant isn't worth it anyway! "

    Maybe I'm a doofus, but where I'm from, two yellow lines (in the center of the road) mean no passing, but it's legal to make a turn over it a different sign or something? Have I been driving wrong my whole life? Now I'm paranoid.

    yes, in California anyway, if you are entering a business, you CAN cross even a double-double yellow.
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    What warehouse store are you referring to? Naughty name? Costco? Sam's Club? I don't get it.

  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    ha i thought you meant walmart cuz everyone hates on them....
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    i agreed with all BUT ONE...... "people who feel the need to run up the escalators" i feel the EXACT opposite! i'm an escalator runner, but in my building we only have escalators, and i drives me CRAZY to see people literally just stand still allllllll the way through until the damn thing drags them off! i mean REALLY?? its a set of stairs.. it just moves! if it wasnt moving you'd be walking.. but just because it's moving they have to be sooooooo lazy to not budge one inch.. i mean not even the last two steps?!?! urghhh!! i wish i could just elbow them out of the way... you say take the stairs.. i say take the elevator! :) loved your post though! so true!

    With you. I at least WALK up escalators and get irrationally p.o.'d when folks just stand there on them unless they are obviously disabled or carrying a stroller and a baby.
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    having worked as a grocery clerk during college, I can feel all your pain on these issues.
  • Awineburg
    Awineburg Posts: 196
    I dont like the parents at the grocery store that think the store is some kind of daycare. dont just let your kids run wild through the store knocking things over and opening packages of candy because they want some. I cant stand that!!

    Oh and the store (WINCO) that think 4pm on a Sunday is the perfect time to want to mop and shine the floor... that is probably one of the most busiest shopping days. Really??
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    I hate the grocery store for all the above mentioned reasons, but most of all I hate when people feel the need to stand so close to you in line that you feel their breath on your neck! Just because you are stuck on to me doesn’t mean you’ll get through any faster!

    Really! that many people wear sweats and PJ's to the store?Why???

    OMG! that happens to me in my bus line! i almost pushed this dude who was alllll up in my space in line. he would back up inch by inch until he had like a whole yard in front on him and the other person. so annoying. i hate people.

  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    i agreed with all BUT ONE...... "people who feel the need to run up the escalators" i feel the EXACT opposite! i'm an escalator runner, but in my building we only have escalators, and i drives me CRAZY to see people literally just stand still allllllll the way through until the damn thing drags them off! i mean REALLY?? its a set of stairs.. it just moves! if it wasnt moving you'd be walking.. but just because it's moving they have to be sooooooo lazy to not budge one inch.. i mean not even the last two steps?!?! urghhh!! i wish i could just elbow them out of the way... you say take the stairs.. i say take the elevator! :) loved your post though! so true!

    exactly...right lane = slow, left lane = fast!

  • flutterqueen04
    I used to work at a grocery store so I have to say not all cashiers are morons...but yes there are some out there!! AND SOMETIMES its the customer that is the moron not the cashier, he/she just has to suffer through it with a smile, inside thinking how wonderful it will feel to punch these jerks in the face. Ok I had to say this just because I've been there and know, despite what people assume, its not an easy job - you have to work with the public! So please don't assume all cashiers are stupid idiots who don't know how to better themselves in life. The emotional abuse I took from customers was a big part in why I over ate to begin with (I know I know, its not an excuse but it did contribute!) Thanks :)

    With that being said...I DO agree with everything you said (because yes there are idiot cashiers out there that give the good ones a bad rap) I am the same way, I put all my like items together on the belt in an attempt to make it easier for the cashier to see how it should be bagged. ( I used to do this so I know its not that difficult to see that if all the cold is together that -ah ha- they should all be bagged together as well!!! We were taught to do this automatically, it is common sense really!!) And I hate when I buy 10 items and some how end up with 15 bags!!! One item per bag...really?! I use reusable bags and some times I still get 15 plastic bags to go along with them! (And I bought only 16 items!!)

    And I hate the people at stores that act like they are the only person in the store shopping and thus block every single inch of that place and its impossible for you to get in, shop, and get out within a reasonable time! GRR!! Glad I am not the only one! haha :)

    Oh I have to add...I hate when you are putting your bags in your cart and you haven't even paid yet and the person behind you either has their cart in front of the check stand or are standing there themselves! Really?! If you are going to pay for mine then feel free to stand there but if not then back the heck off and wait your turn until I am completely finished!!! And trust me - this annoys the cashiers too!!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    I know this will get me flamed but folks paying by check and wait until every last item is rung up and totaled before even getting the checkbook out to start writing. machinegunsmilie.gif

    Right, or to pay using 6 different credit cards. Oh and using several coupons that can only be used for single purchase, each item rang up separately and pd for separately and even better yet paid for by check separately... my sister did this and I wanted to strangle her.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Love kids...just can't stand parents who bring brats to the store! They run around the store and the parents are oblivious! Then, they have the nerve to give me the dirty looks when I almost hit their kid because they come running around an aisle. Or, the screaming kid!!
    This is why I go early, hoping the brats are in school or late, hoping they're in bed. Seriously, there is no need for a child to be out at 11! Put them to bed!!
    My parents NEVER allowed their kids to run in a store. We had to walk behind them and out of the way of other people. We sure weren't out after 9, either.
    Pajamas on anyone.... The other night, there's this kid running in PJ's and his father laughing and teasing him. Seriously?? The kid is in PJ's, go home and put his butt to bed!!
    Like I said, love's the idiotic parents of these kids I can't stand.

    *edit...brats are those ones that don't know how to act in public due to parents who don't know how to raise children. Rarely do I see a child who knows how to act in public. Same goes for going to a restaurant with school-aged children screaming, jumping...or, flipping paper footballs that hit other customer's tables!! This happened twice one night and the parents just laughed!!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    I like the ones blocking the isles 'cuz there standing there talking on the damn phone.